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so i had a blast so far but this is killing my fun

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Holy hot shitsnacks, you helped Bambis accomplish something they can accomplish on their own just be opening a door. You're literally like Jesus. What would they have done without you? They might have had to figure out how to operate their own mousewheels in order to open a door or two. I can't even imagine the hardship they would have gone through if you hadn't been there to rescue them! How does it feel to do so much good for people in such bad situations? I mean, I remember the first time I had to open a door. I struggled with my mousewheel for 40 minutes. Left, right, I pressed down. I even tried to pull up on it. It wasn't until I Googled what a "wheel" Was that I had the idea to roll it around its axis and then I had to go through a whole other learning process to figure out how to "click" it. Did you guys know mouse wheels click as well as roll? I didn't and I nearly lost my finger figuring it out.
Anyway, by the end of it all, I had lost my index finger (on my left hand! what gives?), I had frostbite on my toes, I was malnourished (in real life, the irony!) and my beard had grown longer than I like to let it get. I would shave, but the book I ordered from Amazon about how to operate a safety razor hasn't arrived yet, so for now I'm just going to sit here with my shaggy beard and rumbling stomach and pray some good soul like you comes along and offers to groom my facial hair for me.
Seriously, though. It's fine if you want to hang around on the coast playing grab-ass with beachsprouts, but don't act like you're a fucking saint.

desync and yea its pretty game breaking..


Jesus tap dancing Christ, dude. Are you fucking serious with that signature? What a mess. That would barely be respectable as a post, and it's your signature?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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ye its over.... 


we are on the dark side again! dis one dude made my whole Team paranoid. they shoot everhting that moves now!


GOD. killin thos 2 hoppers on the airfield gave me such a satisfaction! i gots to kill in this game!

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Just because someone logs in at or near an airfield means nothing!

I have had my server reset at an airfield so many times it's ridiculous. 

I have even had it reset while standing upstairs in the camo jail cells, not a good place to spawn in when you can find your last server and you need to join a new one where you have no idea if someone else is there or not.

Yes, people server hop the airfields all the time, BUT you can't assume that everyone that spawns into an airfield is a SH.

Should you kill them or not is up to you, but they may not be an evil SH.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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i have my servers where i play. u can put them in your "favourites".


i dont hangout too long on airfields. getting too paranoid there! never had a disconnect while looting the arifield. only thinking about having a disco there makes me shiver!

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Logging in = server hopper ?

 logging in at the airfield in the jail biuldings ....only server hoppers are this bold

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 logging in at the airfield in the jail biuldings ....only server hoppers are this bold


ugh.... someone went there and got disconnected ?

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so my friends and me were camping the Woods of solichniy! looking for Bambis to help and baddies to kill!


when suddenly a Bambi is running on the street! 30meters away from us! then i he saw us and stood there watching us. just stands still for a while on the street! then next Moment he starts punching in the air on the street!  the next Moment we all are getting unconcious! DUDE WAS MILES AWAY AND PUNCHED ALL OF US UNCONSCIOUS!


we decided to head to elektro to catch our buddy cuz only 2 of our Group of 3 survived this!

on our way to elektro we came through kamy where we again met a Bambi. we decided to talk to him and he suddenly starts running circles like mad! dissappearing through walls. appearing again through a wall. after a while he just stops running around and stands there on the street just punching in the air . the next Thing that happened.    YOU ARE UNCONSCIOUS!


we all lost our 4 week old toons to this billshut!


can anyone explain!

its not that we didnt try to kill him while he running circles but our guns just didnt hurt him!


maybe this why lots of People kos ! ?!? 








Funny how every single one of these stories involves a "Helping bambis...." or "Going to be a medic..." or "Helping my grandmother across the street, when suddenly" lol

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ugh.... someone went there and got disconnected ?

possible unless the have 10 + 45 mgs and a bunch of stanag coupled

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Were you guys wearing Berets? All black outfits with Press Vests? 

And were you hanging out in Kamyshovo, Solnichney, and Three Valleys shooting fresh spawns? 

Because if so... I was the guy who ran up to you while you were holding up a fresh spawn and cold clocked your ass and took your M4..


You had shot me earlier without good reason.


You and your squad obviously had duped gear, and you were hanging around harassing bambis. I wasn't hacking. I was running around a house in circles after your guys opened fire on me, and when you ran into the street to get away from me, I ran up behind you and punched you in the head while your friends stood around with their dicks in their hands.. I took your M4 and ran off while you whined to your friends how you had no idea what happened. Wasn't until later that I realized you were so bad at this game that you wasted all 60 shots of your M4 and between you and your 2 friends you only managed to score 1 leg shot on me.


In short: The game is laggy, and you deserved every bit of that ass kicking.



PS: The fact that you came to the forums and whined about it and cried "hax" gave me a huge erection.


LOL! I've been waiting for something like this for the past several weeks for someone to come complaining on the forums just to be found out that they were actually being assholes and deserved what they got.


Like I said:



Funny how every single one of these stories involves a "Helping bambis...." or "Going to be a medic..." or "Helping my grandmother across the street, when suddenly" lol





beans to you sir, if this is actually what happened

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Really.. it sounds like hacking/teleporting..

No, it's lag. Good old, familiar lag.



Before I believe your story, I would like some hard figures to back up your assumptions.


From my experience, disconnection in this game is high, although my internet is very stable.


Yes it is your choice to kill whenever you see fit, but automatically branding someone who logs in at a certain location a server hopper, is just not right.



ugh huh.

I aint trolling, but I suspect you may lack basic reasoning.

Branding of people based on probabilty is right ?



ugh.... someone went there and got disconnected ?

90% or more(I'd wager it being closer to 98%) of the disconnects in those high loot spawn areas are not unintentional. Ergo I feel reasonably comfortable "labeling" someone logging in at those locations as a server hopper or combat logger. No one purposefully logs out in those areas with "good intentions" and the random disconnects are not very common except on servers having issues.

While it is not fair to label everyone that way, the chance of it being true is rather high so arguing against it is a bit silly.

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"90% or more(I'd wager it being closer to 98%) of the disconnects in those high loot spawn areas are not unintentional. Ergo I feel reasonably comfortable "labeling" someone logging in at those locations as a server hopper or combat logger. No one purposefully logs out in those areas with "good intentions" and the random disconnects are not very common except on servers having issues.

While it is not fair to label everyone that way, the chance of it being true is rather high so arguing against it is a bit silly."


Please back up your figures with evidence, thanks.

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No, it's lag. Good old, familiar lag.







90% or more(I'd wager it being closer to 98%) of the disconnects in those high loot spawn areas are not unintentional. Ergo I feel reasonably comfortable "labeling" someone logging in at those locations as a server hopper or combat logger. No one purposefully logs out in those areas with "good intentions" and the random disconnects are not very common except on servers having issues.

While it is not fair to label everyone that way, the chance of it being true is rather high so arguing against it is a bit silly.


No? I think 10% is more than enough to argue for, thank you very much. 


Just because a lot of people do it doesn't justify you getting to say everyone is that way. Not how the world works, my friend

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When friend of mine and me travel together, one often is invisible to the other. At that point you just need to reconnect.

P.S What is up with these long signature stories that are used for somebody to proclaim an opinion like it's a fact?




Holy hot shitsnacks, you helped Bambis accomplish something they can accomplish on their own just be opening a door. You're literally like Jesus. What would they have done without you? They might have had to figure out how to operate their own mousewheels in order to open a door or two. I can't even imagine the hardship they would have gone through if you hadn't been there to rescue them! How does it feel to do so much good for people in such bad situations? I mean, I remember the first time I had to open a door. I struggled with my mousewheel for 40 minutes. Left, right, I pressed down. I even tried to pull up on it. It wasn't until I Googled what a "wheel" Was that I had the idea to roll it around its axis and then I had to go through a whole other learning process to figure out how to "click" it. Did you guys know mouse wheels click as well as roll? I didn't and I nearly lost my finger figuring it out.
Anyway, by the end of it all, I had lost my index finger (on my left hand! what gives?), I had frostbite on my toes, I was malnourished (in real life, the irony!) and my beard had grown longer than I like to let it get. I would shave, but the book I ordered from Amazon about how to operate a safety razor hasn't arrived yet, so for now I'm just going to sit here with my shaggy beard and rumbling stomach and pray some good soul like you comes along and offers to groom my facial hair for me.
Seriously, though. It's fine if you want to hang around on the coast playing grab-ass with beachsprouts, but don't act like you're a fucking saint.


Jesus tap dancing Christ, dude. Are you fucking serious with that signature? What a mess. That would barely be respectable as a post, and it's your signature?



One admits the game has desync and lag problems that need fixing, one admits the game has a pointless system of helping when 99% of the time people dont need help. Thus leaving nothing but pvp and poor design of a simulation which also I might point out is one of the things a university degree will teach you in games design... "Games can never be true simulations because risk vs reward can never be truly manipulated to a real risk, aka death". Literally the first thing you learn at university for interactive entertainment studies.   


Anyways couldn't care less if you two are dumb enough to think the game is a good simulation and or that things would really be like a limited form of media... 


--- Also you brought up my sig that has nothing to do with the original post, congrats ---

Edited by Mopa

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ugh.... someone went there and got disconnected ?


And tough titty toenails for them, I guess. If you're at an airfield and someone logs in next to you, the correct reaction is to shoot them before they can do anything about it. To do anything otherwise is to invite death.

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One admits the game has desync and lag problems that need fixing, one admits the game has a pointless system of helping when 99% of the time people dont need help. Thus leaving nothing but pvp and poor design of a simulation which also I might point out is one of the things a university degree will teach you in games design... "Games can never be true simulations because risk vs reward can never be truly manipulated to a real risk, aka death". Literally the first thing you learn at university for interactive entertainment studies.   


Anyways couldn't care less if you two are dumb enough to think the game is a good simulation and or that things would really be like a limited form of media... 


--- Also you brought up my sig that has nothing to do with the original post, congrats ---


Hey listen man. Your sig IS damn obnoxious. Got it all figured out huh? Got your game published yet? Does it come with high voltage electrodes that attach to your balls, for some real risk vs reward? Good grief. The Wet Blanket award is all yours - take it, you've earned it.

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I don't mind this feature at all... and the desync is something that will be improving.

WHAT I really think (personal opinion) it is a bit... weird when I get smacked in the face and go unconscious WHEN I am wearing one of those pay-day masks. Just happened to me a while ago, I mean, considering those pay-day masks are made of plastic you would think it would stop a punch.

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Hey listen man. Your sig IS damn obnoxious. Got it all figured out huh? Got your game published yet? Does it come with high voltage electrodes that attach to your balls, for some real risk vs reward? Good grief. The Wet Blanket award is all yours - take it, you've earned it.


Its far from obnoxious.

It explains that this is just a game and how people play it relates to nothing but how THEY feel they want to play and NOT to a simulation. Otherwise why do fully geared players who can easily sustain life by staying in a forest go hunting for other players with no intention to loot them. Reason: Because it is fun. I play a bandit style with my friends when they come play and when I am solo I play a neutral style. I just dont tell myself that being a bandit and or killing people when I have everything I need to live or actively going to dangerous place to run into people is anywhere close to a simulation. Tbh the -> game <- would be boring if it was a real simulation. 


*edit* I have a bachelor in interactive entertainment. I done a major in level designing. I didnt say I made games I just got a university degree in the concept of game design.. No reason to act like a 9 year old and ask for outlandish things.  

Edited by Mopa

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Taking it as obnoxious is just retarded haha or you are just salty that you are a "bandit" for no reason other then to kill for fun and dont have the brain power to think that has nothing to do with how a simulation would go.. either way. 


Holy shit, I have no idea what you're trying to say.

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Holy shit, I have no idea what you're trying to say.


It is not hard to understand, my sig is saying people can play and will play however they want. They just should not try and justify it with the "its a simulation and I would do this is real life" bull shit. The game is just a game that has tiny bits of survival in it. It is far from a good simulation. 


How is that hard to get haha. 

Edited by Mopa

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--- Also you brought up my sig that has nothing to do with the original post, congrats ---


I brought up your sig because it's a fucking embarrassing train wreck, dude.

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I brought up your sig because it's a fucking embarrassing train wreck, dude.


Ok its obvious you are incredibly good at simple logic. Not going to respond anymore as you are just derailing the OP. 

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May I suggest your sig forgets that the game is still in alpha and you have only used your experiences to project an image of the game. While in fact there could be many different experiences and interprutaions in existence.

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LOL! I've been waiting for something like this for the past several weeks for someone to come complaining on the forums just to be found out that they were actually being assholes and deserved what they got.


Like I said:







beans to you sir, if this is actually what happened



It is what actually happened. I have many witnesses. Also, I know this guy is lying. He was part of the Press Vest+Beret squad that was shooting fresh spawns. He just doesn't want to look like an asshole by admitting it was him.


The funniest thing that I've experienced in DayZ so far was this guy laying unconscious on the ground talking in direct chat telling his friends how he didn't know what happened, and how all of a sudden he was just unconscious... meanwhile, I was running behind a house, bandaging up, and taking off with his M4... which my friend still has, mind you. :D

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