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The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

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Don't get me wrong.  That video you posted makes my blood boil.  If you use yourself as bait to fuck over legit bandits (notice how they didn't kill him or feed him anything nasty, they took what they NEEDED, let him keep most of his stuff, and then let him go saying good luck) and then call your "super uber leet killsquad" over Teamspeak to fuck them over, that's just wrong.

Unfortunately there will always be players like this.  You just need to play smart.  If someone stalls over in game VOIP, I take them out because I know what they're doing.  And you can tell a stall between a legit player.


Funny how you say my example of the problem with teamspeak makes your blood boil, right after calling me an ass backwards whiner polluting the forum with stupid suggestions.


Just chill out with the name calling. I don't really care what you call me, but the moderators do.


I'm sorry if I come across as an asshole, I can't help it, that is just my personality on game forums, up front and in your face weather you like it or not. But, I try to respect everyones opinions and only attack their ideas, not them personally. If you feel like I'm being dishonest with my desires and have secret motives, please speak up and confront me about it. Don't just make harsh statements about me personally based on nothing but your own speculation. I cant' count the number of times I've been told "I have no friends" on these forums. It's like people want to judge me based on my dayz character. If I don't sit in teamspeak with a bunch of peopel while playing, I must be a loner with no social skills or friends. Gamer logic.

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I see the use of VoIP software essentially similar to radio communication, the only way around it i feel is to have the mike constantly on in the game, like console headsets, although again you have the option to mute mike there and use another chanel (private chat etc)


an after thought could be that the game uses team speak protocol/ports somehow, though i'm not sure how that would work....

Edited by Dan.de.lion

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Funny how you say my example of the problem with teamspeak makes your blood boil, right after calling me an ass backwards whiner polluting the forum with stupid suggestions.


Just chill out with the name calling. I don't really care what you call me, but the moderators do.


I'm sorry if I come across as an asshole, I can't help it, that is just my personality on game forums, up front and in your face weather you like it or not. But, I try to respect everyones opinions and only attack their ideas, not them personally. If you feel like I'm being dishonest with my desires and have secret motives, please speak up and confront me about it. Don't just make harsh statements about me personally based on nothing but your own speculation. I cant' count the number of times I've been told "I have no friends" on these forums. It's like people want to judge me based on my dayz character. If I don't sit in teamspeak with a bunch of peopel while playing, I must be a loner with no social skills or friends. Gamer logic.

I never said anything about you specifically that you should find offensive.  You are whining and naysaying and I am pointing out that it annoys me a tad.  Shouldn't bother you that that's how I perceive you on the forums.  You said it yourself you present yourself in a poor manner.  Not your fault, fine, whatever, I don't have anything against you personally.  I am just saying that you can't solve this issue and there will always be players who do whatever it takes to get ahead and play like a bitch because they suck at the game.  In any game, not just DayZ.


I never said you were ass backwards.  I said you were saying that the game is doomed to be casual.  It's a freaking month into the alpha stage.  I say we reserve our judgement for when the game is actually further along.  I mentioned almost the exact same thing in another thread where someone said the game was doomed to never be finished and that it was off to a bad start.. 


Everyone hates seeing it as much as I hate saying it.  It's.  ALPHA.  Shit will change.  Shit will get better and worse before the game is "done."


Everything people complain about now is just plain stupid because it's been out a month so far.

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I never said anything about you specifically that you should find offensive.  You are whining and naysaying and I am pointing out that it annoys me a tad.  Shouldn't bother you that that's how I perceive you on the forums.  You said it yourself you present yourself in a poor manner.  Not your fault, fine, whatever, I don't have anything against you personally.  I am just saying that you can't solve this issue and there will always be players who do whatever it takes to get ahead and play like a bitch because they suck at the game.  In any game, not just DayZ.


I never said you were ass backwards.  I said you were saying that the game is doomed to be casual.  It's a freaking month into the alpha stage.  I say we reserve our judgement for when the game is actually further along.  I mentioned almost the exact same thing in another thread where someone said the game was doomed to never be finished and that it was off to a bad start.. 


Everyone hates seeing it as much as I hate saying it.  It's.  ALPHA.  Shit will change.  Shit will get better and worse before the game is "done."


Everything people complain about now is just plain stupid because it's been out a month so far.


Actually you did call me and anyone else who agrees with the OP... ass backwards.




Fucking cracks me up how ass backwards some of the people on this forum are.






Ok move along then if you don't like the game.  That'll be two less whiners we won't have to see poluting the forums with awful suggestions to "make the game better, hurr durr"


Your whole attitude towards me is so disrespectful and dismissive. Just because you don't agree with our suggestions doesn't give you the right to tell people to "move along".  This is supposed to be a discussion, not a final decision on who is right and who is wrong.


Getting to the point of my replying, while I agree it's very early and it's hard to tell where this game will ultimately go, there has already been things that indicate this game is going in a more casual direction.


Sidewinder24 might be a little quick to write it all off. But, I share his disappointment. I feel like Rocket has lost his harsh attitude towards the game and its design. I feel like he's too concerned with not disappointing players, and it's holding back the difficulty. I saw more "development" of the hardcore aspects of this game in the first couple months of the mod, than I have in the last year.


While it may still be early in this games life, it's also the most important time in its development. Things changed now will have a lasting impact on the rest of the development. If stuff like 3rd party software is tolerated, the players will shape their view of DayZ around that. The community feeds off of what the developers decide, when the developers aren't clear on their direction, and ultimately try to please everyone(separate hives), everyone feels like they're right. The game loses it's direction and ends up doing everything semi-good, instead of doing one thing really really well.


I will continue to play DayZ as long as I find it fun. But, I have this picture in my mind, that Rocket painted when he started the mod, and it seems they're getting further and further away from that picture. I'm not blaming Rocket either, because I don't think he's doing it intentionally. It's just the nature of the beast, when you are surrounded by people demanding something, eventually you start to forget what you wanted in the first place. Whenever I hear him consider something like spawning with friends, I die a little inside.

Edited by bad_mojo
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And queue the naysayers.  Ok move along then if you don't like the game.  That'll be two less whiners we won't have to see poluting the forums with awful suggestions to "make the game better, hurr durr"


I never said anything about you specifically that you should find offensive.  You are whining and naysaying and I am pointing out that it annoys me a tad.  Shouldn't bother you that that's how I perceive you on the forums.  You said it yourself you present yourself in a poor manner.  Not your fault, fine, whatever, I don't have anything against you personally.  I am just saying that you can't solve this issue and there will always be players who do whatever it takes to get ahead and play like a bitch because they suck at the game.  In any game, not just DayZ.


I never said you were ass backwards.  I said you were saying that the game is doomed to be casual.  It's a freaking month into the alpha stage.  I say we reserve our judgement for when the game is actually further along.  I mentioned almost the exact same thing in another thread where someone said the game was doomed to never be finished and that it was off to a bad start.. 


Everyone hates seeing it as much as I hate saying it.  It's.  ALPHA.  Shit will change.  Shit will get better and worse before the game is "done."


Everything people complain about now is just plain stupid because it's been out a month so far.



Maybe you should look at your posts from a different perspective, and stop posting or actually give this person respect.  It is painfully obvious you show no respect to him and people alike.  This is not constructive at all.  If you disagree with something, voice your opinion in a civilized manner.  You two both bought the game in alpha stage for one thing, to help make it better (or so help dean rocket hall)

Edited by Space Milk
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I wouldn't say it is a cheat but I see where the OP is coming from.  Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it, and we would just have to live with it and incorporate it.  

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Some of my best moments have been using direct coms, especially in a city where other players can hear you - it gets tense when you hear movement and have to stay silent so you don't blow your cover.  


When I watch these youtube videos of people playing teams, third-person with teamspeak, not only are they playing with a huge advantage over regular players, but they miss out on much of the experience of Dayz. 

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Interesting thread, nice to see some can keep it (mostly) civil. I think, if pressed, I'd be firmly behind orlok on this issue. Its not cheating (at worst, maybe call it an exploit?) but its disappointing.

The best I can come up with is that it gives me the same feeling that calculators in schools nowadays do. Kids have almost universal access to a calculator, to the point they can't function (and often get angry) if they are denied access to them. Yes, in normal, day to day life, you will almost always have access to a calculator. But does that mean you shouldn't learn long division?

I hope that makes a bit of sense, though I'm probably dating myself with the analogy. Long story short, the video and Mr. "my super tac squad pwned the airfield with team speak" say it all. You might not be "cheating", but deep down you probably know youre cheating yourself out of some of the experience.

Edited by Gunner McStecki
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I disagree that its cheating,..the only time that you could day its slightly advantageous over another player is when you chat to someone across the map to coordinate meet ups.As for chatting together as a group within close proximity its just that same as if your characters were directly talking to each other,so I see no problem with that.

As for cheating my vote goes to combat logging and ghosting.

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Most of the time spent on TS for me and the group of guys I run with is us talking absolute and utter bollocks.

So true. XD

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I'm not saying people should be punished, but...


I still think it's cheating. Like when you're playing cards, if you sent a text to your partner across the table.

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Mags, if they actually jumped in our TS chat they would quickly realise that it gives us no advantage what so ever, infact, it makes it 10x more difficult in a fire fight, but hey, that's all part of the fun! :)


This... most nights we have about 60 to 80 members spread across 5 different vent channels... That's a lot of voices in one's head when you're in a fire fight.

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Really stupid thread honestly. It's a moot point. You will never stop this. Besides, how are you going to stop 3 mates in a room together playing with no need for TS? That's right you can't. Give it up.

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Let me say that I don't use steam chat to communicate with others in the game. But, it was just a suggestion on how to eliminate teamspeak, and only use steam to basically meet up or share the radio frequency. If you're trying to play with another person you already know, you're already "cheating" in some respects. So, you're going to have to "cheat" a little to meet up, at which point you can go legit and talk over direct and radio.


My point is, the excuse that teamspeak is a placeholder for radios isn't valid now that they're in-game. Yes radios seem to work, I haven't tested them out, but I have one and it's always on waiting to pick up some chatter. I did meet one guy since having it, but he didn't have one so we couldn't test them. I've read on another thread that they actually work. After you put a battery in you right click and get options. Once it's powered up you can switch to the channel using , & . keys and then talk with caps lock. Obviously it's going to be broadcasting your voice in direct chat also, so people are still going to cheat and use teamspeak.

No, you transmit on a different channel to direct when you broadcast so no, you don't broadcast in direct at the same time. It's a completely different channel. Not sure why you'd say "obviously" to something that really isn't at all obvious, nor true.

Edited by Irenicus

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Call it a cheat if you want, nobody really cares except people with no social skills and a tendency towards ignoring all others at any cost anyways.


When I started playing this game almost 2 years ago, I had no idea what to do and I heard how tough it was. While A2:OA was downloading, I made a post on the forum asking if anyone wanted to team up and show me the ropes considering I had no friends PC gaming and playing the mod at the time. When it was done downloading, I had 2 responses from random people. They were both a little more experienced, and we ran for a bit. We still play the mod along with some more pickups in the same fashion, and several other games, almost daily. Think this would have happened if I would have had to log into a random server and try to find someone by their voice? 


This bullshit about metagaming because you're using TS to have fun with your friends while you play is said bullshit. You guys seriously sound like, sorry to say it because it's a crude stereotype, basement-dwelling virgins. I understand the concept of making the game more realistic, I really do, but give me a fucking break. Nobody will play this game because the game will not be funded if that is the case. It's a fucking video game. 


People need to get these several facts into their heads:


1. It's a video game, no matter how hardcore you think it makes you, you're not. Because, well, it's a game and you're sitting in front of a screen pressing buttons. 


Come to think of it, that's really the only fact that needs to be stated. I think I just had an epiphany. 

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I would have thought the most common one was turning up gamma/brightness at night


And you would be right, along with KoS and combat logging. This is just another "problem" that people with no friends or social skills bring up when they get smoked. 

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After scanning through this stupidly long stupid thread, I don't think there is any hope for the people in this community. I think they have watched too much of The Walking Dead and are in dire need of an apocalypse so they can live out their SHTF scenarios to the fullest. IRL buddies be damned. 

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No, you transmit on a different channel to direct when you broadcast so no, you don't broadcast in direct at the same time. It's a completely different channel. Not sure why you'd say "obviously" to something that really isn't at all obvious, nor true.


In arma2 you could always hear a player in direct when they spoke on any of the channels. I haven't tested it in DayZ, but I can't imagine they would remove that.

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How about pseudo interview rather than gameplay?


Anyhoo, I dont believe in game comms are complete yet, so we need to see what happens at a later stage. Still a worthy discussion though.






Sounds from your statements that you think no 3rd party convo might still be a thing. LOL. 

Edited by MakeThemListen

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I too use it all the time.

Although your example is a prime example of how an external program assisted you and your team far above how the games internal communication system was intended.


The games internal comm systems are shit, and have always been shit, regardless of how they're "intended". They work for talking to someone who's face is in your gun, sometimes, but that's it. 

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I think good way to prevent using any 3rd party VoIP would be making ingame VoIP always active. Then whenever you start talking in TS3, Skype, or anything else, your character will start talking ingame, and if anyone is near your location... Well, you get the point :D


P.S. And I think that the most common 'cheat' used is ingame Brigthness and Gamma on 100%. If only they'd set 'em on 50% and remove that setting, so no1 would be able to use it at night :D

Edited by Go0lden_Archer

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When I started playing this game almost 2 years ago, I had no idea what to do and I heard how tough it was. While A2:OA was downloading, I made a post on the forum asking if anyone wanted to team up and show me the ropes considering I had no friends PC gaming and playing the mod at the time. When it was done downloading, I had 2 responses from random people. They were both a little more experienced, and we ran for a bit. We still play the mod along with some more pickups in the same fashion, and several other games, almost daily. Think this would have happened if I would have had to log into a random server and try to find someone by their voice?


Why not? I've met a ton of great people in DayZ. Some of them I've added on steam, some I wish I had of added before it was too late, but they will be remembered.


After the masses flooded into dayz mod a few months in, I tried the whole teamspeak meta-gaming stuff, but I quickly got bored of the endless running to meet up anytime someone died, listening to people playing in another area, switching between multiple channels, people constantly bitching about hacking or the admins. I would usually end up muting my teamspeak until I was physically beside another player in the game, sometimes that even got me killed, if I don't respond in teamspeak, I must be enemy. Eventually I just fell back into my old habits of total immersion into the game and I've never looked back.


I don't like when people say not using teamspeak is anti-social. If anything playing DayZ only in direct puts more emphasis on the social game because you're basically in an interview every time you meet someone. You can't exactly hide from someone in a teamspeak server, but I've actually ditched people in DayZ before. Or there have been times where I've flat out told someone I don't feel like teaming up, and we parted ways amicably. It's a more realistic social interaction experience with actual body language and context, not to mention atmosphere and sometimes crisis. Compared to the conference call feeling you get on something like teamspeak.


I don't play DayZ to chat with people. I play DayZ to play DayZ.

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Topic was obviously started by someone who just now found out about dayz.Dayz has some of the most intense squad vs squad combat and in noway is ts cheating as for the meta game telapathy bull crap just think of ts as a squad radio .And go get some friends enough hearing about the lonewolf players whining because they start something with 10 dudes and then get pwned.

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And they do have rp servers not in standalone yet but there will be so id advice joining one if you want this said immersion. Dayzrp.com go get whitelisted

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