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If you think Stephen Fry "appeals to the uneducated," you are completely unfamiliar with his work. He is one of the most brilliant humans of this generation. He's an award-winning documentary filmmaker, stage actor, playwright, linguist, author, comedian, political activist and humanitarian - working to further understanding and support for those with mental health problems as well as furthering LGBT rights. He has been called a national treasure and a living icon. I promise you he does not need to "make money from appearances and such" by using curse words.


You will forgive me if I put a little more stock in his discourse on the use of language and vocabulary than I do some random dickwhisker's on an internet discussion forum.


You're free to continue to disagree, so long as you're comfortable being completely wrong. The idea that using "dirty words" means you're less intelligent or possess a less-developed vocabulary is completely unsubstantiated hogwash. In other words, it's a bunch of fucking bullshit.



Well if you take one persons word for anything then you will surely be heading down the wrong path.

Now swearing is illegal in many places. This in itself makes it unintelligent to use in those places.

Also many swear words are in fact derogatory, this means that instead of thinking of a suggestion to improve something or provide constructive critiscism, you just decide to put it down. Again this is unintelligent as it does not benefit anyone.

One of he main reasons that humans evolved to be top of the food chain is the ability to communicate. Now offending people and putting down their ideas does not promote discussion, therefore limiting the progression of the human race.

Im sorry you cannot understand this.

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Well if you take one persons word for anything then you will surely be heading down the wrong path.


I didn't say I take his word from anything, mate. I just take it over yours. Big difference.



Now swearing is illegal in many places. This in itself makes it unintelligent to use in those places.


There are places where firing a gun is illegal. So by your logic people who use firearms are less intelligent than those who do not?



Also many swear words are in fact derogatory, this means that instead of thinking of a suggestion to improve something or provide constructive critiscism, you just decide to put it down. Again this is unintelligent as it does not benefit anyone.


You are purposefully obfuscating the discussion in order to prove a point that is beside the actual thrust of your claim. Cursing is not, by definition, derogatory nor does it necessarily put people's ideas down.


I can say, for example, that "That's a fucking brilliant idea!"


Or "I fucking love this idea so much."


If I tell my wife "Seeing you in those yoga pants makes me want to fuck you cross-eyed" do you think she's going to feel "put down" by that? Because I can tell you from experience that she absolutely does not.



Now offending people and putting down their ideas does not promote discussion


Again, you are the one talking about putting people's ideas down. That's not what we're discussing.


As for "offending" people, I refer you back to the original video. People who are offended by swearing are just looking for a reason to be upset about something. It's fucking pointless.



Im sorry you cannot understand this.


It's not that I don't understand what you're saying, it's just that I think it's stupid.


See that? Notice how putting down your idea has nothing to do with cursing? I can do it using any old language.


But, we both digress, don't we? Let us leave it here because I'm pretty sure nothing is going to come of this discussion.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Now swearing is illegal in many places. This in itself makes it unintelligent to use in those places.


There are places where firing a gun is illegal. So by your logic people who use firearms are less intelligent than those who do not? In those places. Yes.




Also many swear words are in fact derogatory, this means that instead of thinking of a suggestion to improve something or provide constructive critiscism, you just decide to put it down. Again this is unintelligent as it does not benefit anyone.


You are purposefully obfuscating the discussion in order to prove a point that is beside the actual thrust of your claim. Cursing is not, by definition, derogatory nor does it necessarily put people's ideas down.


I can say, for example, that "That's a fucking brilliant idea!"


Or "I fucking love this idea so much."


If I tell my wife "Seeing you in those yoga pants makes me want to fuck you cross-eyed" do you think she's going to feel "put down" by that? Because I can tell you from experience that she absolutely does not.


I said "Many", not the full definition,  and then you obfuscate that whole point.




Now offending people and putting down their ideas does not promote discussion


Again, you are the one talking about putting people's ideas down. That's not what we're discussing.


As for "offending" people, I refer you back to the original video. People who are offended by swearing are just looking for a reason to be upset about something. It's fucking pointless.

Thats great that you or Stephen can read minds. Again here you have used it in the derogartory manner.



Now to add to my ideas about swearing.

In many professional places swearing is indeed grounds for dismissal, it is also grounds for disciplinary action in places of education. Many public places will ask you to leave.

There is evidence that it is widely viewed to be unnacceptable and people should learn to construe their ideas in a more acceptable manner.

Edited by Skyline-GTR

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Once (if) the zombies become a bigger threat than other players, maybe then you find other players more willing to co-operate and not shoot on sight, but even then they probably do it, just to prevent you doing it first, even if you wouldn't.

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Well if you take one persons word for anything then you will surely be heading down the wrong path.

Now swearing is illegal in many places. This in itself makes it unintelligent to use in those places.

Also many swear words are in fact derogatory, this means that instead of thinking of a suggestion to improve something or provide constructive critiscism, you just decide to put it down. Again this is unintelligent as it does not benefit anyone.

One of he main reasons that humans evolved to be top of the food chain is the ability to communicate. Now offending people and putting down their ideas does not promote discussion, therefore limiting the progression of the human race.

Im sorry you cannot understand this.

So what does killing new spawns on the beach do to promote discussion?

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So what does killing new spawns on the beach do to promote discussion?

not much in the sense of advancing the human race. i would imagine.

It does however, make some of them come on forums crying and open a thread in which we discuss things.

Edited by Skyline-GTR

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Well if you take one persons word for anything then you will surely be heading down the wrong path.

Now swearing is illegal in many places. This in itself makes it unintelligent to use in those places.

Also many swear words are in fact derogatory, this means that instead of thinking of a suggestion to improve something or provide constructive critiscism, you just decide to put it down. Again this is unintelligent as it does not benefit anyone.

One of he main reasons that humans evolved to be top of the food chain is the ability to communicate. Now offending people and putting down their ideas does not promote discussion, therefore limiting the progression of the human race.

Im sorry you cannot understand this.





Explicit use of language played a big part in our evolution...  


Also known to alleviate pain too...

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So this game is shit in my opinion, and it isn't the games fault.


even when I am armed better then they are I holster my gear and go all friendly. Boom head shoot, I mean come on?!


Maybe it's your fault. The game is at the stage where mechanics are being tested. You'll lose your stats and all your gear MANY times before even the beta. You're not supposed to be caring about your avatar; it is extremely transitory. You're supposed to be running around, finding bugs, seeing what is broken and what can be improved. That's actually what you 'signed up' for by joining the alpha. You weren't promised a complete game, a fun or fair game, or anything of the sort. You were invited to get in the sandbox and be a pioneer... Someone who may be able to look back and say 'I helped alpha test that'.


So go have some fun finding out what happens if you hook up a defib-unit to a wrecked car...or does crawling off a roof whilst prone do any damage. THAT'S the sort of stuff you should be up to....but feel free to have some fun at the same time.

Edited by Trigger Hippy

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So this game is shit in my opinion, and it isn't the games fault. The people are fucking retarded. I only had some small fun when I was with a group and we were helping new spawns on the beach.


I mostly play solo and from 10., 9 of them shoot me on sight. I don't have any weapons, and even when I am armed better then they are I holster my gear and go all friendly. Boom head shoot, I mean come on?!


I try to join only NO PVP, Friendly server, be good bla bla and its the same shit.


Today I was doing my running around, found "bambi" and say HI, friendly. No asnwer from him. Ok, who cares. And I got a gun in my hand i hear him piciking a gun, putting bullets in it. He does all of that slowly, no need to rush. Comes back down to me, I see him boom head shot on me... Nice, very friendly server.


I want to gear up, go in a fire station. Some fucking psycho logs in next to me. Scream's die bitch die bitch hits me with a axe, I start to bleed like hell. But somehow the stupid asshole fails to hit me more then ones. I pull out my axe and hit him back. So he starts to bleed also, the pussy that he was full in gear starts to run away. I say to myself ill follow you damn bastard. Start running behind him. And after 20sec combat logs out of the game... Hell yeah son, good job! And that was in a NO PVP, very friendly server - The fuck?


You still don't have shit to do in this game and if the people are stupid as hell, the game starts to be very boring...

I would really like to see someone handcuff me, force feeds me some junk, rape my ass, etc - do something interesting, use your imagination. Let's make it interesting. But no, just when they notice you. Boom shoot anyone on sight.


So I got 55H of Dayz and I can say only bad things about the players. In all of those 55h found like 3-4 random people who were cool.


So I was thinking to pause a bit, but saw how RUST has a lot more friendly community. All of the youtube vides I saw were very interesting. I was like wtf? You got a m4 and you didnt shoot all of those random people, how nice to see something like that...


Wish Dayz could evolve and not be a big asshole.


You just made me login to write this about each time u got killed by a player in the "no PVP servers"


There is no such a thing in DayZ


+1 to your killers :) each time I see a no PVP server i'm tempted to join and do some target practice. So yeah LOL AT YOU, HOPE U GET KILLED BY A PLAYER EACH TIME U JOIN A NO PVP SERVER, hmm did I forget to say anything else? I guess not


kisses, bye

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Explicit use of language played a big part in our evolution...  


Also known to alleviate pain too...


Must subscribe to read that article ???  no thanks mate.

Perhaps you have another source ?

Edited by Skyline-GTR

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Do whatever u feel like ... its still a game ! True...  people could be more friendly and engage in interesting convos , but we aren't all the same ! I think that only makes the game MORE PUN!!!

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Must subscribe to read that article ???  no thanks mate.

Perhaps you have another source ?



Not subscribed to New Scientist and you have the audacity to question the intellect of others. how bloody dare you...


Nope, try google or something.

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How has this discussion not been yarded yet?

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Not subscribed to New Scientist and you have the audacity to question the intellect of others. how bloody dare you...


Nope, try google or something.


There does seem to be a large number of reports that suggest that swearing, in some cases, can relieve pain.

This might explain its use in some cases, I suggest that it is used in place of a well thought out response in an attempt to alieviate the pain of someone disagreeing with you.

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Its just an expression of emotion smart guy, but you are on to something bigger. Violence is usually carried out when the ability to communicate breaks down. They don't say the key to a healthy relationship is good communication for no reason. This is why i think my country's policy for zero communication between "terrorist supporting" countries is a result of horrible ignorance. We could probably halt 60% or more  of aggression just by dropping off pallets of pamphlets out of C-130s, explaining how we feel about a situation and our perspective.


Lol, have you yet considered that "poop" and "shit" are the same thing? ...or that there is nothing wrong with shit other than it being thrown at you. Same with "fuck", is there anything wrong with sex outside of goofy religious teachings, not that anyone thinks of sex when they say fuck... Same with cunt/pussy/vagina or anything else...

Edited by Thane

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Its just an expression of emotion smart guy, but you are on to something bigger. Violence is usually carried out when the ability to communicate breaks down. They don't say the key to a healthy relationship is good communication for no reason. This is why i think my country's policy for zero communication between "terrorist supporting" countries is a result of horrible ignorance. We could probably halt 60% or more  of aggression just by dropping off pallets of pamphlets out of C-130s, explaining how we feel about a situation and our perspective.

That is a really interesting point Thane. In game I had my first contact with someone who communicated and gave me supplies and went on his way... Before this however, I met groups of people who just shoot on sight. It seemed to me the ones that shot on sight were a lot younger and the friendly perhaps older and more mature. This leads me to believe that if society broke down peoples innate nature will come out. Not everyone has the same nature. This game gives the opportunity and freedom for people to be who they really are.... or just stuff around. It's brilliant.

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Its just an expression of emotion smart guy, but you are on to something bigger. Violence is usually carried out when the ability to communicate breaks down. They don't say the key to a healthy relationship is good communication for no reason. This is why i think my country's policy for zero communication between "terrorist supporting" countries is a result of horrible ignorance. We could probably halt 60% or more  of aggression just by dropping off pallets of pamphlets out of C-130s, explaining how we feel about a situation and our perspective.


Lol, have you yet considered that "poop" and "shit" are the same thing? ...or that there is nothing wrong with shit other than it being thrown at you. Same with "fuck", is there anything wrong with sex outside of goofy religious teachings, not that anyone thinks of sex when they say fuck... Same with cunt/pussy/vagina or anything else...


Yes and emotion does tend to cloud judgement.

The terms in question are really open to debate, its really a matter of what is socially acceptable.

When certain words are banned in most places then we can determine that they are not socially acceptable.

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I dont want to sound like an ignorant prick...BUT   You more than likely play the game wrong and just need to adjust.. I'm a DayZ veteran and I'm never an arsehole to people in game.. I'm an expert at avoiding them for the most part. Change you tactic(s). The game is different to most games you play I dare say.


Be patient more careful (I'm sure you try).. The game still alpha also..so much to change


Anyway, you do sound like a sooky bum.. :P   play with some freindo's !

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I'm sorry but i think ur seeing things from a wrong perspective, i've never tried rust, and i don't think i will, cause of the reasons i like this game, let's make an example, the world comes to a point similar to Dayz, if i'm alone and bump into someone that has resources i think usefull, and i kill him gathering the things i need and than leave,  when i meet someone else, there is no possibility unless he saw me, that he can find out i murdered someone and stole his things, so there is no point in complaining about it, there is nothing wrong in cold blood killing its part of the game itself, and is what makes it fun to play, the only thing that i think its not realistic or in line with the game is killing fresh spawns, cause there is no logic in it, you give away your position, waste ammo, and waste the other players time, cause he loses nothing and than respawn, and plus you put yourself at risk of beeing spotted having no reasons to do it, cause the bambi has no resources, like food or weapons.

But i think that the devs should come up with something that incourage all the players to interact cause it would make the game more fun to play, even beeing robbed and killed is far more fun than getting sniped while running as a fresh spawn.

That is one loooooong sentence man. I agree that people shouldn't be able to have access to all your killings.  I'm not saying I want exactly what Rust does to be applied to Dayz, that was just an example.  I do, however, want to get to know who the bandits are on my server are.  If we are talking about realism, then the first few kills in reality would probably go unnoticed, but overtime people would be aware of who to stay away from.  In Dayz, I can barely identify my friends sometimes because there is no way of knowing for sure who the person your next to is without them identifying themselves.  I could get killed by some dude, he could change some of his clothes around and when i run into him again, not realizing it's the same guy that just killed me.  To an extend, its a good thing there are no game-tags, but I don't think it has to be a complete mystery(especially with the lack of customizing characters).  In Rust(yes, another Rust example), you don't see the person's game-tag until they're extremely close to you.  This is so people don't just snipe some game-tag they see in their scope.  I just think there are ways to have player identities known without them being displayed for everyone on the server to see.

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So this game is shit in my opinion, and it isn't the games fault. The people are fucking retarded. I only had some small fun when I was with a group and we were helping new spawns on the beach.


I mostly play solo and from 10., 9 of them shoot me on sight. I don't have any weapons, and even when I am armed better then they are I holster my gear and go all friendly. Boom head shoot, I mean come on?!


You still don't have shit to do in this game and if the people are stupid as hell, the game starts to be very boring...


So I got 55H of Dayz and I can say only bad things about the players. In all of those 55h found like 3-4 random people who were cool.


Wish Dayz could evolve and not be a big asshole.


You know dude, if the guy to your left is an asshole, and the guy to your right is an asshole, its actually not them, its you.  If you come across in game like you do in this post I'd shoot you too.  Think about how you sound and change whatever it is you're doing, because you communicate like a jerk.


Of every 10 players I've met in game, 2 have shot at me on sight, 2 ran in terror, and 6 turned out to be friendly or at least neutral.  Something about the way you come across isn't right.  Figure out what that is (try different things and see what works) and you'll have much happier interactions in-game and in life.

Edited by Six_Ten

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I didnt read your post only the title..the dayz community is great,go play bf3,bf4..or chill there in the forums,biggest shit ever.Too much hate and invidius people.Only one example.Peace.

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Just a reminder OP: it's a sandbox game. Means people can do whatever the heck they want. If they don't play the way you like then it doesn't make them retarded, it just makes them enjoy a different playstyle.


What's retarded is when one self-centered narcisist expects the entire community to play his way.

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