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What is your most anticipated feature that is coming in?

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120 man servers, cannot wait to meet people deep in-land!

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120 man servers, cannot wait to meet people deep in-land!


>implying that 110 people will not stay in Electro all day


Just look at 40 man servers. 35 players stay on the coast their whole life.

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120 man servers i agree, after that vehicles (not too many i hope)

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vehicles, especially those flying. and sth like 100 players on one server, as for a good MMO

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I want bows, and a hunting mechanic. Then I would be set. I am rarely on the coast and want a way of getting food with out having to go town. 

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Okay my most antcipated feature.


Infections. Infections from drinking water from ponds, so we can finnaly use water puryfying pills for something.

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true like to hunt in rl would be nice to survive off the land in this game

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But on the serious, non-awesome side, bows and 120 man servers. Bows will be just awesome in my opinion - all the way from crap to the MOTHERFUCKING AWESOMEST. And meeting people up in the deep north, too. Might actually encourage people to travel sensibly, rather than run like idiots.

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But on the serious, non-awesome side, bows and 120 man servers. Bows will be just awesome in my opinion - all the way from crap to the MOTHERFUCKING AWESOMEST. And meeting people up in the deep north, too. Might actually encourage people to travel sensibly, rather than run like idiots.


Shields so we can slide down Devils castle shooting arrows too? :)

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120 man servers i agree, after that vehicles (not too many i hope)

i prefer vehicles  First

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A Horse to ride in the north country and hunting


As my friend said. "I doubt the RV engine can handle horses."

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Yeah a Horse would be badass too. Just imagine all the "Look at my Horse, my Horse is amazing" videos we could make.

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Simple... I want them to fix the core mechanics first.. Fix dispersion on weapons, so that gunplay is actually skillful and rewarding, rather than random. Aside from that, tents, hunting, cooking, etc.. All the "survival" stuff that makes  you feel like you're actually living on the fringe.

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I found in the mod that vehicles kind of ruined the map for me. Bicycles and most cars/trucks didn't so much but air vehicles certainly did. Made the map feel so much smaller but I guess it will do that eventually once I am familiar with all the new stuff.


Personally I want to see hunting, weather elements that are actually dangerous (namalsk would be my favorite map if it was larger) and base building/fortified houses.

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How about zeds that dont fucking ghost through walls and buildings at full speed?    They are not normally a threat but jesus christ its annoying when it does happen.     Why is everyone asking for more shit in the game when there is horrible physics for important things already in the game?

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>implying that 110 people will not stay in Electro all day


Just look at 40 man servers. 35 players stay on the coast their whole life in electro / cherno / balota.




I barely see folk along the east side.

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I would like to see some serious horror aspect, maybe some underground Subways or something, or huge caves with zombies /bandits inside


Anything horror related basically


Also: Zombie fix

Edited by Electriq
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