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so i had a blast so far but this is killing my fun

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May I suggest your sig forgets that the game is still in alpha and you have only used your experiences to project an image of the game. While in fact there could be many different experiences and interprutaions in existence.


Yea you are right in saying that but I am actually not even going off of just my experience and I understand its alpha. I am going off of game content and theory of rules.

I am just saying that no matter how in depth this game goes at its core it is impossible to make a "true" simulation (going by game design principles). Only because in the end people dont die in real life while playing so the simulation is impossible to emulate (human behavior and theory of rules). Flight simulators lack death on impact of a crash for example so people will try flips in a plane without fear at 10 feet when in real life they wouldn't. You are told when you do interactive entertainment at university that using simulation for game design is more a market thing to say "sometimes similar". I guess the only way I can put it is.. you cant get a pilot licence from just flying the simulator.. 


It is a fun game, it has a role play possibility if people commit to that play style but in the end it is not life or death. People will and should play how they want, good on them being a bandit, have fun, good on them being a hero, also have fun. Just don't say that its for a reason other then fun, rage inducing, pleasure or something. 

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LOL! I've been waiting for something like this for the past several weeks for someone to come complaining on the forums just to be found out that they were actually being assholes and deserved what they got.


Like I said:







beans to you sir, if this is actually what happened

like i said before . WE KILLED THESE GUYS!


we were rockin greenish, khakiish, beige clothes

one of us disguised as a Bambi with a Magnum

one of us with a helmet, mountain backpack and M4

and me with hunterpackpack, M4 and green beanie

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No? I think 10% is more than enough to argue for, thank you very much. 


Just because a lot of people do it doesn't justify you getting to say everyone is that way. Not how the world works, my friend




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It is what actually happened. I have many witnesses. Also, I know this guy is lying. He was part of the Press Vest+Beret squad that was shooting fresh spawns. He just doesn't want to look like an asshole by admitting it was him.


The funniest thing that I've experienced in DayZ so far was this guy laying unconscious on the ground talking in direct chat telling his friends how he didn't know what happened, and how all of a sudden he was just unconscious... meanwhile, I was running behind a house, bandaging up, and taking off with his M4... which my friend still has, mind you. :D

NO NO NO....  just look at my steam Profile screenshots!  i never had a baret!

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Yea you are right in saying that but I am actually not even going off of just my experience and I understand its alpha. I am going off of game content and theory of rules.

I am just saying that no matter how in depth this game goes at its core it is impossible to make a "true" simulation (going by game design principles). Only because in the end people dont die in real life while playing so the simulation is impossible to emulate (human behavior and theory of rules). Flight simulators lack death on impact of a crash for example so people will try flips in a plane without fear at 10 feet when in real life they wouldn't. You are told when you do interactive entertainment at university that using simulation for game design is more a market thing to say "sometimes similar". I guess the only way I can put it is.. you cant get a pilot licence from just flying the simulator..

It is a fun game, it has a role play possibility if people commit to that play style but in the end it is not life or death. People will and should play how they want, good on them being a bandit, have fun, good on them being a hero, also have fun. Just don't say that its for a reason other then fun, rage inducing, pleasure or something.

You're forgetting something; people who become incredibly emotionally invested.

See, this game (like all others) has different effects on people. Its not life or death, but the real problems for some people arise when they take it extremely serious while others just go buck wild tossing care to the wind.

This is currently the only game where my heart starts to pound as soon as I see another armed player. I reaaaaly don't want my character to die (if he's geared), but if he dies I'll sigh and start over. Same thing happened when I had a level 30-something Necromancer in Diablo II, hardcore, who died and was forever lost.

But you're going to run into people who get so immersed in games it gets problematic. Maybe not "my WOW account got hacked so I'll commit suicide", but where they even treat their bambi self with the utmost sense of self preservation.

That's why you see people who just can't comprehend why someone who is decently geared would risk it all by bum rushing them with a shotgun while they had a fully kitted M4 when instead they could have gone their separate ways and both been guaranteed to keep their hard earned gear.

This is because the guy with the M4 is going crazy saying "You wouldn't do that in real life, what the fuck?!" while the shotgunner is just going full YOLO because he just doesn't care and would do this even if their loot was reversed because this is "just a game" and he wants to get into a firefight.

I'm somewhat in the middle; I have a very strong self preservation mindset most of the time and will avoid people and just like to explore while getting supplies to keep the adventure going.

Then I use that survival desire to get my heart pumping by going to places I KNOW people are going to be and they'll be armed, essentially gambling with my life. Some people just never get to that stage, however, they get incredibly attached, then die, then you see them come on here and throw a bitch fit.

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logging in ON THE AIRFIELD!    i hate These Kind of People! greedy as fck!


why would someone log out and back in at the airfield! ist so dangerous there! the only reason i can see is that those People want the loot!


This is why I camp the airfield in a bush sometimes and blow peoples heads off with my Mosin when I see them log in. There's no reason for someone to log out in as dangerous a place the barracks on the airfield or next to the ATC tower. Normal people log out in the trees, server hoppers log out on top of where they want to loot because they're lazy.

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No I had to do stuff on simulation games in uni.. that and balancing problems in mmos. I really don't care because in the end its easy to see game content weighed up to a never reachable concept. 



Dude its in alpha....

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This is why I camp the airfield in a bush sometimes and blow peoples heads off with my Mosin when I see them log in. There's no reason for someone to log out in as dangerous a place the barracks on the airfield or next to the ATC tower. Normal people log out in the trees, server hoppers log out on top of where they want to loot because they're lazy.

If I'm camping Balota and I see you run out of a tree I didnt see you run into, you're getting shot.

Logging out for the night outside of a military base so you can hopefully loot it again in the morning is still s crime in the eyes of the Bane of Balota.

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You may be confusing simulate and emulate dude.


I had to write a lot of papers on game balancing and "simulation" games. I understand the topic. Either way I don't care, as pompas as it sounds.. because I have done way to much research on this topic for uni. 

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So your saying that because every single aspect of human is not replicated in game then it cannot be called a simulation?

In particular you mention real human death, which would mean that no game could be called a simulation, making it meaningless to even say that.

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Either the simulated wood on the dash of my Buick isn't actually simulated wood, due to it's not being made of real wood, or (and I think this is more likely) by definition there must be some dissonance between a simulation and what is being simulated.

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So your saying that because every single aspect of human is not replicated in game then it cannot be called a simulation?

In particular you mention real human death, which would mean that no game could be called a simulation, making it meaningless to even say that.


I didn't noticed there was a page 5 to this thread as I was doing study all day and only had page 4 was up when I finished. So I may of posted the same thing by mistake. I deleted it to be a dot instead.


Back to what was being talked about... even though you derailed it from the main thread to my sig. Yes in design principles it is pointless to make a simulation and its more a word given to something that has a few of the same qualities. In the end once again.. it is just a game for people to do what they find fun and not a simulation as they are impossible to accurate replicate for obvious reasons such as risk/reward/life/death/survival at its core on a real life situation. Simulation is nothing but a word for interactive entertainment designers.  

Done talking about it as you are unable to understand that this concept of "simulation" is a term in game design and not attainable to the way retards think it is on these forums..

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I didn't noticed there was a page 5 to this thread as I was doing study all day and only had page 4 was up when I finished. So I may of posted the same thing by mistake. I deleted it to be a dot instead.


Back to what was being talked about... even though you derailed it from the main thread to my sig. Yes in design principles it is pointless to make a simulation and its more a word given to something that has a few of the same qualities. In the end once again.. it is just a game for people to do what they find fun and not a simulation as they are impossible to accurate replicate for obvious reasons such as risk/reward/life/death/survival at its core on a real life situation. Simulation is nothing but a word for interactive entertainment designers.  

Done talking about it as you are unable to understand that this concept of "simulation" is a term in game design and not attainable to the way retards think it is on these forums..



You seem to have skipped over the part where if it is your opinion that no game can be considered a simulation then why mention it at all ?

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Either the simulated wood on the dash of my Buick isn't actually simulated wood, due to it's not being made of real wood, or (and I think this is more likely) by definition there must be some dissonance between a simulation and what is being simulated.

Last thing as I missed your post. Simulated a mesh or a item is far different to simulating a whole situation or apocalypse. Simulate a casino environment and give your simulated character a million dollars. Then have that person go around gambling. This will yes be a ok "simulator" in terms of maybe raising heart rate or being in a visual area BUT ultimately the money (risk) is not real therefore the action of betting and losing or winning (reward) would be a inaccurate determinant o the situation (going to a real casino). 

Simulation has some similar design properties to the real thing BUT ultimately lack and will always lack the main things that determine outcome in a real situation.


Nothing can be more clear then that. If you dont get it then go do a degree on it or think more.. or something.. fuck its not hard to understand haha.


Im done *claps hands then walks away*

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You seem to have skipped over the part where if it is your opinion that no game can be considered a simulation then why mention it at all ?


Refer to last post. Said it because it related to my original post on the OP. 

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Last thing as I missed your post. Simulated a mesh or a item is far different to simulating a whole situation or apocalypse. Simulate a casino environment and give your simulated character a million dollars. Then have that person go around gambling. This will yes be a ok "simulator" in terms of maybe raising heart rate or being in a visual area BUT ultimately the money (risk) is not real therefore the action of betting and losing or winning (reward) would be a inaccurate determinant o the situation (going to a real casino). 

Simulation has some similar design properties to the real thing BUT ultimately lack and will always lack the main things that determine outcome in a real situation.


Nothing can be more clear then that. If you dont get it then go do a degree on it or think more.. or something.. fuck its not hard to understand haha.


Im done *claps hands then walks away*



You seem to be repeated your point that nothing can be considered a simulation, so again, Why mention it in the first place ?

edit: it is also quite difficult to understand what exactly you are saying because your grammar/spelling is not accurate.

Also I should not have to do a degree on the subject to understand it because you have already done that and if you actually learned something then you would be able to explain it in laymans terms to someone who doesnt know.

Edited by Skyline-GTR

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At an airfield, yes. It is one of the worst places to log out if you are playing legitimately. Not going to be the first choice of any legitimate player.

I dont know why u ppl think this is the case....I have logged out on the NWAF and logged back again many times. Im not server hopping. Sometimes I stay for a while on the NWAF for the pvp.


Assuming someone is a server hopper just because they log in on the airfield is silly and stupid...in any case it only reflects how scared u are of the airfield ur self.

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You seem to be repeated your point that nothing can be considered a simulation, so again, Why mention it in the first place ?

edit: it is also quite difficult to understand what exactly you are saying because your grammar/spelling is not accurate.

Also I should not have to do a degree on the subject to understand it because you have already done that and if you actually learned something then you would be able to explain it in laymans terms to someone who doesnt know.




Someone posted something to me earlier in thread, I replied, they replied and along the lines it came to something simulation and it being a reason for some action. Then simulation came up. 


Simple conversation that built up. Whats the point? 


*edit* I will not be talking about common sense and simulations anymore. I will only reply to other topics. Such a OP or stupid things like "you point that nothing sim blah blah"

Edited by Mopa

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I'm really tired of all this kids claiming to have played the same characters for really long periods of time... If you create a character today and play it 10min once a week doesn't mean you've played it for a month (more like ~50)



So.. Really? 4weeks? You and your friends played those characters for 672hours?


Get out.



...we all lost our 4 week old toons to this billshut!...


Edited by BrainlessZombie

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Yeah sure dude, what lanuage did you write your papers in because your grammar is hard to understand ?


Talking on the internet or txting is different to writing a paper haha... Next childish throw out?

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Talking on the internet or txting is different to writing a paper haha... Next childish throw out?


So was it english ?

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So was it english ?


yes, point? Like I said I would not carelessly write my paper or go to work and write like this, however it is the internet and I dont care anywhere near as much about grammar. Go grammar nazi someone who cares.

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