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What would you do? My small encounter.

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Short background to the topic question:


Fully geared, myself and 2 members of my crew got the southern airfield with hopes of finding some players. Despite the server being full we found nothing but opened doors everywhere. Because we travelled for about 1 hour from N-W airfield and met nobody along the way one of the guys got bored and decided to prank the other. He was walking behind him with his M4 out and said on TS "Dude there's someone behind you and it's NOT me". I saw them and said "Go prone man", one of my mates went prone and I saw the stalker ADS'ing. Sprayed him down and after about 2 minutes worth of good laugh we're waiting for him to get to us from the coast.


Actual story and topic:


Extremely bored, we're laying in the grass overviewing the airfield. All of a sudden I see movement, we can see semi-geared up player with an axe searching places. 


He went into military barracks and I rushed to the bushes near entrance and ordered him to come out, hide his axe and stay calm. We're friendly and just want to check him out - and that was our intention, surrender him, ask few questions, have a chat and maybe help out. 


I come out of the bush so he can see me and all of a sudden he's pulling out his magnum. No warning shot, friend (a sniper) and I wasted him. 


I checked out his body and it seemed that he had no ammo (maybe that's why he was running with his axe out). 


I hate killing semi-geared players because I know how frustrating it is when you finally get your first backpack and enough supplies to travel to the airfield or one of military bases and you die to bandits, so I felt really bad about killing him but was there any other way?


What would you do? I am curious to hear community's response. 

Edited by Miquinei

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I would say hold on a minute, and then if he points his gun i'd shoot him.

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He pulled out a gun. I would have shot too... you didn't know that he had no ammo at that moment.

Not to mention that many, even friendly players see military areas as a KOS all zone.

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well he did pull he's magnum out, so he's mistake. if he had no bullets on him, he could've had better chance NOT pulling it out.

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Once he pulled the gun, that was it.  Ammo or not, you had no way of knowing.

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I would take a shot in face, like a hero suposed to.




Being a hero doesn't mean surrendering to everyone just because they pull out a gun.


I would have killed that guy too. Then I would have laughed at him after finding out he had no ammo.


Who the hell is stupid enough to pull out an empty gun anyway?...

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If he kept calm, kept his distance and didn't pull his gun out then I let them live and have a fun interaction. The second his guns comes out, he gets wasted. Not worth the risk.

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Shoot the imprudent child for pulling out his magnum...there would have been no other choice. :P Shoot'em down like Elmer Fudd!

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Being a hero doesn't mean surrendering to everyone just because they pull out a gun.


I would have killed that guy too. Then I would have laughed at him after finding out he had no ammo.


Who the hell is stupid enough to pull out an empty gun anyway?...

Me and it worked out always

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You did what anyone would have done. In fact, you gave him more of a chance than a lot of players would. He made the decision to pull a weapon and in so doing determined that he would die.

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I would have bumrushed the barracks without letting him know and then hate sprayed m4 rounds all into his body.


And then I'd search his body...if I felt something worthy, I would feel proud.

If I didn't find anything worthy, I'd grin ever so slightly.

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I would have viciously attacked him with a triple-layer plasma dust collector, to prevent the kind of lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals which cause cancer. And to kill bacteria and eliminate infectious diseases....


..Sqweeee pohhhhhhhhhhh !




Edited by zaphodity

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