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Johnny Depth

Can't wait to go on hunting trips up north!

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I think some wilderness has been cut off the North edge and the West edge of the map, to make the map smaller. I may be wrong but I've been all round the edges of the map, and there's less of it. Map smaller. And the North and NE has been built up (town, railway, roads) so there's really a LOT less wilderness.


Also in the far North West are 2 lakes - big lakes - but both of them were empty last time I looked. No one put any water in them. And there are NO streams, puddles, standing water, NO WATER, anywhere in the whole NW quarter of the map - you'll have to take it with you or look for cans in the garages and farms they built up there.


Most of the forest has gone from what is left of the wilderness, so you're in the open most of the time. Those big forests and secluded places from the mod are not there anymore. Go look, tell me I'm wrong (please).  The big dam and its lake in the mod, that were NE of Devils Castle aren't there now - all the country, hills and forest to the North of the dam, and all the forest to the West of the dam, is not on the map now. Maybe 3000-5000 trees less than there were?


In total at least 20% of the map has been cut off to make it smaller, and in the remaining 'wilderness' the trees are mainly gone. Cutting off the North and West edges puts NWAF right in the middle of the play area now, which it wasn't.. In the mod I spent days in the N and NW tracking down a camp, taking bearings on their heli flights, trying to figure which routs they followed. I didn't see them they didn't see me, for a week. I found the camp.  So cutting down the map reduces gameplay too.


If you go up there, take water with you. There isn't any.  Note: I will be happy to be wrong about this.


xx pilgrim

Edited by pilgrim

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No, don't go to the North West, there is nothing there, nothing at all, stay in the East it's much much better....!! super serious!! Just don't com... i mean don't go there....

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Yeah right up in the top corner almost far NW up the wooded hillside there's the layout for a complex, prison sounds good, I thought maybe a resort given that it's surrounded by forest. 


I went up there for some explore a few week's ago, found the dry lakes and all that, I was well fed and watered before I left didn't need to consume anything until I hit Stol


The hunting aspect sound good, I wonder how many will head up there to hunt the hunter the crack of the mosin will be more then a dinner bell for the infected.....

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I can't wait for this to be implemented. I wanna make a go of surviving in the wild as far from people as I can get

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Looking forward to hunting and fishing around Black Lake. Then in the evening build a nice fire, cooking my kills and having a good'ole campfire sing song.


All will be welcome, but BYOB please.

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Playing DayZ I'm getting paranoid, eventually avoiding every town. trying to be a silent green shade in the woods.


Back in the mod I used to kill deer with a silenced weapon because loud shots attract people, an' people are evil in this game. 


But as our high priest Mr. Hall has spoken, we'll be granted bow n'arrow.... Good news to all the woodsmen. I'll fetch me arrows an' go out to catch some game. It's most certainly more stylish than killing boar with a silenced 5.56mm.


Hunting&gathering out in the wild, having a small hidden camp somewhere out in the wilderness, smiling at all the poor creatures RDMing each other into oblivion while fighting over some pieces of broken military equipment.

That's what I'm looking forward to. Let's grow beards :D

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I can't wait for tents, hunting, campfire cooking and all that good stuff. As my name would suggest I intend to spend more time in the woods living off the land, or maybe living off the critters that live off the land. Only venturing into towns for bog rolls, gas and batteries so I can kick back and night and write my culinary opus, 1001 Squirrel dishes.

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Once I have somewhere to hoard my books, I'm going to open a library.


(And force people to read at gunpoint)



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Im hoping for some kind of leather crafting myself!

I'd make my living out in the woods!.. occassional treks into town will be the dangerous parts of my adventures!

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You guys come to Berezino and we'll talk about hunting and camping.


I was born in Berezino.

It's an interesting place - you may not notice at first that the whole town is surrounded by higher ground. Just high enough. With a decent sniper you can scope down on half the town from the south, and from the north you can scope the other half of the town.. not even mentioning the west.. At Berezino, people usually worry about the hospital roof but that's not the main threat... there's no way you can keep a watch on the far treeline and that overlooking ground, you won't see anything till you're hit.

It's not a town for streetfighting. Just run up the beach right past Berezino to the docks, there you might stand a chance. Players in Berezino are like irishroy's photos above..

Just to say - take care - no hard feelings I hope.


Now there's a town further North, Berezino is a crossroads for all kinds of people. Used to be a nice town too.. (spits tobacco wad)


xx pilgrim 

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While I do appreciate the work they do on the map, it is indeed beginning to feel a little cramped. Less and less actual wilderness and more buildings. It would be great if the map could be expanded, but I guess that would be impossible for various reasons.

The map actually has been expanded by 2 km in the north. It is possible and very likely to happen again. Dean also sayd that they maybe will add different islands and landscapes that you can enter by going to the border of the map and change to another special server.

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I will become a mountain man and transcend the usual PVP players. Until then though, you already know what's up and where I regulate traffic.

Who else is excited to hunt and make fires/camps? The north will be great! Plus I have a couple books I can relax and read outside my tent.

i was already ahead of the curb by a decade all me and my friends did in runescape was go to wilderness and survive off of the supplies in there

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The map actually has been expanded by 2 km in the north. It is possible and very likely to happen again. Dean also sayd that they maybe will add different islands and landscapes that you can enter by going to the border of the map and change to another special server.


Yes G in fact I think you're right. Beanz to you, stranger. I checked a few coordinates of SA locations against the MOD map and they remain exactly the same, so the map has not got smaller as I feared. I thought maybe it was reduced in size to help the servers.


Going around wilderness places I knew (very well) from the mod I had a STRONG impression there was less space. I was just going by the sun and the north star, and remembered locations, to see what had changed. So all this open ground, FIELDS and ROADS where there was wilderness FOREST in the mod, made the whole place seem a lot smaller. It will be difficult to hide a camp in the north now. Going across open fields and along tracks and roads is not the same as walking through forest. So I got the feeling I moved faster in SA and there was less space. Nowhere to really hide out.


But you are right, the map checks out to be the same size as it was,  its just that the northern wilderness got overrun by civilisation, I guess... And there are a lot less trees.


I just have to get used to SA being a different game to the mod. thanx for putting me straight.


xx pilgrim

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