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Wirecutters coming to a server near you!

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That is to say ME. I'm coming to a server near you. And I have a toolbox. And I'm removing every goddamn piece of barbed wire I can find.

You have been warned.

Anyone else with a toolbox gonna join in my barbed-wire abolishing crusade?

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I'm dead serious. I've already removed wire from three separate servers. Dumb pricks gonna have to find another way to fence off their server hops.

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I salute you good Sir.

Keep in mind when servers reset it sometimes replaces the barbed wire.

but at least youll discourage them for a bit.

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Well, you can count me in on that one.

I have been doing the same thing myself in between getting shot by fellow survivors.

One twist though is that I do place wire/traps/sandbags as well, but I place them in a way that is helping people out....place the wires out front to channel infected and give survivors a route to aim for.Even been trying to construct a bunker kind of arrangement that is proving semi-crap.

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For those doods who can't figure out how to cut wire, this video shows you how I do it. Shows you exactly where I aim.

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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't you also need to have a toolbox to be able to do it?

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Forgive me if I'm wrong' date=' but don't you also need to have a toolbox to be able to do it?


That's a given. But even with a toolbox, finding the exact right area to remove wire is a BITCH.

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Well' date=' you can count me in on that one.

I have been doing the same thing myself in between getting shot by fellow survivors.

One twist though is that I do place wire/traps/sandbags as well, but I place them in a way that is helping people out....place the wires out front to channel infected and give survivors a route to aim for.Even been trying to construct a bunker kind of arrangement that is proving semi-crap.


Hate to bust your bubble bro, but zombies walk through wire. I believe sandbags stop them? But regular wire, they just walk straight through, no fucks given.

I'm mainly focusing on the church/firehouses at the moment, as those are the area's most likely to get barricaded. Firehouses especially. That's one of the very few places you can find weapons when you start out, and little pricks barricade it all off so no fresh survivors can get at dem guns.

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Go for it. Every fire station has barbed wire at the bottom of the stairs.

These people are then server hopping to loot farm.

Also I don't kill people except for self defence. But from now on I am shooting on sight anyone I see placing barbedwire at loot spawns.

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If you guys want, you could throw me a list of servers that need the special love only a toolbox can bring, and give me locations of barbed wire outposts, and I can get on em when they're low on population, and have a go at freeing up some entrances.

Just post server name and location of barbed wire in this thread.

If I can't get to it (High ping problems from living in Aus) then maybe someone else can?

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Thanks in advance for this brocacho. I once spawned at Prigorodki, ran to cherno, aggroed a lot of zombies and my last resort was a church to get them in there and find a gun in the church and shoot the zombies. Oh well, church doors opened and what do I see? fucking barbed wire.

This thing is only in there for trolling purposes, fucking get it out of the game.

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Thanks in advance for this brocacho. I once spawned at Prigorodki' date=' ran to cherno, aggroed a lot of zombies and my last resort was a church to get them in there and find a gun in the church and shoot the zombies. Oh well, church doors opened and what do I see? fucking barbed wire.

This thing is only in there for trolling purposes, fucking get it out of the game.


Welp, until it gets fixed, I get to rip it all down to piss off the loot-hoppers. Totally worth it.

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I go out of my way to remove any wire/sandbags/tank traps/etc. I see blocking off buildings. It's astounding how many selfish assholes play this game.

You have my toolbox!

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Well' date=' you can count me in on that one.

I have been doing the same thing myself in between getting shot by fellow survivors.

One twist though is that I do place wire/traps/sandbags as well, but I place them in a way that is helping people out....place the wires out front to channel infected and give survivors a route to aim for.Even been trying to construct a bunker kind of arrangement that is proving semi-crap.


Hate to bust your bubble bro, but zombies walk through wire. I believe sandbags stop them? But regular wire, they just walk straight through, no fucks given.

I'm mainly focusing on the church/firehouses at the moment, as those are the area's most likely to get barricaded. Firehouses especially. That's one of the very few places you can find weapons when you start out, and little pricks barricade it all off so no fresh survivors can get at dem guns.

Good place to target, will do the same....I know about the wire, its a shame....but I like to pretend that its helping :)

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Seattle 68' date=' pretty please.


Town? Building? Seattle 68 is a pretty big place, and I logged in and heard gunfire. Got the fuck outta there.

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Seattle 68' date=' pretty please.


Town? Building? Seattle 68 is a pretty big place, and I logged in and heard gunfire. Got the fuck outta there.

Wherever you happen to be. I haven't been south in awhile, but last time I was there it was covered in barbed wire. The elektro powerplant fire station had a damn path in it to force players into being in the open area of it where a guy was just camping under the stairs waiting.

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Seattle 68' date=' pretty please.


Town? Building? Seattle 68 is a pretty big place, and I logged in and heard gunfire. Got the fuck outta there.

Wherever you happen to be. I haven't been south in awhile, but last time I was there it was covered in barbed wire. The elektro powerplant fire station had a damn path in it to force players into being in the open area of it where a guy was just camping under the stairs waiting.

Oh >.> I maaay have hit it up earlier then. I logged in, checked the power plant fire station, and it was completely clean.

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Seattle 68' date=' pretty please.


Town? Building? Seattle 68 is a pretty big place, and I logged in and heard gunfire. Got the fuck outta there.

Wherever you happen to be. I haven't been south in awhile, but last time I was there it was covered in barbed wire. The elektro powerplant fire station had a damn path in it to force players into being in the open area of it where a guy was just camping under the stairs waiting.

Oh >.> I maaay have hit it up earlier then. I logged in, checked the power plant fire station, and it was completely clean.

Well then I thank you for your services.

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Much respect' date=' I'm tired of seeing barbed wire blocking off major buildings and such. It's really annoying. If I had a toolbox, I'd totally be down. But at the moment, no go :\


You know you can just jump over barbed wire...right?

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Much respect' date=' I'm tired of seeing barbed wire blocking off major buildings and such. It's really annoying. If I had a toolbox, I'd totally be down. But at the moment, no go :\


You know you can just jump over barbed wire...right?

No. You really can't. Not if it's placed correctly.

And I know some guys on Canada 1 who had to respawn who will tell you the destructive effects of trying to jump over barbed wire.

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And I know some guys on Canada 1 who had to respawn who will tell you the destructive effects of trying to jump over barbed wire.

Yup, devs WANT it to break your legs and make you bleed out if you try. Saw a post here a few days ago to that effect.

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I CRAWLED next to barbed wire placed next to a staircase and broke my leg.

I died.

And then agroed a few in Elektro, thought fire station might have weps but the wire was placed so that it was impossible to jump.

My fellow Aussie, I salute you.

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