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The CCSD (Chernarian Creepy Stuff Department) Needs investigators for the Radio transmission mystery.

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  On 1/30/2014 at 10:29 AM, Prezonaftis said:

I have arleady started a project to point all the radio towers include in Chernarus. Next i link a map with the points so far. Also i continue the research


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The filled circles are big radio towers

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and the empy are the small ones

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No there aren't any breaches at the GM Fence. Just into the wall from inside some low small holes

Is there not another big radio tower also west of the NEAF not just east? I will go and double check.

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Yes you missed one of the big ones at Ostry 108 025 overlooking Krasnostav. Northwest of Krasnostav.




This is the view near the big Radio Tower the view is pointing roughly south south east overlooking Krasnostav


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OK so I have update the radio towers map. See the result below


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  On 1/28/2014 at 12:08 PM, zeroy99 said:

If it helps there is a radio tower at this position (little grey dot in the forest top right of last northern house) : http://dayzdb.com/map#7.059.037


I didn't manage to find the radio tower you are  talking about at this area. Any more info?

Edited by Prezonaftis
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Just to add to the "mystery", being a HAM operator, I noticed in the pictures the towers have microwave setups, which are directional only type. Hint. If you take a azimuth from these towers you will be able to bearing to the next tower. It is rather intriguing about the radios and such. Still have not be able to find one yet. 

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good work so far men! really proud of you all !

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I want to help too but i didn't find any transmitter yet.... :(

Do you know where i can find one?

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  On 1/30/2014 at 7:24 PM, IMBATMAN! said:

I want to help too but i didn't find any transmitter yet.... :(

Do you know where i can find one?


firestations, electro, cherno,

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Looks like we need some more batteries for transmitters and more.


Someone, re-open a factory that produces them. Also, re-open any power station to charge them and provide the factory with power. Or just use chargeable ones. Still need power for that though.


Shit, might as well 'repair' the whole country.

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There's a radio tower on Skalisty isn't there?


Where do all of the 1 directional radio towers point?

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To ask another question,


Does anyone have co-ordinates of the Radio Transmitters (Ham Radion Boxes) as yet?


Also has anyone checked these Radios to see if there are any viewable frequency numbers on the dials/display/ on the box externally?

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ok guys no one will probably believe me and i will be flamed probably but here it goes.its not related to green mountain transmissions specificly.


me and my buddy was in a highly populated server( dont knw which one) and we were in the woods deep north of cherno. we came across to a little village. which does not show up in the map.(probably cuz its so small) since we were in a full server we were a little tense. we were going really slow. i have no walkie talkies on me by the way. suddenly i heard a crystal clear voice . a woman. speaking english. it was from a movie or tv show probably from the 1950's and the woman was speaking about something to someone.(more like giving advices about relation ships.it was like soap opera scene probably. i was like wtf?! then i thought someone was near us and i immediatly thought he or she was messing with us before he or she shoots us. i went prone in a heartbeat and started looking every direction like a madman.my buddy said what the fuck mate are you watching videos on youtube while we play? i was so fucking confused i alt tabbed the game and look for a browser or a program in my desktop. there was nothing there.i went back to the game and the woman is speaking still. my buddy everyone will hear us put that shit down man its not funny. i told him i wasnt me but he did not believe me.so i exit the game and went back in. it was gone.


now can somebody kindly put this experience in logic and make any kind of reasoning?


no one will probably believe me. but it did happen. remember no walkie talkies on me. we were in isolated place. and no one is with us .(or someone is but we did not see anyone.if some player did this? why? and why a women speaking about her love life from a 50's tv show? also if a player near us did this. he did not shoot my buddy or did not do anything to him. i logged out and it was gone when i logged in.



this shit is getting creepy as hell.

Edited by madturk
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I will be doing some investigating tomorrow on this, would be great to know the HAM radio locations. Would gladly check out to see if there is a specific channel they are set on.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 2:40 AM, madturk said:

ok guys no one will probably believe me and i will be flamed probably but here it goes.its not related to green mountain transmissions specificly.


me and my buddy was in a highly populated server( dont knw which one) and we were in the woods deep north of cherno. we came across to a little village. which does not show up in the map.(probably cuz its so small) since we were in a full server we were a little tense. we were going really slow. i have no walkie talkies on me by the way. suddenly i heard a crystal clear voice . a woman. speaking english. it was from a movie or tv show probably from the 1950's and the woman was speaking about something to someone.(more like giving advices about relation ships.it was like soap opera scene probably. i was like wtf?! then i thought someone was near us and i immediatly thought he or she was messing with us before he or she shoots us. i went prone in a heartbeat and started looking every direction like a madman.my buddy said what the fuck mate are you watching videos on youtube while we play? i was so fucking confused i alt tabbed the game and look for a browser or a program in my desktop. there was nothing there.i went back to the game and the woman is speaking still. my buddy everyone will hear us put that shit down man its not funny. i told him i wasnt me but he did not believe me.so i exit the game and went back in. it was gone.


now can somebody kindly put this experience in logic and make any kind of reasoning?


no one will probably believe me. but it did happen. remember no walkie talkies on me. we were in isolated place. and no one is with us .(or someone is but we did not see anyone.if some player did this? why? and why a women speaking about her love life from a 50's tv show?



this shit is getting creepy as hell.

NE or NW?

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  On 1/31/2014 at 3:42 AM, kuma8877 said:

NE or NW?



probably the village near windy mountain.


i know its too much non sense. but even i  could not believe what i heard. its beyond me.i even took my headset off twice cuz i could not believe the womans voice was coming from the game.was it a bug?


did rocket forgot a voice file from the original ''for whom the bells toll '' movie directed in the 50s?(the dialogue reminded me of that movie)


i dont think so.its so fucking absurd. i cant even begin.

Edited by madturk
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  On 1/31/2014 at 3:03 AM, Sovietshark said:

I will be doing some investigating tomorrow on this, would be great to know the HAM radio locations. Would gladly check out to see if there is a specific channel they are set on.

Cool, im going to try this as well and also start recording the locations of the various towers to see if there are any transmissions from them specifically.


Just need a damn walkie talkie.


Another question (might have missed this in the 14 odd pages) when the transmission has been heard @ Elektro & Green Mountain are these;

  • Hardcore servers?
  • Regular Servers?
  • Combination of both?

And a noob question; the time the recordings have been played I am presuming this is the "server time"? how have/do you work out the server time?

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I'm gonna head up to the NW and take a peak for towers and HAM's. On the map you can see what must be a small town (if you follow the northern corner of the airfield towards the corner of the map) Before I head out, can anyone confirm if anything is there or is that a placeholder area for a new village? I'm going that way because we have 3 other towers close to each of the other corners... why not there? And that layout looks weird, what are those segmented sections of road? I'll try to record with Shadowplay or get a screenshot if I run into anything.


Do we have a side by side comparison of the Mod map vs the SA + map? can we figure out what's been added from an birds eye view? May give us some clues to what they are planning....

Edited by kuma8877

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  On 1/31/2014 at 5:09 AM, kuma8877 said:

I'm gonna head up to the NW and take a peak for towers and HAM's. On the map you can see what must be a small town (if you follow the northern corner of the airfield towards the corner of the map) Before I head out, can anyone confirm if anything is there or is that a placeholder area for a new village? I'm going that way because we have 3 other towers close to each of the other corners... why not there? And that layout looks weird, what are those segmented sections of road? I'll try to record with Shadowplay or get a screenshot if I run into anything.



Do we have a side by side comparison of the Mod map vs the SA + map? can we figure out what's been added from an birds eye view? May give us some clues to what they are planning....


I like the idea of checking those locations out, dont think I have ever been there myself.


Im fairly close to the NW Airfiled on a hardcore server, time for a hike through the country side.


"Edited for formatting"

Edited by shael6636
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Directly to the east of that "village" (if it's actually there) there is what appears to be a clearing in the middle of the forest that seems to have a slightly different topography/texture to it might be something to scout too. I hope to find a radio to use on my way up there. I will be doing all of my investigating on a full server if I can... hopefully I don't get shot on my way up there though!

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  On 1/31/2014 at 2:40 AM, madturk said:



no one will probably believe me. but it did happen. remember no walkie talkies on me. we were in isolated place. and no one is with us .(or someone is but we did not see anyone.if some player did this? why? and why a women speaking about her love life from a 50's tv show? also if a player near us did this. he did not shoot my buddy or did not do anything to him. i logged out and it was gone when i logged in.


this shit is getting creepy as hell.


wtf over.


Beans sir, for pucker factor!

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  On 1/31/2014 at 5:09 AM, kuma8877 said:


Do we have a side by side comparison of the Mod map vs the SA + map? can we figure out what's been added from an birds eye view? May give us some clues to what they are planning....

 look at this for a topographic map of the mod



From comparing the two maps side by side in the SA the whole of the NW corner of the map appears to be different from the Mod (this is using a topo map vs sat map)

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  On 1/31/2014 at 7:06 AM, shael6636 said:

 look at this for a topographic map of the mod



From comparing the two maps side by side in the SA the whole of the NW corner of the map appears to be different from the Mod (this is using a topo map vs sat map)

Thanks for that!

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