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If you are kicked from server does it happen the same as logout?

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Was on a server earlier.


Managed to get to the mil.base SW of stary. The base wasn't looted so I started filling my boots.


As I was in one of the barracks I saw a player outside looking at me through the window. I tried talking to him on chat, but nothing. Then all the people on the server started to get kicked, including myself.


I waited a minute then logged onto another regular server and was at the coast as new spawn.


So I'm guessing it was the admin on the server wanting to loot his mil.base, he kicks everyone, then while I'm "sat in  a safe place" he kills me.


....or bug?


If what I'm thinking happened, not only is it a bit fkin low, and I hope the admin finds out someones shit in his shoe the hard way, but "sat in a safe place" should not happen if one is kicked from a server, only if you, yourself, log out.

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exit the game, join another server. See if your gear is there. If not, exit again and repeat. It may be the bug.
Also, if you know the server name. You can report them. They'll probably get warned, then get the server taken off them as it's against the rules. 

Edited by jumling

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Yup, tried a couple of times..but I'm definately new spawn, and I know how to report servers that kick, lock etc.  :)


Can anyone confirm that an admin can kick a player, then the player goes into log out animation? As my point is, if it does it should be changed.

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Yup, tried a couple of times..but I'm definately new spawn, and I know how to report servers that kick, lock etc.  :)


Can anyone confirm that an admin can kick a player, then the player goes into log out animation? As my point is, if it does it should be changed.


Yeah, you get kicked and your character is gonna be jerking it for 30sec...


He got you. He got you good.

Edited by RyBo

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Yeah, you get kicked and your character is gonna be jerking it for 30sec...


He got you. He got you good.

Is there a source for this? I can't believe something like this would have been overlooked. It's clearly open to abuse.

I, my self have been kicked a few times and assumed my avatar left the server straight away...

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You really should report him.


The way you do it is; you find the server you were on, click on the server details and than send the IP to one of the following:

Multiplay:            [email protected]
Vilayer:               [email protected]
Fragnet:              [email protected]
GamingDeluxe:  [email protected]
Gameservers:    [email protected]


If it's unclear which provider, send them to all five.


I reported 9 servers today alone because im getting fed up with admins treating their servers as private playgrounds and kicking people for no other reason than joining their server. As long as all servers are linked to the public character hive there is no such thing as a private server.

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Is there a source for this? I can't believe something like this would have been overlooked. It's clearly open to abuse.

I, my self have been kicked a few times and assumed my avatar left the server straight away...



One would think that's how it should work logically but since this is just the first trial of the log out system we have to deal with the side effects.


I figure in the end that's how it will work but sadly atm if your kicked your gonna be sitting for the 30sec after the kick. As you can tell the whole system was really just thrown in so I figure/pray it will be worked out before release. Which is like 99.9% likely and they may even totally change the system from what we have now.


If you stick to servers with over 20-30 people you normally don't have to worry about an Admin kicking you. I like the 40/40 servers personally. Normally run the best in general too hence the large player count.


No source other than watching it happen. I roll with a large group and when the Admin starts the kicking you get to watch your group randomly drop into sitting positions and disappear after 30sec's with allot of wtf's over VOIP.


I will also note that your character sits/stands up/sits/stands up over and over for that 30sec's too. Like the game doesn't fully recognize your log out. Granted I have seen this happen even when you log out in general but when your kicked it always happens.


We used to run with our Group Tag's "EPD_RyBo" but we have since removed the "EPD" due to admins noticing a large group of coordinated players and either start the kicking train or a straight up server restart...

Edited by RyBo

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That would be a most unfortunate error to occur, be it by kick, or power failure, or internet acting up. Any number of variables could potentially strand you with no way to defend ones self should something occur that is out of your control.


I'm sure these will be addressed in the future, but for now...damn dude, that sucks.

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You could have used that 300 seconds on reporting the server.

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 or power failure, or internet acting up.


It has to only be through kick would it instantly log you out. People would intentionally unplug their computer or turn off their internet to combat log. Even a friend of the server admin would ask to be kicked so they can combat log for them. It's ridiculous the lengths people will go to to be pussies. The current system is likely the closest we're going to get, but if kicked it should make your character disappear instantly.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Cheers for the clarification that it can happen. :thumbsup:

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