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Glock 18 just out of curiosity

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 There's a reason that the first guns added to the standalone were a double barrel, hunting rifle and revolver. Rocket has a vision for this game which involves very little "l33t" guns like Glock 18's. Again, any other glock would fit fine, just not an 18.

Quit bringing up "Rocket's vision" because it is a stupid basis for an argument.  Also, visions can easily change.  There is absolutely NO reason why the Glock 18 couldn't be in the game.  

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Authentic to what?  If he wants the game to have an authentic feel, why the fuck is there a ton of air fields and military bases in such a small area that houses maybe 10,000 people?  Your argument is invalid.


Imho, these are the abandoned Soviet bases. If you compare these with IRL Soviet bases, they need to be even much bigger. And the big barracks and campus of officers could be destroyed after the withdrawal of soviet troops.

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There is absolutely NO reason why the Glock 18 couldn't be in the game.  


Your right, there are no reasons why it couldn't be in the game. There are more than a few why it shouldn't be in the game. This game should't be a bunch of people running around with their "cool, pro" military weapons. That's what call of duty is. 

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Your right, there are no reasons why it couldn't be in the game. There are more than a few why it shouldn't be in the game. This game should't be a bunch of people running around with their "cool, pro" military weapons. That's what call of duty is. 

The only reasons it shouldn't be in the game is a matter of opinions.  Also, if this game isn't supposed to be a bunch of people running around with their "cool pro military weapons" why is it that way already?  This game is pretty much Call of Duty with a twist.

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The only reasons it shouldn't be in the game is a matter of opinions.  Also, if this game isn't supposed to be a bunch of people running around with their "cool pro military weapons" why is it that way already?  This game is pretty much Call of Duty with a twist.


And the majority opinion is no to guns like these. 


For your second point, there are currently, what 7 guns in the game? Most people are goin gravitate to the M4.  When the game is finished your goin see way less of them.

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And the majority opinion is no to guns like these. 


For your second point, there are currently, what 7 guns in the game? Most people are goin gravitate to the M4.  When the game is finished your goin see way less of them.

How do you know what the majority opinion is going to be when majority of players don't even use the forums?  You can't for the life of you come up with a valid argument why there should be no Glock 18 in DayZ.

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I fail to see how any of the current firearms would be considered "cool" as they are all either common or very outdated. Save the FNX, which is just a bit out of place but Herstal does produce and sell a heap of firearms so not completely out.

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How do you know what the majority opinion is going to be when majority of players don't even use the forums?  You can't for the life of you come up with a valid argument why there should be no Glock 18 in DayZ.


Look at the thread, how many people said no?


Dayz is supposed to be an authentic survival game. A gun like the Glock 18 not only is wildly out of place, there are many better alternatives. Practically any other machine pistol would fit better.

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Who would not want this in the game?  Besides the ones who think Chernarus is a real country and the ones who have their noses so far up Rocket's ass they can tell what he ate for dinner the night before.



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  Besides the ones who think Chernarus is a real country and the ones who have their noses so far up Rocket's ass they can tell what he ate for dinner the night before.



Yup, totally called for. 


Seriously, a skorpion, stechkin, or any other eastern European machine pistol would be way more appropriate. 

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Look at the thread, how many people said no?


Dayz is supposed to be an authentic survival game. A gun like the Glock 18 not only is wildly out of place, there are many better alternatives. Practically any other machine pistol would fit better.

Look at how many different people have commented on this thread and said no.  Now tell me that is majority of the DayZ community or even majority of the DayZ forums.  


You have nothing to offer that supports your argument that DayZ is an authentic survival game or why the Glock 18 should not be in the game besides your opinion and well, that is not good enough.

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Read my previous post. I would happily take a skorpion or stechkin.

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Read my previous post. I would happily take a skorpion or stechkin.

There is nothing that suggests only eastern european firearms should be in the game.  Again all you have is personal preference and opinion on the matter.

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 Again all you have is personal preference and opinion on the matter.


And what exactly do you have? Your arguments are just as much opinion as mine.

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And what exactly do you have? Your arguments are just as much opinion as mine.

I have pointed out different FACTS while you have pointed out NONE.


Is it my opinion that the Glock 18 should be in the game, yes.


I am not trying to make up facts why the gun should be in the game, like you are doing to say it should not be in the game.


There is no argument that can support the gun NOT being in the game other than personal preference and opinion.  


However, that is ALL we need to support the gun being added to the game.

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I have pointed out different FACTS while you have pointed out NONE.



What facts? That the gun looks cool? That zombies are buggy so a Glock 18 would totally fit? That parts of the game aren't authentic so nothing should be? 


 How in lord buddah's name would adding another high end military weapon contribute to the game?

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What facts? That the gun looks cool? That zombies are buggy so a Glock 18 would totally fit? That parts of the game aren't authentic so nothing should be? 


 How in lord buddah's name would adding another high end military weapon contribute to the game?

Are you retarded or do you just like spewing bullshit on the internet?

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I have pointed out different FACTS while you have pointed out NONE.


Here's a fact: there are dozens of machine pistols which are way more common, more often seen in Eastern Europe (and Europe in general), and fit the setting and Eastern feeling better.


And adding to that, there are hundreds of GUNS of various types: rifles, handguns, shotguns, which fit better than a Glock 18.






So what are the modellers going to spend their time and effort creating? Random exotic Glock 18 because "it's cool".......... or other weapons which tick all the boxes: cool, authentic, effective, etc.

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I have pointed out different FACTS while you have pointed out NONE.


Is it my opinion that the Glock 18 should be in the game, yes.


I am not trying to make up facts why the gun should be in the game, like you are doing to say it should not be in the game.


There is no argument that can support the gun NOT being in the game other than personal preference and opinion.  


However, that is ALL we need to support the gun being added to the game.


"The game places the player in the fictional post-Soviet state of Chernarus, where an unknown virus has turned most of the population into violent zombies. As a survivor, the player must scavenge the world for food, water, weapons, and medicine, while killing or avoiding zombies, and killing, avoiding or co-opting other players in an effort to survive the zombie apocalypse."


"Q: Are you taking the direction of more civilian based weapons?

A: Yes, It's a lot more civilian, even in terms of our approach with animations etc so you don't salute now, you wave. We wanted to make it feel a lot more immersive all around and as we are bringing in new weapons they will come under a strict review in terms of how they are made, what they look like etc so the attachment system becomes very important there, you will probably see a lot less weapons but the weapons that are there are more customizable, better designed, better models, the crossbow has been completely redone, all that kind of stuff."


Glock 18, legit civilian weapon if there ever were one which one could easily find in the fictional make-believe land of nofuckingway.


But yeah, just complete opinion, no leg to stand on, you got me. Totally fits, greenlight that bitch.

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Here's a fact: there are dozens of machine pistols which are way more common, more often seen in Eastern Europe (and Europe in general), and fit the setting and Eastern feeling better.


And adding to that, there are hundreds of GUNS of various types: rifles, handguns, shotguns, which fit better than a Glock 18.






So what are the modellers going to spend their time and effort creating? Random exotic Glock 18 because "it's cool".......... or other weapons which tick all the boxes: cool, authentic, effective, etc.

Cool, you have stated a fact that has absolutely NOTHING to do with a video game set in a fictional country. 


There is nothing authentic to an eastern european feeling other than the Russian language on signs.


So what are the modelers going to spend their and effort creating?  Stuff that is cool and players will enjoy.

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Yeah, it makes no sense at all to include a cool gun in a video game.



Why not have some cool guns to play with?



So yeah, authenticity can be thrown out the window



Why does it make no sense to have a glock 18 when zombies can walk through walls or know your location without seeing or hearing you?


Need I say more?


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Need I say more?


Oooh, you picked and chose certain sentences and attempted to make them work in your favor.  Good work!  You get a gold star!

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Oooh, you picked and chose certain sentences and attempted to make them work in your favor.  Good work!  You get a gold star!


I really didn't. Every other one of your posts was some drivel like i quoted. To be honest, I don't think I saw one fact in any of them.

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Every other one of your posts was some drivel like i quoted. To be honest, I don't think I saw one fact in any of them.

It is amazing how you read my mind about all of your posts in this thread.

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It is amazing how you read my mind about all of your posts in this thread.


I don't recall justifying a glock 18 because of bugs or its looks.


Would you mind quoting that for me?

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