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so i had a blast so far but this is killing my fun

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yes, point? Like I said I would not carelessly write my paper or go to work and write like this, however it is the internet and I dont care anywhere near as much about grammar. Go grammar nazi someone who cares.


As far as I was aware a grammar nazi would correct your grammar.

Anyways, if you really want people to understand a complex topic, it would probably be best to use proper grammar as to give them the best possible chance to understand the complex topic.

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I'm really tired of all this kids claiming to have played the same characters for really long periods of time... If you create a character today and play it 10min once a week doesn't mean you've played it for a month (more like ~50)



So.. Really? 4weeks? You and your friends played those characters for 672hours?


Get out.







yeah. you re jealous!

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As far as I was aware a grammar nazi would correct your grammar.

Anyways, if you really want people to understand a complex topic, it would probably be best to use proper grammar as to give them the best possible chance to understand the complex topic.


That makes sense (still you are bringing up grammar when it has nothing to do with the topic), yet I dont care enough to explain a simple topic in a complex way. If someone does not get it from just my sig then they are deluded enough to think this is close to a accurate simulation. In which case gg their intelligence. 

Your need to turn this to grammar has said more then enough about this topic hitting a end. Not my fault logic is hard for some. 


yeah. you re jealous!



Nice reply haha. 

Edited by Mopa
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Yeah man you are not making sense.

The point is that if you bother to make a post at all then why not use proper grammar so that people could actually understand what you are typing.

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As far as I was aware a grammar nazi would correct your grammar.

Anyways, if you really want people to understand a complex topic, it would probably be best to use proper grammar as to give them the best possible chance to understand the complex topic.


That was possibly the most redundant two sentences I've ever read.

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Get your grammar and syntax in order before criticizing others

Edited by Tizzle
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I feel like repeating my self would be pointless. *clap* done. 

Edited by Mopa

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If I'm camping Balota and I see you run out of a tree I didnt see you run into, you're getting shot.

Logging out for the night outside of a military base so you can hopefully loot it again in the morning is still s crime in the eyes of the Bane of Balota.


If you're camping Balota then your nothing but a douchbag that gets cheap lulz from shooting fresh spawns so running in or out of a tree makes no difference lol. Shooting fresh spawns is a crime in the eyes of most people never mind "The Bane of Balota". People shooting fresh spawns probably drive just as many people away from the game as the bugs, glitches, cheaters etc etc


Seriously none server hops Balota, it must be THE most visited place in the game atm meaning low chance of good loot unless there's just been a restart. Anyone that spawns on the south coast west of Cherno will go there for a look because even though it's so dangerous a fresh spawn has nothing to lose. However you stand a reasonable chance to get some clothes and a bag at least when going there.

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"90% or more(I'd wager it being closer to 98%) of the disconnects in those high loot spawn areas are not unintentional. Ergo I feel reasonably comfortable "labeling" someone logging in at those locations as a server hopper or combat logger. No one purposefully logs out in those areas with "good intentions" and the random disconnects are not very common except on servers having issues.

While it is not fair to label everyone that way, the chance of it being true is rather high so arguing against it is a bit silly."


Please back up your figures with evidence, thanks.

Instead could I have you maybe post how many of these theoretical "I was legitimately disconnected inside the barracks because of the game or my internet." people you know? Could we get dates and times it happened and maybe have the developers comb the logs and verify it? Oh, they are not going to do that? Really? Ah so neither of us can provide evidence that a given thing is happening? Okay... Good to know.

It is interesting anecdotal evidence that every person I have watched run into a barrack or jail wasn't heavily geared to begin with but every one I have seen log into the game inside one was heavily geared to the point where one guy I killed had something like 10 M4 clips(nothing smaller than 30 rounds) and an ammo box just about full. Sadly there was another person who must have accidentally logged off there due to the game bugs (*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*) who logged in and got the best of me before I could enjoy having an abundance of ammo. Shot me while I was futzing with the M4 I had just picked off the corpse after dropping my Mosin.


No? I think 10% is more than enough to argue for, thank you very much. 


Just because a lot of people do it doesn't justify you getting to say everyone is that way. Not how the world works, my friend

Actually, it is exactly how the world works. It's unfortunate, but it is. I was being fair even saying it was only 90%. I have never seen anyone "accidentally" logged out in a barracks personally among my 5 friends who play. I see how it could happen with the un-announced server restarts but then we would have to not log in for enough time for someone else to have come into the area and entered the place for us to log in while they are there. As we clear such areas before going into them it is unlikely for anyone to be within a 10 minute jog of the location and we are back into the game in less than that.

I could see where a server could crash and that person could log into a different server with a person there... but most people spend less than 5 minutes in such dangerous areas and so the chances of the server going down and not coming back up while they are in that area during that brief period of time.... Let us just say that it strains credulity to believe that people log out INSIDE a barracks "On accident". The probability is so low that the few times a person would be wrong in calling them a server hopper is justifiable.

Edited by Mercules

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Instead could I have you maybe post how many of these theoretical "I was legitimately disconnected inside the barracks because of the game or my internet." people you know? Could we get dates and times it happened and maybe have the developers comb the logs and verify it? Oh, they are not going to do that? Really? Ah so neither of us can provide evidence that a given thing is happening? Okay... Good to know.

It is interesting anecdotal evidence that every person I have watched run into a barrack or jail wasn't heavily geared to begin with but every one I have seen log into the game inside one was heavily geared to the point where one guy I killed had something like 10 M4 clips(nothing smaller than 30 rounds) and an ammo box just about full. Sadly there was another person who must have accidentally logged off there due to the game bugs (*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*) who logged in and got the best of me before I could enjoy having an abundance of ammo. Shot me while I was futzing with the M4 I had just picked off the corpse after dropping my Mosin.


Actually, it is exactly how the world works. It's unfortunate, but it is. I was being fair even saying it was only 90%. I have never seen anyone "accidentally" logged out in a barracks personally among my 5 friends who play. I see how it could happen with the un-announced server restarts but then we would have to not log in for enough time for someone else to have come into the area and entered the place for us to log in while they are there. As we clear such areas before going into them it is unlikely for anyone to be within a 10 minute jog of the location and we are back into the game in less than that.

I could see where a server could crash and that person could log into a different server with a person there... but most people spend less than 5 minutes in such dangerous areas and so the chances of the server going down and not coming back up while they are in that area during that brief period of time.... Let us just say that it strains credulity to believe that people log out INSIDE a barracks "On accident". The probability is so low that the few times a person would be wrong in calling them a server hopper is justifiable.



First, you made the initial statement include numbers, I simply questioned the validity of your statement. I am glad you said you have no proof.

Without actual proof my initial statement in the thread stands. You cannot simply brand someone that logs in a server hopper.

and DeathHTax is correct, its not how the world works. It is well understand that humans vary greatly and simply because 90% of a species could be considered to act in a certain it is certainly not grounds to suggest the reamining 10% acts the same. This would defy evolution and natural selection.

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First, you made the initial statement include numbers, I simply questioned the validity of your statement. I am glad you said you have no proof.

Without actual proof my initial statement in the thread stands. You cannot simply brand someone that logs in a server hopper.

and DeathHTax is correct, its not how the world works. It is well understand that humans vary greatly and simply because 90% of a species could be considered to act in a certain it is certainly not grounds to suggest the reamining 10% acts the same. This would defy evolution and natural selection.

I was not speaking of actions but of the probability that someone happened to be in a barracks and backed into a corner where they can cover the entrance, when they were "accidentally" disconnected. It strains basic logic to believe that even 1% of the time someone logging in under such perfect conditions was there "accidentally". If we assume that possibility is nearly non-existent then what is left? I was being far too fair to say 10% of them were not disconnecting on purpose.

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maybe this why lots of People kos ! ?!? 


I KoS for fun usually. Plus, its not hard to conceal a magnum in your jeans, you turn around to walk away, bam bullet in your back.




About the rest of your post, yeah this kind of stuff happens and unfortunately the servers don't have global/side chat anymore so you can't tell admins (if there are any on the server you are on) that there is someone doing something they shouldn't. 

Edited by Timecharge
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I was not speaking of actions but of the probability that someone happened to be in a barracks and backed into a corner where they can cover the entrance, when they were "accidentally" disconnected. It strains basic logic to believe that even 1% of the time someone logging in under such perfect conditions was there "accidentally". If we assume that possibility is nearly non-existent then what is left? I was being far too fair to say 10% of them were not disconnecting on purpose.


What you actually said "in those high loot spawn areas."

What you changed your story to "someone happened to be in a barracks and backed into a corner where they can cover the entrance"


also you based you numbers on your experience alone. which is a fast route to being wrong.

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What you changed your story to "someone happened to be in a barracks and backed into a corner where they can cover the entrance"

I am attempting to point out the ridiculousness of, "Well, they might have accidentally disconnected there. " to you by pointing out how they spawned back in. I don't know about you, but when the game kicks me I sometimes have to run around a bit to figure out where I even am and check my inventory as sometimes things I picked up several minutes ago, or food I ate several minutes back didn't register. It is possible that all the people I have personally seen log into Barracks/Jails accidentally did so, but very improbable. So yes I feel perfectly justified in calling them a server hopper.

You are correct, some people might possibly get disconnected there. If so I haven't seen one that looks as though that was the case... ever. I have, however, seen a large number of players who have logged in in such locations more heavily geared than one trip to such a location will typically get you in very specific spots with good fields of fire. Yes, I will leap to the most logical conclusion that I have yet to see someone accidentally disconnect in those locations while still knowing it is theoretically possible they could.

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I dont see how disconnection is a ridiculous explanation in a game that is currently in alpha and there is a lot of evidence about disconnects happening.

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I dont see how disconnection is a ridiculous explanation in a game that is currently in alpha and there is a lot of evidence about disconnects happening.

As I was trying to point out:

Given the nature and location of the connection it seems unlikely that the disconnect was anything but intentional. Random disconnects rarely happen when you are in a very good position to have cover and fire as soon as you log in inside a building where some of the best loot in the game spawns.

1. People who end up randomly disconnected in buildings often end up in walls and floors.

2. People who end up randomly disconnected typically are somewhere between point A and point B with point B being where their client last saw them and point A being where the server last saw them. By the time you get the message that you haven't received anything from the server you are usually further along. This makes it very unlikely they just happened to be in a corner and/or in cover.

3. After a random disconnect people typically hop right back in. They don't typically wait 10-30 minutes and have someone else wander into the area, especially if they know they disconnected in a random location in a very dangerous area.

So any reasonable person could make and educated summation that people who are logging into a server in cover behind some bunk beds or behind where and open door would cover them probably didn't randomly disconnect especially when you were just in that location and didn't see anyone nearby 3 minutes ago. ;)

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While it may be unlikely, it is simply unfair to brand Everyone that logs in at a certain location, a server hopper.

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While it may be unlikely, it is simply unfair to brand Everyone that logs in at a certain location, a server hopper.


It's still pretty fair to shoot them, though, in these examples.

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