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Ballistic Vest Spawn

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Seen it, it's black, looks like a bullet proof tactical SWAT vest, didn't know if the other vests provided protection so I changed it out for a green camoed vest.

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They are SUPER EXTRA EXTREMELY RARE I am still hunting for the press vest & the stab/ballistics vest & I have 201 hours of game play good luck.

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Okay roger thanks, all i wanted was to know they are actually in the game and im not looking for no reason.


can you wear them under assault vests? I would assume so... 


Fire station is an odd place. Whenever I go by a military area I check there but have yet to see one. Just no luck I guess. Never saw a press vest yet either.

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I found the stab vest and the press vest... only thing that I have not found is the ballistic vest.

Is it really already implemented? I was sure that it is not added yet.

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Don't confuse it for the tactical vest. Those can be found in fire stations.

UK Assault





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can you wear them under assault vests? I would assume so... 



 Negative its a assault VEST and ballistic/stab/press VEST so nope you can not sorry. I know its lame but you have to decide more room for gear or more protection offered. I personally don't keep important things in my chest legs area only my back due to bullets FUCK shit up in those areas if you survive a firefight.

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i found one not knowing it was that rare and gave it to my teammate... i just have bad luck wearing black things in this game, i always get gunned down by a pack of bandits. 

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I have a pristine anti-stab vest, saw it only twice , i think press vest are more common, saw them on couple of occasions in shipwreck or train station

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