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Hunting backpack > Mountain backpack (1PP)

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Just for all the new first person players out there...


This is why you might want to grab the hunting backpack over the mountain backpack. The five extra slots aren't worth it in my opinion. 



Mountain backpack behind-the-shoulder view 




Hunting backpack behind-the-shoulder view





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Also not worth the extra exposure, it's so big stands out everywhere you might as well be running around with a flag saying kill me attached to your back; Hunting backpack by far is the best in the game thus far!

Edited by twingunz
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Look as far up as possible and freelook behind you, you can see right over the mountain backpack.

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Look as far up as possible and freelook behind you, you can see right over the mountain backpack.


Still not worth sticking out like a sore thumb.

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Even in 3ppthe hunting backpack takes the cake.


Only in people's minds.


Hunting backpack and mountain backpack I spot people in them all the same.

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The only advantage in the Hunting Pack is taht you can see where you've been. Since my short term memory isn't completely fried, I already know where I've been and will keep the extra cargo capacity, thanks.

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The only advantage in the Hunting Pack is taht you can see where you've been. Since my short term memory isn't completely fried, I already know where I've been and will keep the extra cargo capacity, thanks.


That isn't the point when you are being chased by either a player or zombie. Having more awareness trumps storage capacity in a PvP game like this...for certain players! 

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The only advantage in the Hunting Pack is taht you can see where you've been. Since my short term memory isn't completely fried, I already know where I've been and will keep the extra cargo capacity, thanks.

I'd love to shoot you in the back.

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I had a situation where I was running across the airfield at night and I briefly looked over my shoulder.  As I did, I noticed a guy about 50ft behind me just pulling out his M4.  Besides the obvious "Oh shit" panic attack I was able to swiftly jink left as he started unloading a full 30 shot clip in my direction then ran for to treeline.  He hadn't reloaded by the time I got to the trees and managed to get away without a scratch.  Yea Hunting backpacks are just better IMO expecially on 1pp.  For those who will claim i had my gamma up high, it was just before dawn so I was able to make him out against the runway.

Edited by Jazellija
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Backpacks are for sissys that need to store stuff cos they are scared

Ya!!!  A real playah will hoop their stuff

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I had a situation where I was running across the airfield at night and I briefly looked over my shoulder.  As I did, I noticed a guy about 50ft behind me just pulling out his M4.  Besides the obvious "Oh shit" panic attack I was able to swiftly jink left as he started unloading a full 30 shot clip in my direction then ran for to treeline.  He hadn't reloaded by the time I got to the trees and managed to get away without a scratch.  Yea Hunting backpacks are just better IMO expecially on 1pp.  For those who will claim i had my gamma up high, it was just before dawn so I was able to make him out against the runway.


Exactly my point! thank you for sharing! 

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I switched to the hunting backpack since the mountain one didn't help so much. That, and I wanted a backpack to match my TTsKO setup and colors. A bright green backpack that blocks my vision backwards seemed out of place with the get up I had.

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Hunting pack is and will always be better than the mountain pack for 1 reason. The mountain pack sticks out like a sore thumb. Many of times have I picked out/off people using mountain packs because from the side it looks like a solid vertical black bar.

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In my opinion, in near future, we will not be able to get them so easily.


Finding one will be luxury, choosing between one and other should be an epic story.

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Camouflage, plain and simple. It doesnt have a ttsko pattern on it, but it is drab, neutral color, and blends with almost every military shirt and every camo legs. under cover it helps maintain reduced visibility, above and beyond the improved over-the-shoulder visibility it offers.


And you really dont need the extra 5 slots.

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The back packs are becoming more rare.  I have began using the improvised back pack, stick+rope+burlap sack.  It only has 20 slots.  But honestly with proper clothes i have plenty of room to store everything i need to survive.  Also its good camouflage and its even more low profile than the hunter back pack.   You guys should check it out. 

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did the hunting backpack got extremely rare after the last stable patch? used to find them here and there but after the patch i only find the big ones...


tho i have to admit i didnt check many military sites yet...

Edited by Sonic-NKT

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did the hunting backpack got extremely rare after the last stable patch? used to find them here and there but after the patch i only find the big ones...


tho i have to admit i didnt check many military sites yet...

Hunter packs now usually only spawn at military locations.  They have lowered the backpack spawns by a lot.  And even more in the next build

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this is good, but then they have to spawn more burlapsacks, ropes and sticks, or atleast allow the player to gether last one with an axe.

At the moment its way easier to find a small or even big backpack than all those parts...


i really love big backpacks cause if i find something thats rare i always want to take it with me, even if i cant use it ;) plan to give to to friends. this stuff alone takes up atleast 10 spaces in my backpack :D


i hope they add something like a messenger bag, it takes 2 slots in inventory when your not wearing it, but if you wear it, it gives you six or something like that. Ideal to carry some stuff for others.

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Beating a dead horse, but a hunter backpack also doesn't stick out nearly as bad when you're scoping out a town from the treeline. With the right gear I'd blend right in, versus having an over-obvious orange/black beacon on my back. Shame about the lowered backpack spawns, in reality though everyone would have taken theirs with them.

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[...] Shame about the lowered backpack spawns, in reality though everyone would have taken theirs with them.

played on experimental branch, finding a variety of 5 backpacks (one of them hunter bp) in one building is not really lowered if you ask me...

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