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Starving to death very quickly on experimental branch

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  • Crash: Irregular crash of server in corpse garbage collector consequence of this is that the bodies will not disappear if other player is in vicinity
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  • Crash: Client crash on exit, all systems 100% reproduction
  • System: Previous build caused overzealous starvation to occur




...hotfix for today.

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...hotfix for today.


Very nice ^^ .... we are obviously part of the development ^^ xD


Edited by Rancor

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In real life, you can go roughly 3 weeks without food before becoming incapacitated, so it seems like the current rate of starvation just a tad skewed...


3 weeks with normal activity, not as the marathon man all the time as we have, mind you. Plus the decrease of activity over time is exponential.


IIRC dayz "model scale" is aproximate 1:4. A marathon can be done, at extreme, 42km in 2h, that means jogging 30 mins in game would lead you to extreme dehydratation plus nutrient exhaustion considering a healthy figure, a very fit one.


We are jogging for 2 hours with 30kg of gear with very few issues.


It is a game and extremes are not needed at either end, glad they reviewed and hotfixed. No extremes in sprinting forever nor starving in the short run. Balance :)

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Thats because in the experimental you throw up immediately after you are stuffed which makes you extremely hungry.

You go straight to starvation and if you are not able to eat some food in the upcoming minutes, you die.


This is a realistic feature and I'm looking forward to it, if a person drinks several liters in only 1-2 minutes he/she should absolutely throw that up.

People can easily avoid this by just clicking ~10-15 times (depending on current stomach capacity) on a pot instead of 20 or even 30 times...


I often die of starvation in real life after throwing up once. I've never had the flu for days of non-stop regurgitation only to find that I survived. Nope, I'm usually laying dead in my bed, much to my wife's content (she's my beneficiary). I'm then forced to re-roll life.



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Maybe cooking food will last longer in the belly,


I would prefer they kept the hunger system to how it was before, and make food spawn much more less. So your fighting over cans of beans!


 But I guess because they want to introduce a lot of different foods, it makes since to increase the hunger and allow for better food variation.



Edited by Brok21k

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In real life, you can go roughly 3 weeks without food before becoming incapacitated, so it seems like the current rate of starvation just a tad skewed...

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Some things cannot be realistic.  The amount of time that one can survive on the heels of starvation is variable.  If one were to attempt to survive 3 weeks without food, you might make it or you might not.  However, seriously do we really want to survive 3 weeks in a game without food?  I play about 5 hours a day, maybe five days a week if lucky.  Three weeks is (24hours * 7days) * 3 weeks = 504 hours, we are talking about nearly 5 months of playing time that I would not have to take a bite of anything to survive and theoretically that could be extended depending on how full I was to start this hypothetical scenario.  If you want to change this into a real-time strategy survival simulation then you alienate the casual gamer (those are the best gamers from a business standpoint, they generally pay the same amount [without taking into account those that pay hosting companies to have their own server] but create a much smaller footprint).


Personally, I think the energy and hydration does drop rapidly; however, it is still not so challenging that it cannot be kept in check.  If one takes the time to loot the majority of structures in one of the bigger towns, Zelenegorsk from personal experience, the amount of energy burnt is barely replenished by food that was looted, but the take consists of more than just the food.  Therefore, it is not like it is just breaking even, and if one is looking only to pick up food then there is more than enough for replenishment and stocking up for the future.

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Happened to me right away after stuffing myself with water.

I think the "stuffed" message is broken.

Once you get "stuffed" it never goes away.

But that falling to my knees going from hungry all the way to starvation all in the matter of 3 seconds, only happened once and thats was it.

At least for me anyways.

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So funny when u kids say experimental branch


So funny you felt the need to post this and felt it worthy of input to the discussion.


Hunger and food is pretty messed up on the current stable branch also.  My friend's character is consistently stuffed from eating, not drinking, and then immediately hungry 3 minutes later, it makes no sense.

Edited by McG2

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So funny you felt the need to post this and felt it worthy of input to the discussion.


Hunger and food is pretty messed up on the current stable branch also.  My friend's character is consistently stuffed from eating, not drinking, and then immediately hungry 3 minutes later, it makes no sense.


Has he achieved healthy status?  That does seem a bit odd and if that is a problem he is having, then that definitely sounds broken.  However, we are getting hydration from most foods too, so if he is drinking before eating it may be that he is achieving stuffed status with an abundance of drink/hydration.  There has to be balance to be healthy; on the other hand, one can be stuffed and still get hungry or thirsty.

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