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What is the most important skill to learn to succeed in DayZ?

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patience, take your time.


when in a firefight, i just "hide" and wait, let the enemy come to me.

Saved my ass several times.

and when i see another players, i normally avoid him.

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As was mentioned previously - practice the art of ALT+F4 when in a sticky situation. 

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As was mentioned previously - practice the art of ALT+F4 when in a sticky situation. 


No. And when the now-experimental gets to the stable thats over anyways (I hope^^). So thats not a good advice ;)

Edited by LaughingJack

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As has been stated:


- Terrain use

- watch from afar before moving in

- be decisive when acting

- take all situations, good and less god, with good spirit / fun

- social skills; karma has ways

Edited by Hethwill_Khan

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I'll go with:


"Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never, EVER cut a deal with a dragon trigger happy maniac."

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As was mentioned previously - practice the art of ALT+F4 when in a sticky situation. 


With an attitude like that I would not be at all surprised if many hope you Alt+F4 your life.  :P


For me I think patience, if you're unsure how to proceed then sit and wait until the situation becomes more favourable.


Interesting fact:

Did you know, recent studies suggest that people with brown eyes have better reaction times and people with blue eyes are better at strategic thought and forward planning. Don't know what this means for those with green eyes...


I have blue eyes, was always rubbish at sports and often win at strategy games. Sounds like it could well be true to me.  ^^

So if anyone wants to play with me; I vote I'm the leader and you guys can be the grunts.  ;)

Edited by Survivor_Sabre

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For me the number 1 skill is: "Learn not to rage your ass off when you die and never get tied to your gear." This will help you enjoy the game for much longer.

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The most important skill to learn to succeed is... tatatataaaaaa


Camp and observe, think, act... this in endless loob.

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Walking. As simple as it sounds, walking around instead of constantly jogging or sprinting makes you virtually silent. People have ran past me countless times while I creep around the path less traveled, don't get tunnel vision, always be ready to draw a weapon, if someone wants you to put your weapon away 9/10 times they want to kill you.

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I think in the future people will come to find that the elements and bodily ailments are going to be more of a threat than any would-be bandit with an M4.

It will be interesting to see what survival skills become necessary as the game progresses through development

Edited by DeatHTaX

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Use 3pp to your advantage to win at DayZ.

Edited by Awruk

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learn to use cover and be very aware of your surroundings  personally i use cover alot ALOT.... always stopping every lil bit to look 360 and see if followed or just being paranoid

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3pp camera (ab)using.

Edited by Frosti

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Been said a few times. Awareness, observational skills are a must. This can make you have a great day or a shit one!


But, also learning to navigate without a compass or checking the map every 20 seconds  :thumbsup: Makes things a whole lot quicker & safer.

Learning this, also keeps you out of the majority of danger (avoiding main roads etc).

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People have already said observation, situational awareness, and variations thereof. I think this is the most important skill to have in DayZ and is sometimes one of my weaknesses. If you can be aware of what is going on and see other players before they see you, you will probably always figure out some way to survive by getting the drop on them or avoiding them.

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Been said a few times. Awareness, observational skills are a must.

But, also learning to navigate without a compass 


I knew flight sim Rise of Flight navigation eyes would come handy :) Same thing same thing.

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  • Navigation, knowing where North is makes the game a hell of a lot easier.

Speed, as a new spawn with nothing to lose, drink and then get off the coast, at the moment as soon as you are off the coast people barely touch anything but the military bases so just storm into town get what you need and get out.

Food, the loot maps are pointless at the moment, however the brick houses with the entrances off to the side and the wooden house with a porch on the side (hard to describe which one exactly) that has a table in the corner almost always have food in them.

Fire axe, it's all you need unless you want PVP.

The shirt you spawn in can be removed and crafted into bandages.

Open doors and no zombies mean a place has been raided be very careful.

Raiding military bases, I always shut the door behind me when entering or leaving them, gives me vital seconds if someone else is there.

Edited by littlebeagle

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I love the variety of answers.

Best thing about this game is you bring certain skills with you and learn the rest along the way.

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OP set the bar pretty high and I think this thread is a keeper.


My first rule is keep moving

Being a difficult target is high on my list too. 

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As was mentioned previously - practice the art of ALT+F4 when in a sticky situation. 


Apart from being cheating, that won't work in a few days. 

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Learn to use the ALT key.

OR, more generally, learn the controls of the game. They are not easy to lean (so many), and I don't even know what some of them do 50 hours in.

Seriously, there should be a tutorial that tells you what that button does. I only found it after like 20 hours of play.

That alt key has saved my life numerous times now.

As everyone else has said, patience. Let the dumbass trying to snipe you chase you down the road. Get out of LOS and ambush him.

Biggest metagame thing I have learned (aside from map) is that the "harder" the server is made to look (e.g. A hardcore server vs. Regular; a named server vs "recruit L@@t") the better the experience. The players in the harder server are better players, and won't headshot you (typically) from 800m because they have nothing to gain.

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Paranoia. Sure, that guy sprinting towards you with an axe in his hands might be friendly. But do you really want to find out?

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