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So did the crying for the combat logging/server hopping start yet?

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I've seen a few suspicous complaints that sounded like the poorly disguished tears of server hoppers but for the most part the majority seems to be enjoying of the changes.

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I've seen a few suspicous complaints that sounded like the poorly disguished tears of server hoppers but for the most part the majority seems to be enjoying of the changes.



If i bottle said tears, i get free gear, thats how that works right ?

Edited by Bash Arkin

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that sounded like the poorly disguished tears of server hoppers


mmh suspicious tears eh. I guess I will have to pay more attention xD

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lol are you kidding, look at the first 5 threads after the stickies and chances are at least 1-2 is a QQ about this.

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I think there have been at least two or three threads whining about it, as Mos1ley said; pretty thinly veiled.

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Just wondering because I haven't seen any one of these yet.

I was gonna create one, but couldnt be bothered. I only have one big complaint, its that you get rolled back 1 minute everytime you log in. So if I log out in one location, i will log back in where i was 1 minute earlier.

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So did the crying for the combat logging/server hopping start yet?


You could also use the search function and look yourself :)


and yes: I've seen a few suspicous complaints that sounded like the poorly disguished tears of server hoppers but for the most part the majority seems to be enjoying of the changes.

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I was gonna create one, but couldnt be bothered. I only have one big complaint, its that you get rolled back 1 minute everytime you log in. So if I log out in one location, i will log back in where i was 1 minute earlier.

Well it is working correctly for me. Never got the 1 minute roll




So did the crying for the combat logging/server hopping start yet?


You could also use the search function and look yourself :)



I tried but don't know what keywords I should use lol. I'll just keep an eye out for the front page.

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as a self-admitted server hopper, i have zero complaints. i was on a server last night for 4 hours and found the m4 4 times and the mosin 2 times and the shotgun 3 times. if i could have taped all the guns together, i would have gatlin-gunned every person i saw with zero remorse in my blackened soul.


i have more ammo than a Marine base.


i am fully geared and ready to lay down the hammer on any unsuspecting player who i get the drop on.


btw- i never combat log. i take my medicine like a man.

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i am actually starting to server hop now, so i can enjoy this epic invention in all its glory, and make the best use of the timers on top of that.

i also made a guide for everyone who wants to follow my example:



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Im liking it right now although you can still clear a military base, sit around for the timer and jump to another server and do it again, rinse and repeat.. Could be improved on to be made a little better to fix some other flaws that will be a issue with server hopping. But yeah, it works for what we have right now somewhat.

Will see how I feel about it when barricades and base building and such comes in that someone will still be able to log out next to the barricade, jump to another server and move 10 feet. Come back into the original server and be on the other side of the barricade.. But yeah, bridge to cross when we get there.. Soon to be a issue like i said.

Personally I think if you switch servers it should randomly put you somewhere else randomly on the whole map.. Do it too much too soon, and you become a fresh spawn.

Edited by cels
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Just wondering because I haven't seen any one of these yet.

How does one find the new thread button without seeing all the QQ anti-combat logger timer??  :huh:

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Well it is working correctly for me. Never got the 1 minute roll

You are lucky I guess, me and my friends have this problem.

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i am actually starting to server hop now, so i can enjoy this epic invention in all its glory, and make the best use of the timers on top of that.

i also made a guide for everyone who wants to follow my example:




oh lord jesus

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i am actually starting to server hop now, so i can enjoy this epic invention in all its glory, and make the best use of the timers on top of that.

i also made a guide for everyone who wants to follow my example:



Hmm... Interesting.


What is the mean time to get geared with this method? Is it possible to get fully geared before passing out?

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oh lord jesus


he only made wine out of water. i make cuba libres out of hopper tears.



Hmm... Interesting.


What is the mean time to get geared with this method? Is it possible to get fully geared before passing out?


i have redefined the term "geared". and i can confirmed, i am getting geared up pretty fast. i still can type though....

Edited by e47
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i am actually starting to server hop now, so i can enjoy this epic invention in all its glory, and make the best use of the timers on top of that.

i also made a guide for everyone who wants to follow my example:



Needs more drinking.

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It works too good. [/irony]


The system should differ between those who actually log out and those who got kicked by either admin abuse or BE. If they can fix this, yeah that'd be grat.

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The only crying came out of the people who whined and whined until the devs fixed an issue that was never really an issue. 

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The combat logging is not very clear, as the character is croutching not sitting.

Had a guy login on me when I was in a Millitary building and heard the reload sounds.
I yelled out, "Freeze Mofo or I will blow your god damn head off, are you friendly?"
he said something, I couldn't quite hear, I breached the room he was in and he was there, crouching, I thought he was still there.


I said to him "boy I bet you are glad that I am friendly" while still aiming at his head (I don't trust people)

and the after 20ish seconds poof he is gone.


Had I known he was being a Jew and not wanting to trade anything even though I had the upper hand and declared to him I was friendly and could have shot him.

I prolly would have shot him if I knew he was logging out.


They need to change the animation or something so that person is clearly logging out.


I also ran up on someone and Yelled Don't move, I am friendly" and he runs off...... people are such cowards :( Twice I spared people, I just wanna say Hi and trade with you, I would have provided him ammo and maybe even a gun too.


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Seen a few one-post-wonders who registered today just to voice their "complaints" about the system being broken.

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It's to me anyhow more of a anti combat log setup. When we tested it though, once the person was killed they were gone. No chance at looting, no where near 30 seconds.. I think if someone is cuffed during the logout timer, they should become an unknown entity but still retain the same loadout basically the same as if a body dies, do the whole ten minute body cleanup thing.


You know when they've logged out since the character sit's down. But if you kill it, it will vanish rapidly.

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