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Ever did something in dayZ you regret?

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I know you said SA only, but in the mod I hacked a freshly spawned bandit to death for no reason other than the scarf on his face.


I still feel bad about it.

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I know you said SA only, but in the mod I hacked a freshly spawned bandit to death for no reason other than the scarf on his face.


I still feel bad about it.


I almost bit and then I realized you meant hacked to death with an axe.

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I almost bit and then I realized you meant hacked to death with an axe.



haha same here

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DayZ SA only


For me;



Yeah, this guy named Tonni came into the building me and my friends were camping. Was full with loot in the top room and we let this guy come and loot. We tried being nice for once. Later he left and kept whatever he looted. Ever since then it was my biggest regret to not kill him. He didnt do anything bad, but I still want him dead. So after that ive always shot the people who my friends were friendly too. Never again do I let a person live.

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I regret having bought this game.






Because I'm getting a lack of sleep, lately.....


ya know?




pS especially when playing with US buddies... being UK based.

Edited by burkino_026
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I regret not leaving a city first before logging out for the night. That'll be fun.

Edited by sacrdandprofne

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I once saw an M4 laying in the middle of the road in Elektro..... I sat there behind a building, peeking.... waiting.... I went for it.... "YOU ARE DEAD"


I was hoping that sniper's aim wasn't true, but alas, it was.

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For me I regret letting the hate flow through me and turning to the dark side.

Far too many times trying to be nice and getting shot or back stabbed.


If you can't beat them, join them.  KoS from now on. :/

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I killed all my comrades in helly on mod when my wife's water broke :)

Hahaa !! thats awesome  :lol:  kind of....

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The other day I was playing early in the morning, on a regular server with only about five people on it. I decided to run to Elektro to have a look. I noticed two guys going into the school, talking on direct. I climbed halfway up the ladder and hung out for five minutes listening to them chatting and looting. Occasionally I'd say something to make them argue about whether they heard anything or not. After they looted the top room I climbed in and watched them from the top of the stairwell. One of them came back up and freaked out.

I only had a baseball bat on my back, and I just waved at him to keep him calm. They seemed friendly enough, and one of them told me to stay still, obviously to handcuff me. I didn't mind, because I like to put people at ease and didn't have anything worth taking anyway. Of course once the cuffs were on one of them started talking in this annoying exaggerated indian accent. Saying he wanted to punch me in the head really badly. Then he told me to walk out onto the roof. Then he told me to repeat things like "Kony is the best" and "I want to suck your dick". I just regarded him in silence and he kept yelling, every second word being "muthafuckaaa". His friend with a revolver just said "my buddy here is crazy, man."

I just said "bored now", turned and walked off the roof as "Kony" yelled "What are you doing?! Don't commit suicide!". I fell down to the second balcony, survived, and my cuffs broke off. Revolver guy followed me over and despite my baseball bat to the face, he had a motorcycle helmet and a fire axe so I died immediately.

My regret is not trying to get them to turn on eachother. I realised in hindsight if they were IRL buds then they would have been using skype or TS to chat, rather than using direct when they didn't know I was there. Revolver guy obviously wanted to get a kill, but I figure once Kony started talking about dick-sucking I should have said, "Hey you with the revolver, I'm bored now, so either shoot me or this guy in the head". Might have worked, I'll never know.

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I once saw an M4 laying in the middle of the road in Elektro..... I sat there behind a building, peeking.... waiting.... I went for it.... "YOU ARE DEAD"


I was hoping that sniper's aim wasn't true, but alas, it was.

oh yeah. something like that happened to me.


Regret falling for the obvious trap. Actually, i didnt exactly fall for the trap. I flanked the loot and inspected the building. But got into a shootout and died. I regret inspecting, since i was on my own, and there could have been god knows how many people inside.


Anger, frustration, but also enjoyment as i learn a basic life lesson. ;)

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I was a fresh spawn near berenzino's construction area and ran across a guy with a mosin and a mountain backpack. I yelled for help and he came to me and offered me food and drinks, said he had a ton of stuff and didn't know what to do with it. He opened his pack up and told me to wait while he looked through his things... So I slapped cuffs I had on him, took all his gear, and shot him in the head. Felt bad immediately..

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I've killed 3 people. I regret killing 1 of those. 


The first one, I killed because my paranoia got the best of me. Ran into a guy who didn't communicate, he just stared at me.

He didn't have any weapons out, but he had a pistol in his chest holster, and since he didn't talk, I killed him. Just because of the small chance that he would follow me when I left.  <_<



EDIT: The two others I killed tried to kill me, so they had it coming. :P

Edited by BillySpleen

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When I first started playing I didn't know how to communicate. I ran into a friendly who was trying to talk to me, but I couldn't respond. I just stood there making motions at him. He force fed me food and left.

I felt like an ass.

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Was exploring a school and some guy jumps out trying to beat me to death with a hammer. I shove a double barrel in his face.

"WOAH...BACK OFF....Now... You are going to take these beans."

I really wanted some more inventory space in my backpack, It was full of extra food and I was healthy/energized/hydrated so I didn't need it. I wasn't even doing a friendly playthrough! But I also shouldn't have let his guy live, I guess my tired brain had just shut down and didn't put two and two together. After we parted ways I frowned a little. Should have pulled the trigger, he didn't deserve my beans.

Edited by Rudette

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Yeah, I regret that I didn't kill the last person I met when I had the chance... on the other hand, not doing so and respawning netted me a sawed off-shotgun and the blaser rifle whatever the name was, a backpack, food and a can opener. So perhaps it was a good idea after all...

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Something my Buddy experienced:

He was starving an searched Berenz for Food --> met an other Survivor with only a Shovel (He had a SKS)
My Buddy tried to be nice greeted him and asked for Food

They both hadn´t anything to eat so the coversation wath kind of useless and they both walked of

5 minutes later I hear my shouting and raging: DAMN IT YOU F**KER.... so what happened? well the Guy he met before knocked him out with a Shovel.

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i was just camping berezino yesterday and shootin randoms...


i feel bad for it! but i needed to test shoot my new LRS for the mosin...

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Went on a PVE server. Got hit by a zombie. Ran into a warehouse and found an axe. A guy ran up the stairs towards me. He offered me a bandage. He had nothing for defence. I panicked and hit him with the axe.


"What the hell!?!?"


I felt like a turd and just let go of the mouse. He punched me unconscious.


I couldn't stay after that. I just left.




"PVE Server" :D

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