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Killing filthy surrender monkeys..

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Two questions please.


If he can't hit you from a distance, while you're standing still, why would you think it would be the greatest idea, to keep standing still, while he was walking towards you still shooting?


Did you at any point consider that if he could hit you while standing still, it would be even more difficult for him, if you, you know... simply ran away?


 A 3rd question,


Why didn't you run up and bop him in the chops and then you (the OP) have control of the situation?

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People really need to consider the cost benefit analysis at work here. Most players do this either consciously or unconsciously.


In this scenario this KoS sniper is taking shots at an easy target. You're an unarmed bright orange mark piloted by a creative human brain... perfect target practice for the bored and unskilled. You provided him with target practice and there was little incentive to not have a go of it, then you made him bored or frustrated by stopping out in the open with your hands up. Clearly you would have been better off running away... might I suggest a tree lined hill or urban jungle next time? That's an incentive for him to stop shooting you. Get on your mic and tell everyone in Elektro that a helpless idiot with a perfectly good gun is chasing you. That's incentive for someone to help you by relieving the neanderthal of his boom stick. You've gotta flip the script next time brotha!

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or people who don't play the way you wanna play lol :D


You always post condescending things with a smiley at the end.  Just grow a pair and say it how you mean it.

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Reasons why not kill in DayZ:


Because Frankie would be very disappointed.


And probably murder the hell out of you.

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I don't surrender anymore.

Especially if the person asking me to surrender has a prepubescent or teenage voice.
Not gonna be humiliated by some tasteless little consumerist subhuman! >.>

Edited by Rudette

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first can openers, and now orange raincoats! and people say there is no endgame...


he obviously was envious of your fabulous looks and channeled his anger and frustration into aggression.

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