real meatshield 424 Posted January 31, 2014 Only if they get back within the 10 minute window, at which point the body disappears. Also: See my previous post.Not true.If the wanker friends loot the dead guys gear and remove it from the corpse, it will stay on the ground indefinitely even after the corpse is gone. Works very well as a method of keeping an intrepid band of bandits on the prowl. Yeah, gear will be broken, but until THAT mechanic is fixed, you can still wreak havoc with an inventory of ruined gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gimpylung 40 Posted January 31, 2014 You have to be trolling....there is no way you are not trolling....Better people in real life for it?....You remember this is just a game right? Talking about the younger and more impressionable really tbh. Burlap sacks, handcuffs and forcefeeding among the 1st mechanics added to the game. It's dark creepy shit and not the 1st thing that I'd think a zombie survival game needed. Media will have a field day when the 1st remotely similar action is carried out in real life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stolenbanjos 110 Posted January 31, 2014 I was in the military jail in cherno apartments one night. A voice comes over direct, "Drop your gun and come down the stair." I thought he sounded like a teenage punk. I said, "Uh, that's not happening." His response, complete and total silence. I think I heard him crap his pants. I walked slowly to the steps and when he poked his head around, 5.56 right in the face. He had so much good shit. He didn't even need my stuff. To that dude: If you are going to rob someone in a military building, you better come correct with guns blazing. Why in the hell would I possibly drop my gun and submit to you? Good hold up = the victim's life is nearly 100% in the hands of the robber before a word is spokenBad hold up = not in control of the situation whatsoever, no LOS, giving up your position without even having a good one in the first placeIf someone pulls off a good hold up, I will play along. It's ok, they have "earned" the robbery and whatever they want from me. If it is a bad holdup, like the guy in Dr. Goner's post, those cats deserve nothing but lead. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hells high 676 Posted January 31, 2014 It wouldn't be as bad if most bandits took a little of what they needed and left, but the lack of morality in a digital environment means they'd rather rob you, mess with you, have a little fun, and then murder you. If getting "Healthy" wasn't so easy I'd be more willing to take that chance, but for now I'll either hide, fight, or die. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 80 Posted January 31, 2014 Someone else put it well in another thread, sitting on my knees while a bunch of guys mess around with my character is not fun. I'm not here for your enjoyment, I'm here for my own. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rudette 435 Posted January 31, 2014 (edited) I met with a stranger this morning, and we went scrounging through a village. I had less gear than him so I went to check buildings first. Walked up on a guy with a M14 and took a hit, but ducked around the corner long enough to screamin proxy "Don't come in here, he's got a gun, RUN! Just go!" and I bolt towards the armed man, fists flailing to buy the other guy time. Narrowly strafed his next round, got two good punches in then, then I was shot in the face.Better to die standing than to live on your knees. Edited January 31, 2014 by Rudette 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Goner 661 Posted January 31, 2014 Good hold up = the victim's life is nearly 100% in the hands of the robber before a word is spokenBad hold up = not in control of the situation whatsoever, no LOS, giving up your position without even having a good one in the first placeIf someone pulls off a good hold up, I will play along. It's ok, they have "earned" the robbery and whatever they want from me. If it is a bad holdup, like the guy in Dr. Goner's post, those cats deserve nothing but lead. I assume that his main problem was the fact that he jumped the gun completely. I'm guessing his silence was him talking to his buddies in teamspeak and asking, "How close are you guys? He said that's not happening. I'll try to just keep him up there!! Shit, he's coming down!!!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knoCC (DayZ) 211 Posted January 31, 2014 Thank you OP for this thread...I now know who will gladly put their hands up when I burp, who will flee, and who will fight for their lives. These dudes who want to RP like getting robbed and humiliated is fun deserve to get shot in the face. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadAsh (DayZ) 1513 Posted January 31, 2014 Nobody whips me, if they ignore my warning to keep their distance they just get shot. Ever since one group of psycho bambis tried to punch me to death and hit me with wrenches I just don't take any chances any more, they're all mental just because they have nothing to lose. Hehe, I enjoy the taste of your tears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted January 31, 2014 You've got a higher chance of surviving, if you don't surrender. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smokey420 (DayZ) 74 Posted January 31, 2014 i don't surrender, i ALT+F4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtclipz 31 Posted January 31, 2014 I think people who do not surrender when someone has the drop on them or they are unarmed take a really special aspect out of this game. Basically what makes this game what it is, is the social interactions that at least attempt to emulate peoples' behaviors if thrown into this environment in real life. Of course it is a game and people can play how they want but it seems you want the game to devolve further into this just shoot everything you see ask questions later or not at all mentality which is causing this alpha to become stale. I hope that changes as more "goals" are added because a whole year or so of this before beta might not spell a great future for this game and I believe EVERYONE wants to see the full potential of this game realized. If you are not willing to do even a minor bit of roleplaying DayZ is probably not the game for you plain and simple. But that is just my opinion. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chekovp 89 Posted January 31, 2014 i don't surrender, i ALT+F4 If this is a troll, nice one. If not, enjoy logging back in at the shore. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gimpylung 40 Posted January 31, 2014 (edited) I think people who do not surrender when someone has the drop on them or they are unarmed take a really special aspect out of this game. Basically what makes this game what it is, is the social interactions that at least attempt to emulate peoples' behaviors if thrown into this environment in real life. Of course it is a game and people can play how they want but it seems you want the game to devolve further into this just shoot everything you see ask questions later or not at all mentality which is causing this alpha to become stale. I hope that changes as more "goals" are added because a whole year or so of this before beta might not spell a great future for this game and I believe EVERYONE wants to see the full potential of this game realized. If you are not willing to do even a minor bit of roleplaying DayZ is probably not the game for you plain and simple. But that is just my opinion.No, I'm talking about the current state of the game, I hope the environment becomes the enemy in due course. So difficult in fact that you'll be happier to see other players as it might be mutually beneficial. And even if those you encounter aren't friendly they are significantly less of a threat than cherarus itself. In the future you''ll be more inclined to give strangers the benefit of the doubt I hope. Currently, its trust no one once you get away from the coast coz all they want to do is hold you up or kill you outright because the environment is quite static and non-threatening and people have nothing better to do than grief. What some people call roleplaying others call griefing. Edited January 31, 2014 by Gimpylung Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
unicornsmustdie 32 Posted January 31, 2014 Guys, it´s alpha, the game´s intended workings don´t work yet, so many still fail to see. Let´s have these guys have their way, abuse, KOS, and all those other silly, no-strategy tactics. Wait until we´re in beta, the game is fleshed out, and we´re the ones moving through the forest, fed, energized, and well-armed and protected because we know where to find things. Any old mugger with a saturday night special won´t have a chance then. And they´ll leave the game. Or adapt and play the long game more :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pandema 352 Posted January 31, 2014 This is what I hate about this communityIn the Mod:"WHY DOES EVERYONE KOS! WHY DON'T THEY JUST ROB OMGWTF VIRGIN NOOBS!!!1!"In the SA:"OMG WHY DON'T THEY JUST SHOOT ME INSTEAD OF ROBBING ME OMGWTF VIRGIN NOOBS!!!1!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtclipz 31 Posted January 31, 2014 No, I'm talking about the current state of the game, I hope the environment becomes the enemy in due course. So difficult in fact that you'll be happier to see other players as it might be mutually beneficial. And even if those you encounter aren't friendly they are significantly less of a threat than cherarus itself. In the future you''ll be more inclined to give strangers the benefit of the doubt I hope. Currently, its trust no one once you get away from the coast coz all they want to do is hold you up or kill you outright because the environment is quite static and non-threatening and people have nothing better to do than grief. What some people call roleplaying others call griefing. I totally understand. I really hope they give us a reason to almost be happy or excited to see another survivor but of course still remain cautious. I was moreso implying on what I think the game should be but I totally understand your thought process with the game in its current state. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smokey420 (DayZ) 74 Posted January 31, 2014 If this is a troll, nice one. If not, enjoy logging back in at the shore. really? cause i did it a million times and never logged back in on the shore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stolenbanjos 110 Posted January 31, 2014 Thank you OP for this thread...I now know who will gladly put their hands up when I burp, who will flee, and who will fight for their lives. These dudes who want to RP like getting robbed and humiliated is fun deserve to get shot in the faceYour way of telling the RP'ers you're a tough guy and not to be RP'ed with is by threatening them with memorization and the impossible task of finding them by name on a server. Yall better stop RP'ing, he's making a spreadsheet! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djporternz 644 Posted January 31, 2014 (edited) If you are not willing to do even a minor bit of roleplaying DayZ is probably not the game for you plain and simple. But that is just my opinion.And why, please tell, is NOT surrendering not a valid form of role-play? I play as a medic. I don't run with a gun, I only pack a fire-axe when I can get one. My backpack is full of meds and food. If you're coming at me with a gun expecting me to submit to your demands, tough! I'm not going down on my knees with my hands up. Handcuffs and burlap sack aren't going to be part of any medical discussion. Edited January 31, 2014 by DJPorterNZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellcat420 212 Posted January 31, 2014 (edited) This is why people KoS. Make this post a sticky. That lazy bandit you just rushed at with your fists, who probably killed you, is now the topic of your (likely) next "OMG KOS IS SO DUMB" thread you're bound to make after this repeatedly happens. People bitch about KoS, but as you can see demonstrated by this gentleman, most people probably just put their fists up and rush proper bandits - causing them to kill. Step 2 is then bitching on the forums every subsequent time you get KoS'd because proper bandits are tired of people trying to knock them out. You guys crack me up sometimes. You complain that everyone kills on sight and kill on sight ruins the game and that the term bandit means someone that killed you (lol it doesn't), then you try to fist fight them when proper bandits try to perform bandit-y things on you.It's very simple. Either we will have bandits and people who cooperate, or kill on sight because everyone is a moron.You choose. PS: That "lazy" bandit, put in far more work and risk trying to hold you up than any moron KoS player would. Food for thought.well i dont kos so there goes your assumption. but if you want to be a bandit, people fighting back is a risk you have to take. only a moron would think that everyone should just surrender to bandits because they are bandits. actual banditry can never really work in this game because life has no real value in this game. you give me the choice of getting robbed and being left naked or fighting back and maybe killing the bandit, or maybe dieing and all of my gear getting ruined, ill fight the bandit every time. there is no difference between being robbed and being dead, either way you are naked and have to start over. do i care if your gameplay experience as a bandit gets ruined? hell no, and why should i, bandits sure dont care about ruining other peoples gameplay. Edited January 31, 2014 by hellcat420 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elie 11 Posted January 31, 2014 Only once did I sofar encountered another player who yelled me to stand still, while I was actually just doing that.The oddness of that command made me chuckleHe sounded like a kid (no offence...)Trembling highpitched voice (energydrink OD-ing i assumed)Sounded a bit like he was all excited if not even arroused by this,.He was fully geared and I just respawned at the coast.So i replied "No way..." and ran like hell, knowing this would probably end up getting shot in the back of my head.Indeed that was what happened. But reading all the replies in this thread makes me curious about what would happen if I had played along,or had tried to start a conversation in which i could have asked why. There seem to be many different options in interactions, something to which im looking forward to witness first hand.Sofar the interactions I encountered where kind of odd or unlogical , yet still amusing all the way. human behaviour ; an endless source of joy and embazzlement Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blindwuzi 37 Posted February 1, 2014 (edited) It's not about making it difficult for the other's about surviving and not taking your life for granted. The little satisfaction you get from killing 1-2 bandits in a group before they eventually kill you is nothing compared to how shitty it is to lose all your gear. You shoot them they shoot you. You start over. They gets boring quick.Now in a favorable situation if you run into a group of geared people armed to the teeth and you know they see you...if you fight you're going to die, that's fact. But if you surrender you might have a chance of living. Don't just use your voice com to tell them you're friendly use body language.Put your hands up.Go prone.Don't move.People who shoot shoot shoot at every possible threat is (more than likely) not only killing themselves and losing what they have but you're also missing out on some great player interactions the game has to offer. But most importantly it's about reading the other players correctly and making a safe judgement to decide what to do next. Edited February 1, 2014 by blindwuzi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capo 323 Posted February 1, 2014 (edited) surrendering wouldn't be such a bitch if you were ever let go, instead the majority of times you just get shot in the back of the head with the cuffs on. if i thought i'd survive it, i'd gladly take the offer to surrender if necessary, let them pick over a bit of gear and leave me with most of it. Maybe they'd take a bit of blood, or force me to drink bleach, but i can survive that. What's annoying is the 14 year old troll who thinks he's now playing torture game 3d, i'll go down fighting with that motherfucker. edit - that being said, it's part of the psychology of having to surrender, there are no guarentees, it would just nice if the odds were a little more in the "you could survive" arguments favor. Edited February 1, 2014 by Capo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtclipz 31 Posted February 1, 2014 surrendering wouldn't be such a bitch if you were ever let go, instead the majority of times you just get shot in the back of the head with the cuffs on. if i thought i'd survive it, i'd gladly take the offer to surrender if necessary, let them pick over a bit of gear and leave me with most of it. Maybe they'd take a bit of blood, or force me to drink bleach, but i can survive that. What's annoying is the 14 year old troll who thinks he's now playing torture game 3d, i'll go down fighting with that motherfucker. This is a problem I agree. People who restrain, make demands and rob others only to shoot them in the face eventhough they complied with your orders are just as much, if not more, detrimental to the deeper social aspects of this game than the KoS, do not interact, only kill types. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites