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About Shodex

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  1. Shodex

    Walk Like A Zombie

    I agree, I specifically said it'd be no use against Zeds. What it would be useful for is a player off in the distance, it'd be a way to hide in plain sight and not draw any unneeded attention to yourself. As I mentioned in my post, anyone close enough can easily tell you're faking it. I get the sense that you only skimmed the thread.
  2. Shodex

    Walk Like A Zombie

    Just have the player lie there in a death-like pose. It's not OP if you can't shoot from it. Zeds would still be able to attack you and it'd take the amount of time to go from prone to standing (more even, since you'd be in a weird position) to get up. It'd also introduce a need for confirming your kills. You shot at a sniper but can't tell if you hit, quick look from the binoculars looks like he's dead but you can't be sure. Perhaps a quiet breathing sound can be heard if you get close enough, one that the player can mute temporarily but if you mute for two long you'll have to stop and make a noticeably louder gasp. Good for if somebody is passing by you. And of course, there's nothing stopping your enemy from shooting your head again for good measure. I like the idea of playing dead.
  3. Shodex

    Walk Like A Zombie

    Walk Like A Zombie You're making your way through Elektro when you spot somebody in the middle of the street with a raised M4, chances are he's not planning on being friendly. Luckily for you he hasn't seen you, but if you cross the street he just might. You could try and flank around, or wait until he leaves. While you're weighing your option you see a zed cross the street not far from you. The bandit looks right at it and crouches down low, letting it pass. Eureka, you found your way out. Getting up you take a deep breath and let your arms go limp. You've spent enough time looking at zeds that you've got a good idea of how they get around looks like, doing your best to impersonate you shamble your way across the street in plain sight. The man looks at you then backs off a bit. If he was close enough he could tell quite easily, but from this distance you've fooled him. After crossing the street you manage to slip away unseen. --- Quick description of my idea, a new stance that makes the player walk like a zombie. The genuine living dead would know the difference, but a survivor from afar might not. It's a bit of a silly idea, but one that came to me earlier and I thought I'd share. Could provide an interesting way to sneak past some bandits, hiding in plain sight. Hell, you could even go full Walking Dead and be able to smear yourself with zombie bits. But that's a whole other discussion.
  4. Shodex

    How to end kill on sight?

    Since I normally try to be friendly I, like all of us, know how frustrating it can be to lose a fully geared character by some sniper in a bush. Or even worse, some fresh spawn wanker with nothing but a fireaxe. But here's the thing, just because I try to be nice most of the time doesn't mean I haven't killed people for their loot. And since DayZ's combat can be very unpredictable (even if you have an M4 if a bambie can get up-close before dying you might be dropped and disarmed with only one punch to the head), I always try to put myself in a position where I have the advantage. For unarmed players or people with only melee, this usually means I just point a gun at them. For players with firearms however, I don't even bother. I try to quietly approach and set myself up to take them out without risk of them returning fire. The thing is, this is realistic. I know it sucks to be on the losing side, but it encourages you to be more watchful. Or better yet, do as I do. Play on Hardcore servers. What is really bullshit is being killed by somebody who saw you by abusing third person. In Hardcore first-person servers it's different, if they can see you then you can see them. The playing field is equal, and if you're really careful you will be able to spot them before they make their move. And when they do make their move you can more easily escape and put yourself at a point of advantage. Killing on sight in regular servers leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but doing so on hardcore makes me feel more like I've earned it. Whereas getting killed in hardcore servers makes me feel, while still frustrated, more like I deserved it. TL;DR, too bad. KoS is a part of the game and it's a part of guerrilla warfare. Try playing Hardcore.
  5. Shodex

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    Wh-whats this smell?
  6. Shodex

    Should DayZ have music? (Poll)

    Step One: Go to the options menu, mute ingame music. Step Two: Play this.
  7. Shodex

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    Credit for the screenshot is not mine. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1w40rs/you_dont_wear_pants_in_elektro_byze_tribute/
  8. I don't like achievements and I think Rocket would agree with my reason. Achievements are an arbitrary element to the game that encourages you to go down a path you perhaps wouldn't have naturally. And that natural decision making and free form exploration is what makes DayZ... well, DayZ. There should never be anything telling you what to do at any specific point in DayZ, ever. Be it though objective marker or achievement, it would create artificial incentive that was not spawned from the player naturally reacting to his situation.
  9. Shodex

    Item Suggestion: Firecrackers

    This would likely not be hard to implement, but making it seem realistic is another story. What sort of makeshift device can light fireworks off when somebody comes near? That said, I don't like it. The cities would be littered with long forgotten firecrackers waiting to be set off. Timed explosives take thinking, "Where will my enemy be in 2 minutes?" "Where do I want to be when these goes of, can I make it there?"
  10. Shodex

    Item Suggestion: Firecrackers

    I would love for the ability to launch colorful fireworks off in Elektro, attracting all sorts of mayhem.
  11. Item Suggestion: Firecrackers Firecrackers can be found in many convenience stores in just about any town. Traditionally they're used mostly for celebration, but in the zombie apocalypse they have two rather useful purposes. They make a lot of noise, which can be used to divert zombies when used effectively.The noise they make can mimic gunfire, to decoy other survivors in the area. Place firecrackers to the east and circle around to the approach your target from the west.Rarity: Fairly uncommon, realistically they wouldn't be hard to find but there is certainly more pants and beans in the world than firecrackers. How to use: Using matches you'd light them and then they act basically like a grenade, you'll drop them on the ground and become scarce. After some time they'll start going off.
  12. Shodex

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I don't have Standalone but I can tell you right now it ain't happening. I had a similar build a while back and it couldn't handle Arma 2. So in short, hell no.
  13. Shodex

    Survivor Stories: Authentic Leader Boards

    The last thing you want is to give incentive for people to get the most kills. Leaderboards are fun in a competitive environment, but I don't think of DayZ as competitive. In a competitive game like Call of Duty or Battlefield your objective is directly counter to the enemy's. But in DayZ every player has the exact same objective, survival. What makes people hostile is not competition, it's the simple fact that you can't complete your objective without destroying somebody else's. DayZ should not be competitive. The deathmatch mentality is the worst part of the game, killing should be out of necessity and nothing else.
  14. Shodex

    Remove Payday Masks from Game

    I think they should be left in, but made a LOT more rare. Where the hell do you even find a clown mask in real life? I can't speak for a rural Russian area, but I personally don't find them just sitting in people's cupboards and on sale at the local gas station. It's weird. I'm sure they exist. The Dark Knight had them, so clown masks for sure exist. Just I don't think they're very common.
  15. Shodex

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    What do you think the most important upgrade should be? I'm thinking the GPU, depending on my financial status I've been hoping to swap out for a 860 when they are released. I doubt an extra gigabyte of VRAM will be much use if any at all. Unless you plan on using a dual monitor setup or upping your resolution. The culprit of the low performance is the 50 in your 650, it's simply not a gaming oriented card. A quad core will be a hefty improvement over a dual core, but the quad core is still outdated.