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Server Penalty

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Login: Player queuing system introduced. Penalty waiting time added for switching server or disconnecting a server quickly.


I am NOT complaining about this, as I agree with it for server hoppers abusing it for gear.


But what about for legit reasons?


I just spent the last 10 minutes hopping servers because everyone I joined I was a fresh spawn.


Either add a way to tell what Hive your character is apart of and add a list of them so we can SEE what ones we actually have our gear on, or don't add this in seriously.


I don't feel like being penalized because I can't find the correct hive, and nowhere does it indicate atm what hive my character is saved to or what hove servers are on.


They all say "Public".




Again I agree with it, but obviously it is going to make people mad because of hopping to find a server that has your gear on it rather then a fresh spawn every time.

Edited by Rrezz

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There are Regular and Hardcore hives.. 


I was just on a regular fully geared.


It reset and now I join other regulars and they give me a fresh spawn.



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To find your last used server,


Go to C:\Users<USERNAME>\Documents\DayZ , and open the '<STEAMPROFILENAME>.DayZProfile' file. (Use notepad) Scroll right down to the bottom, and you'll find this: http://i.imgur.com/AXdlUpe.png . Right there is your latest server that you joined, and its direct IP, incase you lost it and need to join remotely.



Also note a lot of people seem to be reporting server issues at this time.

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The character server is probably down, everyone is experiencing the same problem.


Just stop playing until it's fixed.


1. If the Hive is down.

2. You can't load your old character.

3. If the game can't load your old character.

4. The game spawns you as a new player on the beach.

5. If you continue playing with the new character.

6. You might overwrite your old character, when the Hive comes back online.

Edited by Dallas

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If anyone has saline i need it badly on experimental us servers, i nearly starved to death but found some sphagetti so now its very gray

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