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What do you think about TRUST ind DayZ ?

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As I asked in a title, what is TRUST in DayZ SA? But wait a minute, let me introduce a little incident which I took part in yeasterday.


      As a fully geared-up squad with some positive thinking, we decide to head straight to Balota Airfield just to protect some freshspawns from bandits. Little were we expecting how we may be paid back..


      Me and one of my squad mates start looking through the long range scope for anything interesting. Hardly had 5 minutes passed and we encounter eye contact near the control tower. Some half equipped guy is passing near our position. We send one m4 guy to escort him to find some loot. Of course, he does not realise, that one false move means being shot at. As we expected, he tries to kill our mate, ineffectively though.


      A fresh spawn asks for help just near the first jail building. I change my position to him, giving advice on the game. Just after a few minutes, he tries to axe me in the building. I pull out my magnum, put 2 bullets in his head, and head upstairs to bandage myself. Surprisingly, all my bandages are ruined after the little fight, so I need help from one of my squad mates. He tries to help, and, guess what, another axe idiot is striking at us. He kills my friend, although saing friendly, I become unconciouss. This bambi tries to loot us, is being sniped out by one of my snipers. The last of our m4 guy, is running towards me with medical support. He helps me out, and we escape Balota with a new approach to escorting stuff.


You may say, noobish of us or not even smart. From 5 of us, only 2 survive the whole action. Everybody is 100h+ in this game. Just repeating the question, is it worth to help ppl? What is your opinion?

Edited by sQubanny
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I never trust anyone at first, it's the biggest mistake one can do in this game, only a few seconds are needed to lose everything.


Some people say don't get attached to your loot, but I assure you, after playing for 3-6 hours or a few days, you will definitely not love losing your stuff.


After 10-20 minutes of playing with someone I realize he's to be trusted.

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Don't trust anyone ... if you do want to help ... 2 on overwatch (1 spotter - 1 shooter) ... 2 per 1 on escort (2 of yours for every one of theirs). If you can't do these numbers ... don't help them physically or always make sure you are not in a non-coverable spot from your snipers.


Generally when I play, I am on alone (because of my stupid frikkin time zone) and I tend to avoid everyone completely and will quickly back out of an area when there are too many people around.

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Don't trust anyone ... if you do want to help ... 2 on overwatch (1 spotter - 1 shooter) ... 2 per 1 on escort (2 of yours for every one of theirs). If you can't do these numbers ... don't help them physically or always make sure you are not in a non-coverable spot from your snipers.


Generally when I play, I am on alone (because of my stupid frikkin time zone) and I tend to avoid everyone completely and will quickly back out of an area when there are too many people around.

What is tyhe point in playing in that case lol?

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OP: Even though it didn't really work out well, did it offer any 'enjoyment'?

If you came away from Balota thinking anything other than "f*cking ungrateful retards" then keep trying to help - just don't turn your back on anyone or lower your weapon.

Trust is a fickle mistress and will bite you in the ass whenever possible!

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I am generally positive to players but I am a little suspicous and will not lower my guard towards them and I tend to avoid 2+ groups. So only 1v1 interactions for me please. 

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Trust my friends 
Trust people who help me ..sometimes
and i am carefull about those i help

but the one thing that annoys me the most, is people not answering to ingamevoice
can´t force them to ..everybody plays the way they like 
but i just don´t like that kind of behaviour

it is like asking people for fire/or the way to a certain location 
they just look at you, and pass by

got killed twice today
saw a guy..
asked if friendly..
didnt respond..
i tried to get away, since i did not want to kill them..
(what for..in the latest patch corpses dissappear within 10 secs again)
got shot in the back..
my fault, i know, just was not carefull enough or should have closed my mouth
but thats not how i play .. i used to experiance diffrent in the mod

Edited by dawud

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Its a survival game, if you choose to help fresh spawn (with an AXE!) then you are taking a risk...

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Trust and control are two equal components of collaboration.
A possible misconduct must be observable.
The Trust donors must be willing and able to punish misbehaving.

Trust is advantageous for the behaviors that are not observable.
(not needed for random guy at airfield)
Edited by NoCheats
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I help people! Come live in svetlojarsk its a great place, youll never want (or need) to leave... ;)

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Yeah, I think that trust must coincide with control..

I only say this for short meetings like helping guys at the airfield.

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I personally, tell them to put their weapons away, always have my gun out, and tell them to not make any sudden movements, or pull our their weapon, if I see a weapon ill shoot without even thinking about it.

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I say you and your friends are bad at the game, for several reasons:


1. Positioning: You should never put yourself in the position to get axed.


2. Situational Awareness: If someone does try to axe you, 2-3 of your squad should see it coming before they ever get the chance. You should also be able to predict their actions before they attempt them, and curb those actions before they result in someone dying. 


3. Controlling the situation: I've never had a problem with new spawns attempting to jack me when I'm geared, because I control the situation. I am friendly but establish ground rules early on. I inform them not to draw their weapons or they will be killed immediately and without hesitation. I inform them that I am there to help and that I mean them no harm. I talk to them nicely but I keep enough distance that I would have an easy time putting them down before they could draw their weapon on me. I walk behind them instead of ahead of them. I keep my eyes on all members of their party at all times. If someone straggles off, I corral them back into position before moving further. I have eyes watching around us, so to avoid any surprises, and this leads to:


4. Map control.. In this situation "AO" or "Area of operation" control.. Control the area before engaging targets. Make sure you have eyes all around you.. If you have a sniper on North Balota hill, you should have another looking across the airfield East to West or West to East.. You should have at least 2-3 players grouped together keeping eyes on anything the snipers cannot see or would have a difficulty landing shots on. 


3 out of 5 of you died, and you weren't even attacked by people with guns... Imagine what would have happened if a squad of 3 well coordinated and armed players would have showed up?


Not bashing you.. Just trying to help. 

Players are as friendly as you are to them, and that friendliness is balanced by how much they think they can get away with around you. If they think they can jack you, they will.



Example: Came across a guy in Stary Sobor.. he was a fresh spawn. I offered him help.. Food, water, some clothing, and a gun.. BUT.. Before I gave him the gun, I made sure my friend was aiming his gun at the fresh spawn, and I made sure to inform him to not draw the gun, or he would be killed. Very simple. He complied because he had no choice, and he made it off with our help, and we made it out of the situation safely.



Edit: Also keep in mind that 100 hours in Stand Alone is not much experience in terms of DayZ.. Many of us have been playing since the Mod, and even having a full time job and most of my play time being on the weekends I am up to 276 hours in SA.. At least a few guys I normally team with have been playing DayZ mod since it was in Alpha.

Edited by Etherimp

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I say you and your friends are bad at the game, for several reasons:


1. Positioning: You should never put yourself in the position to get axed.


2. Situational Awareness: If someone does try to axe you, 2-3 of your squad should see it coming before they ever get the chance. You should also be able to predict their actions before they attempt them, and curb those actions before they result in someone dying. 


3. Controlling the situation: I've never had a problem with new spawns attempting to jack me when I'm geared, because I control the situation. I am friendly but establish ground rules early on. I inform them not to draw their weapons or they will be killed immediately and without hesitation. I inform them that I am there to help and that I mean them no harm. I talk to them nicely but I keep enough distance that I would have an easy time putting them down before they could draw their weapon on me. I walk behind them instead of ahead of them. I keep my eyes on all members of their party at all times. If someone straggles off, I corral them back into position before moving further. I have eyes watching around us, so to avoid any surprises, and this leads to:


4. Map control.. In this situation "AO" or "Area of operation" control.. Control the area before engaging targets. Make sure you have eyes all around you.. If you have a sniper on North Balota hill, you should have another looking across the airfield East to West or West to East.. You should have at least 2-3 players grouped together keeping eyes on anything the snipers cannot see or would have a difficulty landing shots on. 


3 out of 5 of you died, and you weren't even attacked by people with guns... Imagine what would have happened if a squad of 3 well coordinated and armed players would have showed up?


Not bashing you.. Just trying to help. 

Players are as friendly as you are to them, and that friendliness is balanced by how much they think they can get away with around you. If they think they can jack you, they will.



Example: Came across a guy in Stary Sobor.. he was a fresh spawn. I offered him help.. Food, water, some clothing, and a gun.. BUT.. Before I gave him the gun, I made sure my friend was aiming his gun at the fresh spawn, and I made sure to inform him to not draw the gun, or he would be killed. Very simple. He complied because he had no choice, and he made it off with our help, and we made it out of the situation safely.



Edit: Also keep in mind that 100 hours in Stand Alone is not much experience in terms of DayZ.. Many of us have been playing since the Mod, and even having a full time job and most of my play time being on the weekends I am up to 276 hours in SA.. At least a few guys I normally team with have been playing DayZ mod since it was in Alpha.

Thanks for this, but it seems you didnt realize that one of them had a gun, and the one with axe was glitching a little bit. He was waiting in the wall of jail, should have written that.

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the sooner you accept that at most times you die undeservedly in this game - a lesson hard learned through glitches and script kiddies or just the other person generally being an asshole in the mod. The more you start to enjoy the deaths when you actually "deserve" to die. You can learn from them - even the ones caused by assholes, the others? you don't because you cant. You have to just suck it up and move on. One thing is sure as god made little apples you're going to die a lot until you learn to take control.  If you don't have control of the situation? get out of it if you can. The number one commandment of Dayz - thou shall survive

Edited by Calibre
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As I asked in a title, what is TRUST in DayZ SA? But wait a minute, let me introduce a little incident which I took part in yeasterday.


      As a fully geared-up squad with some positive thinking, we decide to head straight to Balota Airfield just to protect some freshspawns from bandits. Little were we expecting how we may be paid back..


      Me and one of my squad mates start looking through the long range scope for anything interesting. Hardly had 5 minutes passed and we encounter eye contact near the control tower. Some half equipped guy is passing near our position. We send one m4 guy to escort him to find some loot. Of course, he does not realise, that one false move means being shot at. As we expected, he tries to kill our mate, ineffectively though.


      A fresh spawn asks for help just near the first jail building. I change my position to him, giving advice on the game. Just after a few minutes, he tries to axe me in the building. I pull out my magnum, put 2 bullets in his head, and head upstairs to bandage myself. Surprisingly, all my bandages are ruined after the little fight, so I need help from one of my squad mates. He tries to help, and, guess what, another axe idiot is striking at us. He kills my friend, although saing friendly, I become unconciouss. This bambi tries to loot us, is being sniped out by one of my snipers. The last of our m4 guy, is running towards me with medical support. He helps me out, and we escape Balota with a new approach to escorting stuff.


You may say, noobish of us or not even smart. From 5 of us, only 2 survive the whole action. Everybody is 100h+ in this game. Just repeating the question, is it worth to help ppl? What is your opinion?


Welcome to KOS DeathMatch Permadeath Standalone


As much as the trolls in here say NONONONO, this is a KOS game.  Trying to help people is just inviting them to shoot / axe you to death.


Without a Humanity System like the one in my signature below, this game will be KOS just like WarZ.  Yes, troll nation, I just said this game is like WarZ OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!

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Welcome to KOS DeathMatch Permadeath Standalone


As much as the trolls in here say NONONONO, this is a KOS game.  Trying to help people is just inviting them to shoot / axe you to death.


Without a Humanity System like the one in my signature below, this game will be KOS just like WarZ.  Yes, troll nation, I just said this game is like WarZ OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!




People troll with




but this is bullshit. Game rewards you for KoSing and punishes you for not KoSing. So sandbox my ass.

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