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Longest Surviving Character?

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Probably about 20 in game hours, then got wiped by server error.

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I've said before: a "leaderboard" showing longest spawns would be awesome.

Easy to cheat on, but who wants to log in and just...sit there?

I just sat there reading for a few hours yesterday. The server was low pop, but I was between spawns and Rify. Still pretty well hidden, but there is always that chance someone finds me.

If there were leaderboards for survival time, there would also need to be a survival rating. I play on West coast during late mornin to midday. The Hardcore servers that give me a low ping usually have less than 10 people, not quite as difficult as a full server at peak time. Also if running far west or north, like I sometimes do, it is not as difficult as being in high traffic corridors or major destinations.

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Probably about 3 or 4 hours.


Oddly, I've never been killed by a zombie. Not once.


Player, ladders and a memorably lethal set of stairs....then there's that time I teleported about 5 metres forward, straight off a roof like Wile-E-Coyote.


Hey Trigger you play on Aussie servers? Think I've seen your name in-game.

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I've said before: a "leaderboard" showing longest spawns would be awesome.

Easy to cheat on, but who wants to log in and just...sit there?


Eh, losers if anyone would waste their time to be at the top of the leaderboards. Anyway maybe we can get a AFK check or timer. And also they would starve unless they came back frequently enough. 

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I don't put a huge amount of stock in how long my characters survive.  Honestly, you can survive as long as you want.  Low pop servers, out of the way cabins, it isn't difficult.


You would need to restrict it to saying only use full servers and hang out in the major towns to get a clear picture.  It is just too easy to ive currently.

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On stable branch, I've been going for about a week and a half

On experimental, a few days

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I don't want to gloat but Ive never died!! Don't know what its like nor do I care as Im too good for the rest of you!!


Thats most likely BS!

If you have never died in the SA then your a fucking liar!

Everyone has died from a glitch or some shit from the bugs that the Alpha has.


If your actually engaging people and trying to find combat, then you will die somewhat often.

But if you just hide up north and keep to yourself you can live forever.


IMO you sound like one of those 3PP playing, gamma upping, exploit finding turds that I love to hunt down daily!

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On the standalone my characters been going for about three days so far...I may or may not look for trouble more then I should...

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For about a month now I have been spending 90% of my time along the coastal region, occasionally making my way into Elektro, but not much farther than that.  Kamyshovo and sometimes Solnichniy are some heavy hot spots, constantly running into geared players looking for trouble.  This being said, I had a character for about 1 1/2 weeks running down the "Florida" area of the map that probably had roughly 20-25 gameplay hours before dying.

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About two weeks / 16 hours. I was shot and left for dead three times and survived. My entire squad was wiped many times over and I was the sole survivor every time. I really need to edit the video and share it, but I am too lazy lol. 

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if you took the deaths i have had from bugs out of the equation i would say i usually last 10 to 20 hours i dont hang around electro etc but i do make fairly often runs on mil bases air fields these are where i usually die in a hail of bullets or that one perfect sniper shot lol.


Yeah not sure a timer for length of life is trully telling the picture because yes it was to easy to stick to the out of the way places you can get enough food water to live there indefinately. Im kinda against any sort of k/d or time lived etc etc as it would premote one play style or another this is our story after all have fun how you play ( how ever that is) and some times you get lucky (or your good ) and other you get unlucky ( or just suck lol ).


I wouldnt mind growing facial hair as a reminder of how long you have been around for but no game clocking of hours days etc not really needed its not a score board competitive game.( besides even though it would burn minor resources to do i want every scrap of power to run more zeds more lootable towns made etc rather than giving people a stat so you can stroke ya ego...

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about 16 hours for me so far. falling off buildings, ladders, stairs and getting killed are the usual suspects. I've never been killed by another player outside of the coast or coastal cities. The one time I was getting shot at while at NWAF by a sniper, I was on top of the fire station and jumped off on the other side before he could get me haha. Allowing another player down below to loot my stuff so the sniper couldn't get it :-P


no kill or loot for you mr. sniper!

Edited by Gekkonidae

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2 weeks, average play time of about 4 hrs per day, I've gone around the entire map.


Usually lay on a relatively high pop, anywhere from 18 players to full 40.


I don't usually play hardcore, because I like playing with my mates.

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Not long normally get killed by someone logging in behind me in any one of the popular zones.

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I stayed alive around 30 hours my last spawn before server going down while I was at the northeast airfield. Logged back on for a couple minutes to get myself somewhere safer for when I logged in to actually play, but got a bit greedy ad checked an ATC tower and took a sniper shot to the head. Started over and I'm at around 20 hours right now after running from Elektro to Berezino to the shipwreck and now I'm somewhere just outside the NW airfield after making a quick stealth loot run before work. Hoping Monday when I actually play again I can get to Cherno and not get shot

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 What has everyone's longest survival time been?

 My regular server character has survived for roughly three weeks if not longer. 

 My hardcore character probably about two weeks. I get on quite often and usually am pretty active (going through Elektro and other big cities.)


I've been off work for the last two weeks (I still have two weeks left!) and have logged over 200 hours total since I bought this game mid-January. I've been alive now going on two weeks of 10+ hour days. I really wish they'd implement an in-game timer. :3

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Do you really think the OP asked the question to people who dont log in for 2 weeks and they count the 2 weeks in their # of weeks alive?




im pretty active. i go to hot spots, etc...so im usually alive for 2 days. i died 3 times in 1 night, lol.


i dont run to the hills and hide. this is actively playing, shooting, etc. 

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Lost counts of the weeks I've been alive. I've mostly explored Chernarus now and right now I'm wandering about heading north on the east coast. Not much going on with my character right now, mostly waiting for the update coming February fifth.

You know you can play it now on the experimental branch, right?

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