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About cheRubyy

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. cheRubyy

    Me and a friend :D

    why the fuck do you browse gallery if u complain about people uploading pictures? into a gallery? dafuq? and then, as if it wouldn't be non-logic enough, you waste another minute of your life to write a post and whine about it. holy shit, think about it sherlock <3 @img: looks nice.
  2. i'd never ever drop my pants for another guy :rolleyes:
  3. well as i said, i knew i was gonna die. it's not about the fact that i died, more about HOW :)
  4. i doubt that. and i dont want to die anymore after 20h+ living with my char :/ how to do the first contact in your opininon? :D its: trust and die or live OR dont trust and live :O
  5. today i went from balota over cherno to elektro.. i came from the north to elektro and heard A LOT of shots - SKS, mosin and M4, everything... it didnt stop, all the time shots and firefights.. i thought: YOLO, i'll go inside and check out ;) totally insane idea, i knew i would most likely die. i'm a dayz veteran so i was aware that i wont leave alive, but it's for fun ;) inside elektro a guy with a SKS tried to kill but missed me. i flanked him luckyly and was able to shoot him while he climbed up a ladder. during all this time (about 10 minutes) there were more firefights at elektro. i noticed some guys shooting at the common sniper-position outside elektro and another couple of guys shooting more to the west of my position. it was horrifying, i guess it had been around 2-3 firefights not counting mine all the time, not stopping.. while very very carefully walkign inside elektro (i really checked EVERYTHIGN before doing 1 step - horizon, roofs, windows, bushes, everything) i noticed 2 guys behind a fence. i got close and started talking to them via ingame voice. "yo guys, sup, friendly?" "hey hey yeah dude friendly, you too?" "yea of course, wouldnt have started to talk to you if not, hue" "hah, yep, you wanna join us?" "yeah i do why not" while that they spotted me via 3rd person view and a zombie approached.. you all gonna know what happened next ;) i took out my firefighter axe to defend myself against the zombie (still m4 shots in the background, holy shit this was like war). then one of those 2 guys - yep i knew this would most likely happen, dont worry i'm not stupid - came around the fence and started to shoot me with his m4 - i was able to put some shots with my SKS on him - not sure if i hit him though, i guess he wouldve been dead if i hit 1 shot? not sure.. whatever, the other guy tried to stop him "dont shoot dont shoot" but it was too late, just in that moment he killed me :O long story, obvious ending and my conclusion after surviviing like 20h with this character and a lot firefights: this was definately the last time i ever trusted some dayz guys, in future there will be no mercy ;) i tried to be friendly but yeah ;) whatever, i knew i would not walk out elektro alive :D but still a very intense and exciting fight/moment
  6. cheRubyy

    The Lag is Real

    its not only on airfield.i checked it with running just through forests - same issue here after some couple of minutes.
  7. cheRubyy

    The Lag is Real

    thx for the link bamba, beans btw: what program do you use to see your fps ingame?
  8. cheRubyy

    The Lag is Real

    if there's anywhere an official post by the devs, pls share ;) tried a lot servers but its broken of every server
  9. cheRubyy

    The Lag is Real

    yeah, i can report the same @volano i5-3450@ 3.5ghz overclocked radeon 7870 hd 2GB 16GB dd3-1666 ram installed on SSD edit: win7 ultimate (x64) i can observe the following: i start dayz, join a server - perfect fps, everything's just fine. i keep looking at my task-manager and i see: dayz memory-usage is increasing without stopping.. when it reaches like 1GB memory usage, the fps-drop is "feelable"... when i reach 1,5 GB memory usage the game is almost unplayable.. like 10-15 fps. but the memory usage keeps increasing until the game crashes. I've never had problems like this before with dayz. gotta be a problem with the new patch :( i hope there's a fix out there soon, but i guess i wont be able to play dayz this weekend, sadly :( yep i know, its an alpha, im fine ;) hope this helps
  10. nice story. but: lies. bodies dont disappear anymore after they logout. they stay for ~10min.
  11. cheRubyy

    New player with some questions

    that happens when you join a server which has just been restarted. maybe it had 0 players, but i guess the ping was pretty low (< 60~) and most likeley even daytime (server-time between 9-18) restarted servers with low ping and daytime fill VERY fast.. always check player-count after joining such servers (press p) and watch out
  12. cheRubyy

    New player with some questions

    you have my beans is like upvoting posts
  13. cheRubyy

    New player with some questions

    fire axes can be found pretty often at military bases (check the barack which has a 2nd floor, go upstars and behind the stairs there are always meele weapons, with a bit of luck a fireaxe ;) )
  14. cheRubyy


    ~1 year. stupid question stupid answer.
  15. cheRubyy

    New player with some questions

    one more thing: if you have nothing to lose (no loot, fresh spawn) and you are near the coast: head to cherno. start looting there, you can find IMMENSE amounts of food+drinks there. nobody needs to starve in dayz at the moment ;) just loot there. but be aware: very dangerous there. more zombies + a lot players also looting / camping / KoS there. but still the best place to gear up the most important things at the beginning, after that head to military bases ;)