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Forced to kill

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I was playing SA for the 3rd time today and I was up north in the new city. I was running around and all of a sudden there were 4 guys that looked like new spawns and they had mics, I do not. They talked first saying do not shoot and hello. I typed hi and just continued to run on my way, I am not interested in meeting new people. All of a sudden, they are all chasing me and punching me to where I am bleeding and I had no choice but to shoot and kill them all. I love this game, but it is just sad to be forced to KoS.  :(

Edited by TacticalAhole

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Those assholes had nothing to lose, and had lots to gain. They were desperate. If they had a gun, I'm betting all of my beansies they would've KOS'd you.

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I was playing SA for the 3rd time today and I was up north in the new city. I was running around and all of a sudden there were 4 guys that looked like new spawns and they had mics, I do not. They talked first saying do not shoot and hello. I typed hi and just continued to run on my way, I am not interested in meeting new people. All of a sudden, they are all chasing me and punching me to where I am bleeding and I had no choice but to shoot and kill them all. I love this game, but it is just sad to be forced to KoS.  :(


Make no mistake, you didn't KoS. You gave them the chance to go on their merry way.

You killed adversaries who forced you to engage them.

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I hate that kind of sub human.


I am glad you rid the island of those apes.

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Nothing to do with being desperate, with no penalties for murdering of course an unarmed player will attack you for a gun.


Now if these guys ended up with bandit skins for killing anyone they see with something they want, maybe they would think twice about being an asshole, and if they didn't and chose to continue to attack for no real reason, at least the thread starter would have known he was dealing with pond life just by looking at them and put a bullet in them instead of having to listen to them trying to reason before attempting to punch him to death.


Right now playing the lazy spoiled brat way has too much rewards. Like I said on another thread though, the rocket man wants to make this game tough and unforgiving, so Im sure he has a plan to deal with these kill for nothing bores that have infested the game. Bring back the hero/bandit skins that what I preach...

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Nothing to do with being desperate, with no penalties for murdering of course an unarmed player will attack you for a gun.


Now if these guys ended up with bandit skins for killing anyone they see with something they want, maybe they would think twice about being an asshole, and if they didn't and chose to continue to attack for no real reason, at least the thread starter would have known he was dealing with pond life just by looking at them and put a bullet in them instead of having to listen to them trying to reason before attempting to punch him to death.


Right now playing the lazy spoiled brat way has too much rewards. Like I said on another thread though, the rocket man wants to make this game tough and unforgiving, so Im sure he has a plan to deal with these kill for nothing bores that have infested the game. Bring back the hero/bandit skins that what I preach...


They play the game different then you, they are a lower life-form your special.

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They play the game different then you, they are a lower life-form your special.


Fair play to you brother. At the end of the day there is no right way or wrong way to play this game, its just that I struggle to comprehend why in a game as rich and as complex as this, where you actually have a choice to kill or not to kill,  a choice to help people instead of hurting people for once in a game that the vast majority see a player and instantly try to kill like they still think there is some sort of scoreboard going on, and people are impressed by their kill stats...


I hope you now understand where I am coming from when you read my posts. Its nothing personal against KOS players, just my opinion to even the playing field a bit as the bad guys hold all the aces on SA at the moment IMO.

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While I do like the idea of some form of real consequence for unrestrained KoS or murderous game play, I'm not sure exactly how that would work in a game where you can change your clothing and wear helmets so easily. You could have some form of visual or auditory cue when aiming at a murderer, I suppose, but it would probably need to be something other than a skin.

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While I do like the idea of some form of real consequence for unrestrained KoS or murderous game play, I'm not sure exactly how that would work in a game where you can change your clothing and wear helmets so easily. You could have some form of visual or auditory cue when aiming at a murderer, I suppose, but it would probably need to be something other than a skin.

I hear you loud and clear my good man.


It is starting to look like the hero/bandit ship has sailed, and its now every man for himself, unless you team up to form death squads. I am just a little disappointed that SA seems to be veering in the direction of out and out PVP with masks and tinted visors and stuff to make your player look bad ass, but I suppose its just down to me to adapt to being a nastier player rather than hoping things can only get better...

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I hear you loud and clear my good man.


It is starting to look like the hero/bandit ship has sailed, and its now every man for himself, unless you team up to form death squads. I am just a little disappointed that SA seems to be veering in the direction of out and out PVP with masks and tinted visors and stuff to make your player look bad ass, but I suppose its just down to me to adapt to being a nastier player rather than hoping things can only get better...


The hero/bandit system was removed because there are more playstyles that don't fit that binary system.  Just because you killed a few people doesn't mean you should be viewed as an asshole with a constant target on your back.


Think of OP's scenario under the conditions that a similar humanity system to the mod was actually implemented when the game launched (or a character wipe).  The 4 players would still probably go for the kill for the quick, easy gear.  The end result would be the OP who is just a survivor afaik would have a bandit skin and would be KoS'ed even more while the 4 guys respawn with survivor skins to yet again try a similar stunt.


Part of it is the mod's humanity system had some major flaws to it, but at the end of the day a humanity system is a mistake, at least in my opinion.  If we're looking at this as an apocalypse/survival simulator, people should have the freedom to do what they will, and get away with it.  They should build and lose trust through their interactions with people, not by some skin system arbitrarily giving them a skin based on specific actions that don't tell the whole story.  Outward appearances don't mean anything in the wasteland, anyone can be a KoS asshole and anyone can be a Hero.  The only way you can know for sure is by getting to know them.


I like to use the example of a cop or soldier, someone most would trust for protection, taking people out in the wasteland for their beans.  It's entirely possible, as once the brown stuff hits the fan, it doesn't matter what someone is wearing or what the did before, they'll show their true colors soon enough.

Edited by (TMW)HerrJon

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