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dead on spawn need help

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yesterday i was playing and got killed in elektro was unconscious and i got pissed and logged out for the day and when i come back today the new "stable" patch wont let me respawn in anyone think they can help me and thanks

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Having the same issue... downloaded the new stable patch, just died today at like 12pm east coast time, and now it won't let me spawn in... the game starts when i join a server then just reads "you are dead"...it won't let me press the "respawn" button and every time i "exit" that server and join another the same "you are dead" message still pops up...any one have this too? or figured a way to respawn? or will we have to wait for a new patch?

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I heard logging into the server you were killed on (if you can find it) may fix the issue

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thats ridiculous i have over 100 history servers wow even if it doesnt work this bug bc of this stupid wait 30 seconds is retarded

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Someone just reported this on Reddit: "Fixed by changing my in-game name."


Another reported this working: "it seems that joining a "dayz 114926" server, dying there and then switching server can fix the issue. at least for my friend worked."



Hope one of these works for you

Edited by JTuesday

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I've tried both of these things, no help, even tried to reset my in-game character, no luck.

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same here i cant even play the damn game now because of the dead on respawn wtf FIX FIX IT. Bugs and alpha are one thing but not bein able to play the game because of a silly bug like this is a waste of time and money.

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its every update they have worse bugs then the good stuff they put in it's like the, "1 step forward, 2 steps back" its getting ridiculous honestly

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So I was able to get into one of my "Regular" games, think it was fixed, then logged out, and tried to join in on my friends, a "You are dead". appeared on the screen, so that didn't help at all...

So I had my friends join the one I could get on, and they gave me some loot and stuff, and after a few minutes I logged off, now I am scared to try to login to another server because of this "Bug" or whatever it is....

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finally got rid of and im respawning in 227 seconds i believe i figured it out if you know the dupe glitch ( when joining a server quit when ready on bottom left appears then join back ing) fixes this problem.... 

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