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My opinion on upcoming changes

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So i tried out the experimental servers. This was the first time in my 110hours of Dayz standalone gametime, and my 2000+ hours of arma 2 Dayz that i've ever.. EVER died from starvation.
I tried out my first life, all the servers were full so i had to join a full server. Looting the towns along the coast everything was empty, which was to be expected honestly.
So i went more inland and reached gorka. By this time i was starving. I found no food there, at all and before i reached the next city i died from starvation.
Server restarts -
I try this again, starting at berenzino, all the doors of every house was closed, i went trough all of em. Didn't find a single piece of food. I reach the first grocery. I find a bag of rice. This kept me alive for the longest time.
I start running south towards cherno. When i reached cherno my rice had ran out. I had looted all the houses in my path (I ran trough the forests looting houses there on my way to cherno) but i had not found any additional food.
So i get close to cherno, i'm out of food and my stomach is grumbling.
I enter one of the high story building cities north of cherno and loot it.
Checking the groceries, school, TEC buildings but no food to be found (Barely anything to be found..). I go onwards to the next, same deal there.
I go to the third one, right above Balota. Same thing, no loot. I even checked a few of the high story buildings... They're usually empty but you never know.
At this point my hunger has turned red and i'm "Dying of starvation". I decide instead of going to cherno, i run north.
Since if the small cities north of cherno is looted, then cherno probably is aswell.
I reach Nadezhdino and loot that place. Picked clean again.
I go towards the castle north from Nadezhino, i actually saw some loot there (not food) but it was under the ground so it couldnt be looted.
I go to the city of Vyshnoye, a bit north from the castle.
Picked clean. . . .
I understand it's an experimental Patch/server, and i understand since the servers are full 24/7 the loot is gonna be scarce.
But when you're dying from starvation and can't find anything no matter how hard you try, there's something wrong.
Should the developers not react to this and compensate for the high amount of players? Either make restarts happen more often, or increase spawn amount, or implement actual "re-spawns".
Since right now, unless you're playing right after the restart, you're gonna have a bad time.... And even if you're playing right after a restart... you won't last too long.
This was just stupid, and even tho i hate the "30min restart loot servers", they're gonna be the only option if this scarcity goes live.


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when they putting more loot in more house etc there will be 1000's extra spawn locations :thumbsup:  :)


will not be possible for 40 - 50 player to 'pick clean' every single spawn location on map in 10 hours :huh:


problem is optimize mean less spawn at moment


forget regular respawn of loot  


this never happen :D


server restart will always be only time loot is coming ;)


in future when they make optimize repair this will be enough


think every house/apartment/shed/industrial buildings and car wrecks and shops and deer stand in cherno area alone will take 10 guys 3 hours to pick clean


and new cities coming also :thumbsup:  :D


and this is before stash and player camp is introduce

Edited by KoS

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Don't forget that the experimental servers have a high fluctuation of users. The - practically nonexistent, but theoretical - queue on a full experimental server is much longer than one on a normal server. And a lot of those people trying to join have never played on an experimental server and thus carry no food. Not sure if the hive for experimental servers gets reset after a patch, if so the situation has to be even worse.


So as you concluded yourself, this isn't really a problem of the new patch, but the experimental server. The threads title doesn't really reflect that.

Edited by Baarn

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Yeah, Its been hit or miss. I had today off from work so I was able to be the first to pick through two airports and Chernogorsk. I found enough food to last me all day, a SKS, a revolver, and a .45 with accompanying ammo for all of them. Once the server was full for a spell loot was rare. Item respawning would be a welcome change for these busy servers that don't reset often.

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If you couldn't find food on the experimental servers... you suck, The last experimental server test had no where near as many server restarts as this new dev build did(restarting every 30 minutes or so... a glitvh, I think, where drinking  soda from the ground caused a server restart). even on the current stable, old experimental, build where the servers didn't restart for six hours plus with full server population, I was still able to find all the food I could ever need. 

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If you couldn't find food on the experimental servers... you suck, The last experimental server test had no where near as many server restarts as this new dev build did(restarting every 30 minutes or so... a glitvh, I think, where drinking  soda from the ground caused a server restart). even on the current stable, old experimental, build where the servers didn't restart for six hours plus with full server population, I was still able to find all the food I could ever need. 

Yes, i must be very bad at the game. So bad that i somehow remove loot from houses i haven't been in.
Somehow i force houses to be empty (worry)
It's really weird, can you please teach me how you make sure your houses has loot?
Please, stop trolling around. Unless the server is fresh, you won't find shit, and even then you have like max 1h before the server goes barren again.

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Died almost three times now from hunger. Ran all the way to apts above Cherno three times in a row. Almost died the third time, but some shithead KOS'er didn't like the way my looting technique or something. Hours and hours...sad.

Edited by Thane

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If you couldn't find food on the experimental servers... you suck, The last experimental server test had no where near as many server restarts as this new dev build did(restarting every 30 minutes or so... a glitvh, I think, where drinking soda from the ground caused a server restart). even on the current stable, old experimental, build where the servers didn't restart for six hours plus with full server population, I was still able to find all the food I could ever need.

He's just experiencing the classic case of, "it hasn't happened to me so clearly it has and cannot happen to anyone". Throw in some ego for good measure (he's saying you suck, implying he knows what he's doing because he's awesome) and you're basically left with, "Deal with it, nerd".

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The experimental servers didn't seem to be restarting last night, I've never had an issue finding food before, but I stopped off at 5 or 6 towns on the way to Vybor and everyone had been picked clean, even the odd outcrop of buildings you find in the middle of nowhere had been emptied.


Oddly when I got to Vybor it hadn't been touched so found plenty of loot.


Made it much more intense.

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OMG! These changes have ruined the game! Already! Event though I`m not sure what the final game will look like or if they will be coming at all? But OMG!

Edited by bonsai

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OMG! These changes have ruined the game! Already! Event though I`m not sure what the final game will look like or if they will be coming at all? But OMG!


You're a great poster.


Why don't the experimental servers restart then?, what exactly can we test if we constantly die of starvation..

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On the experimental server.. was near starving, in a town already looted.. house to house, nothing... then i find a tin of beans!!  The most satisfying high end loot I've had the pleasure to find! :)

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OP this whole thread can be summed up by; "its alpha, critical content is missing, loot balancing & loot spawns are planned"

Edited by MadTommy

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You're a great poster.


Why don't the experimental servers restart then?, what exactly can we test if we constantly die of starvation..

Obviously not everyone is dying from starvation, all the time mate.

Testing will be done and they will get feedback :)


However, this thread does make it sound abit like something unintended happened to the loot perhaps?

This is the exact reason its on experimental, before stabile tbh, so you can  stumble across unintended consequenses of the "new code" in the latest build.

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Obviously not everyone is dying from starvation, all the time mate.

Testing will be done and they will get feedback :)


However, this thread does make it sound abit like something unintended happened to the loot perhaps?

This is the exact reason its on experimental, before stabile tbh, so you can  stumble across unintended consequenses of the "new code" in the latest build.


The servers don't restart, well they never from 3pm till 1am as far as I know. So players getting on at their usual time probably had nothing left to loot. Throw us a server restart or four Dean. We're dying here man!.

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The servers don't restart, well they never from 3pm till 1am as far as I know. So players getting on at their usual time probably had nothing left to loot. Throw us a server restart or four Dean. We're dying here man!.

This would most likely be because it has to be done manually and sometimes when you work on something, you kinda forget other things :)

Dont get me wrong, you should have your restart, but perhaps you arent getting it simply because someone forgot to "flip the switch"?

Perhaps its intentional, to provide more data on this "food issue"?


We simply dont know atm :)

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The servers don't restart, well they never from 3pm till 1am as far as I know. So players getting on at their usual time probably had nothing left to loot. Throw us a server restart or four Dean. We're dying here man!.


I played for several hours found plenty of food (in the towns not on the high traffic routes btw.) and even are healthy at the moment on experimental hardcore hive?


And...ever thought that they want to test how long a server can stay up or if there are bugs that occur only after the server was online for x hours? Or how long it takes before object y has been completely looted or sth.? Anything in the background that is not obvious for us and has not to be explained on the frontpage as we`re TESTER! We deliver informations by playing the pre-alpha. 


NO! You want to "play" the experimental of an pre-alpha. And as it doesn`t work out the way you have in mind you come to bitch here.

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I played for several hours found plenty of food (in the towns not on the high traffic routes btw.) and even are healthy at the moment on experimental hardcore hive?


And...ever thought that they want to test how long a server can stay up or if there are bugs that occur only after the server was online for x hours? Or how long it takes before object y has been completely looted or sth.? Anything in the background that is not obvious for us and has not to be explained on the frontpage as we`re TESTER! We deliver informations by playing the pre-alpha. 


NO! You want to "play" the experimental of an pre-alpha. And as it doesn`t work out the way you have in mind you come to bitch here.




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NO! You want to "play" the experimental of an pre-alpha.

This one sentense sums up this entire thread pretty much guys.

Dont "play" a game which isnt ment to be played yet lol.

Thats gotta be logic 101...



Feel like i need to add, this "issue" brought up here is actually what its all about, its just presented in the wrong way.

This isnt called feedback, this is called bitching and will get you nowhere :)

Edited by Byrgesen

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This one sentense sums up this entire thread pretty much guys.

Dont "play" a game which isnt ment to be played yet lol.

Thats gotta be logic 101...


Logic circle. If we're not supposed to play them. Why do they exist. If we are playing in Alpha we are testers who have to play and test. I was giving my opinion on server restarts, that guy above is a bit angry as we've seen, you are pretty decent to discuss with. 

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Logic circle. If we're not supposed to play them. Why do they exist. If we are playing in Alpha we are testers who have to play and test. I was giving my opinion on server restarts, that guy above is a bit angry as we've seen, you are pretty decent to discuss with. 

You arent playing anything mate :)

You chose to buy into an early development and have a chance og being part of it.

You are a tester and should focus on testing mechanics, features and what ever else is in the game, not simply play it :)

I understand what you mean, but its so wrong in my world, you cannot play what is not ment to be played in the first place.



Want to add, dying of starvation over and over again can get boring fast, ofc, but thats what its all about atm :)

Test test test and provide feedback, based on the experience.

I can bet you the devs knows something is up with the food now, but theres different ways of providing such feedback, as seen here :)

Edited by Byrgesen

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You arent playing anything mate :)

You chose to buy into an early development and have a chance og being part of it.

You are a tester and should focus on testing mechanics, features and what ever else is in the game, not simply play it :)

I understand what you mean, but its so wrong in my world, you cannot play what is not ment to be played in the first place.



Want to add, dying of starvation over and over again can get boring fast, ofc, but thats what its all about atm :)

Test test test and provide feedback, based on the experience.

I can bet you the devs knows something is up with the food now, but theres different ways of providing such feedback, as seen here :)


I take back everything I said lol. wow. 

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jep value of the code is crap, even worse than mod! if they cant handle item respawns... sry... dont know what dean is doing with our money... but like i see noting to improve this..


i remember a picture where he shows up his respawn feature and how it works... yeah Faildean

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You think Dean gets trolled sometimes, or is he just naturally Jewish ?.....does a have a big nose.

Edited by zaphodity

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