Chawktah 43 Posted February 1, 2014 So, just wondering, but what kind of cheats have yall encountered so far? I have seen people on buildings that are unclimbable, like one in Cherno that I couldnt get up (could have been I didnt know how to go up further than the first ladder landing. Ive gone up other ladders multi story, but that one wouldnt let me... I've also experienced players shooting the mosin at extreme speeds and recently was shot through a wall. I would really like to know if anyone else has experienced anything like the last one, where you have seen a player or been in a position where the only possible explanation could have been someones bullets going through solid material.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zedicologist 162 Posted February 1, 2014 You can get on top of those buildings in Cherno. Ive not seen any cheating in my 100 hours played. Seen exploiting like ghosting and glitching into walls. But as far as scripting or hacking, ive not ran across anyone. Not to say they are not out there but rarer than you think. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Madshot 0 Posted February 1, 2014 I had a speed hacker running up and down the coast recently on my server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted February 1, 2014 I've seen no cheating in 50hrs so far. Plenty of douche-bags, but no cheating. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mark3236 (DayZ) 77 Posted February 1, 2014 i had a guy that was shooting from the ground. I wouldn't say it was glitching into walls, because he was literally IN the ground, unable for me to see except the tip of the gun, it's a similar noclip hack in WarZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demoth 366 Posted February 1, 2014 I've been killed once by a .pbo hacker. That was obnoxious.I've run into only one other ESP hacker, but thankfully he was unarmed and we killed him.I've had some really questionable fights where very suspicious things happened, bit it's hard to prove it was not just the game being whacky, buggy and glitching out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted February 1, 2014 i had a guy that was shooting from the ground. I wouldn't say it was glitching into walls, because he was literally IN the ground, unable for me to see except the tip of the gun, it's a similar noclip hack in WarZ. Could jut be he glitched into the terrain somehow, not necessarily a hack. Also there is a bug where people can appear to be in the ground (without actually being in the ground), I play with a small group and occasionally one of us will see one of the others in the ground but the others see him as normal, usually happens in buildings with a raised floor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorthCode 3 Posted February 1, 2014 I've seen nothing yet been playing since release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
e00c 84 Posted February 1, 2014 No cheats. Nothing so far. But this glitching through a wall is bugging me. Shame on the guy who did it though, didn't believe that there was actually more people around him than me. I managed to spawn literally feet away from your dead body. It's a pretty good fit for my feminine curves! ;-) lol. Serves you right for server hopping too. Enough items to kit out a squad :thumbsup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThePieKing 17 Posted February 1, 2014 (edited) Only thing I can say for sure is combat loggers, got to love it when people start a fight with you and log out. As for people glitching through walls, sometimes it's not on purpose. I've glitched through 3 myself, the first time I was looting a barracks, when I went to go check the last room I went through the wall and ended up outside somehow. The second time I was on the staircase in the air traffic tower and a friend ran past me and pushed me out the wall. The third time I was in the fire station on the third floor, saw some ammo then went for it, and went through the wall and fell to my death. I did log back onto a server that reset one time, and died as soon as I logged in and so did my friend, but I can't verify that it was a hack and not a bug. The only reason I mentioned this is because with the mod there was a hack that let people kill who ever they wanted. One of my buddies was telling me that him and another guy got shot while in buildings in areas where there was no windows, they died about 20 seconds apart, but I didn't experience it myself since I wasn't online at that time. Edited February 1, 2014 by ThePieKing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrainlessZombie 190 Posted February 1, 2014 No cheating that i have noticed.+90hrs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korsbaek 1778 Posted February 1, 2014 I've seen no cheating or hacking so far in my 25 hours of playing. Some people exaggerate quite a lot, saying there are lots of hackers everywhere. I haven't seen one yet. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImageCtrl 719 Posted February 1, 2014 So, just wondering, but what kind of cheats have yall encountered so far?Zero...One thing I sometimes wonder...Sometimes in a city all doors open, only the doors are closed with only clothes in it. I know they also could have nice loot.Looks like someone was in the city seeing the loot without searching the buildings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sab 32 Posted February 1, 2014 Been playing since release, 150+ hours. Only came across one obvious hacky type of cheater... Server I was on crashed while I was inside the east entrance corner of the eastern hangar in the Balota airfield, so my friends and I switched to another. I log on, poke my head out, see a guy at the top of the ACT, no way he could have seen me (I was using 3rd person at the time), I walk back towards the mid of the hangar so I could scan the airfield and out of nowhere the guy on the ACT shot directly at me through the hangar, barely missed at all. Not to say that shooting through walls is cheaty, just that he knew exactly where I was. Friend of mine saw him aim straight for me like he had a type of radar. ;) Apart from that, I have not run into any OBVIOUS or what I'd consider to be suspicious encounters with other players... and I've met a lot of players. @NoCheats: That is believable, if I remember correctly I once saw a guy bragging about hacking on DayZ and providing pictures of a hack that did exactly that on his Steam screenshots. Definitely hackers out there which is a shame, but nowhere near as much "scripters"/hackers like the mod which I'm entirely grateful for. Sadly no game will ever be perfect in that regard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Window Licker 504 Posted February 1, 2014 117ish hours, Haven't seen any cheaters, there was the one where people would delete the .pbo files, I've found a few places where I've glitched into the terrain and there's a bug that can be exploited to let you see through walls. I think the whole "game is riddled with hacker's" is a ploy to convince people in the community that they should do it too. Stealth advertising if you will. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
e00c 84 Posted February 1, 2014 As for people glitching through walls, sometimes it's not on purpose.Nah, this guy did it 2/3 times. Came out, fired a few shots, hid. Came back out again. It's all good though, team mate got him :thumbsup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 72 Posted February 1, 2014 (edited) you see a lot more of that stuff when watching popular streamers on twitch.tvcheaters flock to streamers like flies to shit. once there was a guy that always spawned fully geared with ridiculous amount of pristine stuff, no way on earth was the gear legit and he had it again every time he approached the streamer. Edited February 1, 2014 by Broter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted February 1, 2014 I have 255 hours played on DayZ and cheating that I so far encountered was rather exploiting of game bugs. Battleye is doing really good job on banning esp hackers etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gekkonidae 270 Posted February 1, 2014 (edited) I've seen someone teleporting/speed hacking on the coast, trolling people. However, that was some time back and they were probably banned. Haven't seen anything since. I've been playing 120+ hours. Edited February 1, 2014 by Gekkonidae Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chawktah 43 Posted February 2, 2014 Was just wondering. Im at 202 hours and only 2 cheats isnt bad. Makes me feel better that some of yall havent encountered anything yet, other than glitches and exploits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bannworthrulz 24 Posted February 2, 2014 Tons and tons of hackers here, I have seen people teleport across the map. I have been shot by semi auto mosin, people seem to find me no matter where I am on the map. I have been shot through houses, (to be fair, you can shoot through some barns). There is a lot of this stuff going on. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BL1P 252 Posted February 2, 2014 (edited) None That I would call blatant Hacks with 261 hours. A lot of server hoppers and combat loggers though. Edited February 2, 2014 by BL1P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zaphodity (DayZ) 41 Posted February 2, 2014 (edited) Be honest, you losers love spawn hopping new spawns. It's the only kills you get. Unarmed ones. Edited February 2, 2014 by zaphodity 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Animosh 3 Posted February 2, 2014 The worse one I have seen is character duping. They log off on at the right moment and can dupe their entire character. I have come across an area where there were 15+ of the same character all standing there. Shit ton of combat loggers/server hopping Share this post Link to post Share on other sites