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Should DayZ have music? (Poll)

Should DayZ have music?  

132 members have voted

  1. 1. Should DayZ have music?

    • Without a doubt! Give me ambiance!
    • Meh, don't care either way, I can just turn it down.
    • No way no how, I don't want to move a slider an inch left!

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I don't know about you all but I was and still am in love with the DayZ music. I dont know who conducted/made it but it was top notch creepiness and fit so well into the game. The clanging of metal parts in factories just fit perfect. I understand some peoples desire to not have music for immersions sake but there really isn't any good reason for the devs not to at least add what was in the mod if not add more tracks to it. 


Lets be honest, as of now, DayZ is NOT scary. But it has the possibility of giving even the bravest of people a bad EKG reading with the right mix of music, sound design, effective lighting, weathers, zombie AI and player interaction. The music was the ONLY thing paired with the intense player interaction that made my hair on the back of my neck stand up.


If you don't like it or want the 100% realism immersion then all that you have to do is move that slider to the left. 


I am tired of having to keep manually looping this

   in the background while playing lol. It just isn't the same since it's just all the soundfiles played one after another. Anyone else do this?


Also, does anyone know WHO actually made those tracks? Was it Dean? 

Edited by VictorM
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Music and games. Games and music.


Doesn't matter which game, first thing I turn OFF. DayZ is no different.



Edited by DJPorterNZ

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Music and games. Games and music.


Doesn't matter which game, first thing I turn OFF.

You, sir, HAVE NO SOUL.

Edited by Geckofrog7
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Nope, no music while playing. Silence is the perfect and scariest sound while playing. It makes the sound of footsteps or zombie scream all the more terrifying when that's all you hear.

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on one of the radio channels,definintely!

Yeah, how about like Battlefield: Vietnam or Fallout series?

It'd certainly ease the tension.

And take your guard down...

Edited by Geckofrog7

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Nope, no music while playing. Silence is the perfect and scariest sound while playing. It makes the sound of footsteps or zombie scream all the more terrifying when that's all you hear.


Its called a volume slider..... what do you all not understand about this? How does it effect you if someone else plays music? If anything you could have an advantage. 


And besides with Bohemias track record with sound I wouldnt expect any sounds to add to any creepiness. You cant hear zombie sounds or human sounds untill they are already hitting you as it is now. Thats not ambience.


Music at least fills the gap. 

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I feel like the alpha will not leave alpha until it has proper music, and although the old dayZ music was great, there should be even better music.

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No music please. No point in it. Hearing/Sound is one of the most important things in games.. If you're sneaking around elektro as a fresh spawn the last thing you need is some music track in the background distracting you from your potential demise.. you need to hear footsteps, distant gunshots, zombies, etc.. Music just distracts and detracts from that experience.

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In a multiplayer game, hell no. I need to be able to hear other players.

Edited by joeymp

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No music please. No point in it. Hearing/Sound is one of the most important things in games.. If you're sneaking around elektro as a fresh spawn the last thing you need is some music track in the background distracting you from your potential demise.. you need to hear footsteps, distant gunshots, zombies, etc.. Music just distracts and detracts from that experience.

Agree with this but i dont mind if you add it i will just turn it off i need all the hearing i can get seeing i play in hardcore servers my senses are severly limited mess with the hearing side of things its going to be a painfull day lol .


In the menu i want some epic theme music in game ( in any simulator game) if there is music i remove turn it down to 0 lol. this stems from my love of car games always turn the crap music off i want to hear the music of the engine the gears etc etc lol but yeah in dayz i want to hear the footsteps that will have me turn my head to see who be creeping up on me.....

Edited by SoulFirez
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This whole poll stemmed from one of the streams where I heard both rocket and Hicks mention they were leaning towards not putting music in. :( I dont understand why they cant just make everyone happy by allowing those who don't want it to just turn it down. Exactly how they did with 3rd person view. 


Options is what makes great games great. 

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Radios will be implemented and Dean mentioned making community radio stations run by players, that's why there shouldn't be music.

If we want to listen to it, we need to survive long enough to be able to enjoy it.

Also, music wouldn't fit the game since it's trying to be 'authentic/realistic', the game does however need good ambient noise (there was a video demonstrating it but I can't find it).

Edited by FlyingPurpleHippo
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No need. The music would probably be crap anyway, as is most so called "music" thesedays. Mind you Breaking Point has a nice background track, so if it was something like that, I wouldn't mind. Otherwise it's not needed, I can play my own music perfectly well while playing if I choose to do so :)

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I prefer the original background music of the mod that repeats. I always felt it fit perfectly, especially at night. When I started playing more and rolling with groups, I muted it so I could hear the hunters and the hunted, gunshot locations,etc.

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ambient music is a big part in creating an atmosphere and it can enhance storytelling, but it doesn't fit in a game like DayZ that pursues realism. i would also turn it off to hear steps or gunshots better. cool tracks, though.


np: Ben & The Bambies - It's Raining Beans

Edited by komadose

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For the type of game this is trying to be I don't think it needs it. More ambience, yes, but music? it's a no from me.


Some title music would be cool though!

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I played the mod back in may/june 2012 and one thing i loved about it was the ambient music. Fantastic. Recently i decided to buy the standalone and the first thing i noticed was it's complete removal. And to make matters worse i found out it won't be coming back. The ambient sounds were a huge part of the creepy atmosphere!


Why not just give the option to turn it off if you don't like it rather than remove it altogether?


Gutted tbh :(

Edited by Confused Zombie

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