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Let Me Tell You About The Heroes Of Cherno (Dayz Sa Experrience)

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To begin this story, we must understand that I have played the mod (and enjoyed it!) and nothing that has happened in the mod can match up to what happened in SA one day when I was entering the east side of Cherno....


I decided to soloplay as a fresh spawn (If you have never tried to soloplay, you are missing out it is fun) and I was entering the industrial city of Cherno. The first thing that caught my eye was a bleeding bambi survivor who was booking it out of the city. I tried VOIP but he just kept running. I shrugged it off, thinking he was hit by a zombie or something. Not discouraged I ventured on.


The first thing I did was enter a building that surrounded the plaza, the one with the tank statue. I began to go building to building, keeping a low profile checking corners with lean. Then I heard a BOOM! I shat a brick! I instantly went into the neighboring building and checked as to where I was being shot from. I had not been hit, but the shot terrified me. I was not too sure if I was the one being shot at. Nonetheless, I went onward.


By this time, I had food,water,medical supplies, a helmet, and a firefighter ax. I felt pretty good about the gear I collected. I crawled next to the crashed plane in Cherno and got to the clock tower, hugging the wall. I got to the climbable gutter (protip the gutter on the clock tower acts as a ladder, the loot up there is good and has a mosin spawn, the reason I went to check up there). As I got up... BOOM! (this time even louder). This time around I dove into a prone stance! I was sweating by then. my head pivoting, trying to see where these shots were coming from. I then saw two brown blobs shifting positions near big giant letters at the tallest spot in Cherno, two bandits with mosins (long range scope) camping in the typical spot. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO COMPETE WITH THAT?!?! I realized they never saw me. So I decided to get off the clock tower and make a plan once I was on the ground. 


I felt like an idiot, I went into a town even after seeing the bambi run for his life! I had no gun, The only weapon I had was a fire ax, no way to compete with a high powered firearm. I was getting ready to leave Cherno, the city I loved. And then I realized, for every shot they got off, it was another survivor dying. THEY TOOK MY CITY! I felt obligated to protect my city and rid it of the filth known as bandits. Still hearing them firing away, I made my choice: This is my city, the survivors are victims of these terrible people. Somehow, I had to put a stop to their actions against humanity. I HAD TO TAKE BACK MY CITY!


So I did about the stupidest thing I could ever do: I went to the base of the ladder, gripped it, and proceeded to climb up. This was stupid for multiple reasons: first off, If one of them checked the ladder, BOOM! "You are dead". Secondly, They could hear me make loud banging sounds as I ascended. Finally, anyone who saw me climbing up, from pretty much any area surrounding Cherno, could have easily offed me. But, knowing I could not back down now, I continued.


I ascended almost to the top, only moving between each loud BOOM that came from the mosin rounds going off. I was inches from the top. The bandits were now facing me. SHIT! If I climb up now, I'm dead. They had changed their firing position so that they were shooting at the newly added apartments in the SA. I then took something into account that gave me a huge advantage If I timed it right: 1. When they were scoped in, their FOV was a circle with high magnification. 2. They were prone and bunkered down, adding to their limited mobility. 3. 5 shots, reload, 5 shots, reload. Taking all these things into account, I climbed over when they only had one shot left in their rifle.


My heart has never raced so fast in my experiences of playing dayz. What felt like 5 minutes was only 15-30  seconds. I climbed over, and ran straight to the first bandit as he was reloading, I roared in VOIP as my ax entered his skull. He was dead. As his buddy got up and tried to pull out his sidearm, I yelled in VOIP "This is what you get when you try to take my city! This is what happens!" The last words he heard as I slammed my ax right between his eyes! He dropped and my mouth dropped. HOLY SHIT I DID IT! I took out two armed bandits, plaguing my beloved city, with only a fire ax. Before I could access their gear, their bodies vanished (logging out) as they had just been taken out by a man with a fire ax. (oooh they must have been pissed!). I did not need their guns, they were blood guns anyway. I actually felt like batman, (aside from the kill part) in which I apprehended wrongdoers without the aid of a gun. 


This is not the end of my story, however, as something even cooler happened that really puts this as my best moment in Dayz. Remember when I mentioned the bandits were sniping towards the new apartments. Well, those two men were essential to my plan being a success! I ACTUALLY MET UP WITH THEM! I descended from the ladder and made my way to the firehouse and then, between the supermarket and firehouse, I saw a friendly player using VOIP to try to talk to me, putting my fire ax away to make sure I was not threatening. He told me the bandits in Cherno were dead as "a man with a blue motorcycle helmet and a fire ax killed them." His friends heard the shots from the apartments and, felling it was their obligation as heroes, went to the top of the apartments and began to shoot those bandits. As the sniper battle went on, They saw me climb up and go onto the platform, They were scared for me and were thinking "no! don't go up! They have guns!" They were in awe as they saw the entire event take place as they were aimed in with their high powered scopes. I told him my story, they told me theirs, and we were in awe at the events that unraveled. We were heroes. I thanked him over and over again because his distraction was what provided me the opportunity to save the city. We exchanged steam accounts, added each other, traded supplies, and went our separate ways.


Events like this is the reason why there is so much more to the game then just surviving. Events like this make your heart race. The best part is: THIS ALL HAPPENED IN THE ALPHA! As for us, we will continue to be the hero Cherno deserves!


[EDIT] bad punctuation

Edited by helcol
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Great story! Thanks for sharing it! Really enjoyed reading it mate!

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Awesome story man. . . . this is exactly why I play DayZ.

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How to speed read that story:  


"Boom! Boom! How was I supposed to compete with that?!? They took my city! I had to take back my city! Boom! You are dead! Boom! Shit! Holy Shit I did it! I actually met up with them! This all happened in Alpha!


XD good story though.

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nice story. but:




Before I could access their gear, their bodies vanished (logging out) as they had just been taken out by a man with a fire ax. (oooh they must have been pissed!). 



lies. bodies dont disappear anymore after they logout. they stay for ~10min.

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nice story. but:





lies. bodies dont disappear anymore after they logout. they stay for ~10min.

These events happened literally a week before the patch that fixed vanishing bodies (To answer your question). I was not mad that the bodies were gone, This life is still the longest life I have had on the SA. This character died when my friend and I met up, we went to the nearest gas station and played gas station roulette. He ended up blowing it up, I ran to his body and tried desperately to use the defib, (i still have never successfully used one in Dayz). Out of nowhere, the gas station decided to blow up again! engulfing my body as I was shocked it blew up again. My guy saved a city with only a fire ax and he died surrounded in the flames of a gas station's explosion. All I can say is: WORTH!

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They logged out! Ahahaha, fricken pansies.


This is the story of courage, commitment, and true bad-assery. Have my beans, and please. Continue the Bandit eradication.

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They logged out! Ahahaha, fricken pansies.


This is the story of courage, commitment, and true bad-assery. Have my beans, and please. Continue the Bandit eradication.

thanks man, I shall continue as is.

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