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Why so many bandits? How to deal with them?

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Hi guys,

I'm obviously new to DayZ and wanted to share my experience with you.

I have bought this game yesterday, played 12 hours, already died 9 or 10 times.

The majority caused by other players... The first one surprised me: you get out of a house, being happy about that can of beans you found and suddenly someone aims at you with a rifle. You raise your hands, another one comes up from behind with an axe and finishes you. The next death was caused by another guy who didn't like having me (unarmed...) around... Those deaths didn't bother me, I hadn't found any valuable loot until today: 1 Fireaxe, Medkit, backpack, 4 or 5 food items, soda cans, etc...

Of course I had to lose my gear, when I went to a very small town, and it happened quite similar to the first one: I met some survivor, who apparently hadn't any weapons,I generally don't like killing people, so I ignore him first and go on my way... When he suddenly sneaks up from behind and begins punching me. I draw my axe, but before I can do anything I hear a gunshot, the screen becomes dark. 'You are unconscious.'

6 hours of searching for nothing. Great. Thank you very much.

Why do people kill each other? Are they just greedy or bored or too lazy to find loot themselves? Aren't they aware that the real enemy in this game is supposed to be the zombies?

But I'm not here for whining, I'd rather like to ask you what I should do in the future when I meet other people. I don't like to return the 'kindness' to other players... Nice people would die out if everyone thought like that. Or is it intended that sooner or later your morality degenerates in this game?


Oh and I also wonder how those bandits where able to team up. When 2 evil fools meet one of them is supposed to get shot...

Edited by Catalpa

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The golden rule in DayZ is to not trust anyone. Just hide in a forest, avoid any players with a gun and go to the NW military/Airport base so you could defend yourself. Plus, play in a nighttime server with less people, that would reduce contact to enemy players. Anyways, welcome to DayZ, my friend.

Edited by LDClaudius
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There's a lot of bandits mostly because once you get geared, there's not much else to do at the moment. You sneak around, get yourself a weapon or three, fill yourself up on food, then head for one of the airstrips or a major city and find someone to kill. Another reason for there being so many bandits is because things are hard to come by. someone has something you want, or might have something you want, you're going to do what it takes to survive, especially if you have nothing to lose. It's just a simple fact that has always been with dayz, even since the mod days. Third reason for so many bandits? There's a lot of bandits or fresh spawns with nothing to lose by trying to punch you to death, and trying to help another player out is one of the quickest ways to get killed. Everyone either needs something or is afraid you are going to kill them, so they are going to kill you first and take whatever you have. Another simple fact of DayZ.


Best way to deal with bandits? Only real thing you can do here is kill them before they kill you. Which technically will make you a bandit, which is where quite a few bandits come from. Nobody trusts anybody they don't know and will kill you because they are almost positive that you are going to kill them if you don't. I suggest carrying a burlap sack and a set of handcuffs if you really don't want to kill and anyone you run into that doesn't shoot first and ask questions later you should get a bead with your gun, make em stop and drop their weapon, then handcuff and black bag them until you can get safely away from them or disarm them.


To answer the last part, bandits running in groups almost always know each other somewhere outside the game. Maybe they are part of a gaming clan, maybe they are friends IRL. I have both that I run with from time to time. safety in numbers, trust no one you don't know for sure won't kill you for a can of beans or an m4.

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Aren't they aware that the real enemy in this game is supposed to be the zombies?


This isn't a game about zombies. Zombies are here just to cover up Rocket's dirty PvP secret.

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There really isn't much you can do at all with bandits. They either take you hostage and steal your stuff while poisoning you, or they shoot on sight... The best thing you can do is stay the hell away from the coast, away from the main cities such as Elektro and Cherno. Those two places are normally always filled with bandits. If you're getting killed way too much, search the coast for any food at all. If you don't find anything then just jet in-land and go to a few small towns there. Normally there's not many people in-land because they're all busy going straight to the airfield(s) or going to major cities. Once you're more geared up you can take the risk of going to "more populated" places. Oh, firehouses... go there for pistols to start with.

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Nobody trusts anybody they don't know and will kill you because they are almost positive that you are going to kill them if you don't.


Makes me a little sad...

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Why so many bandits? How to deal with them?


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Catalpa, Bruh, please listen to me....


I don't know where these other dudes are playing or what type of servers, but believe me when I say this...


There are way more friendlies then you think out there.


Not everyone is out to kill you. I don't know how you approach people, but you should try something different.


I am not a Bandit, nor do I start shit with anyone I assume to be friendly. The times I have been killed I have either got jumped or refused to be a victim.


I play on 30 or 40 man servers only and will not join a server that has less than 30 people on it. I constantly meet friendlies and non-violent people who are either new or know how the game works. I will roll with you and help you get kitted so you can defend yourself. Don't become some dipshit who thinks everyone is out to kill you because another dipshit fucked you over.


I'm not some savior nor do I feel I'm above anybody or better than anyone else. I just have a knack for meeting and rolling with people who want to survive and are generally friendly. Dying is part of the game, but you can have a lot of fun when you roll with others.


That whole trust no one is bullshit...do I die sometimes, yes. Do I sulk about it, hell no. Sometimes I find it funny. I keep on going. If I get lucky, I run into the same people who killed me and that's when it gets real fun. The only way to deal with Bandits is to hide in a bush and cry yourself to sleep or take them on by yourself or with a group.


Anytime you need help or wanna roll, hit me up. Adventure awaits.


Steam: knoccturnal_daydreamer

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Hi guys,

I'm obviously new to DayZ and wanted to share my experience with you.

I have bought this game yesterday, played 12 hours, already died 9 or 10 times.

The majority caused by other players... The first one surprised me: you get out of a house, being happy about that can of beans you found and suddenly someone aims at you with a rifle. You raise your hands, another one comes up from behind with an axe and finishes you. The next death was caused by another guy who didn't like having me (unarmed...) around... Those deaths didn't bother me, I hadn't found any valuable loot until today: 1 Fireaxe, Medkit, backpack, 4 or 5 food items, soda cans, etc...

Of course I had to lose my gear, when I went to a very small town, and it happened quite similar to the first one: I met some survivor, who apparently hadn't any weapons,I generally don't like killing people, so I ignore him first and go on my way... When he suddenly sneaks up from behind and begins punching me. I draw my axe, but before I can do anything I hear a gunshot, the screen becomes dark. 'You are unconscious.'

6 hours of searching for nothing. Great. Thank you very much.

Why do people kill each other? Are they just greedy or bored or too lazy to find loot themselves? Aren't they aware that the real enemy in this game is supposed to be the zombies?

But I'm not here for whining, I'd rather like to ask you what I should do in the future when I meet other people. I don't like to return the 'kindness' to other players... Nice people would die out if everyone thought like that. Or is it intended that sooner or later your morality degenerates in this game?


Oh and I also wonder how those bandits where able to team up. When 2 evil fools meet one of them is supposed to get shot...


Like the guy up here said, find friends to roll with, but unlike he said, I really wouldn't trust anyone else. I would recommend adding some people on steam from the forums, I've had good experiences doing that at least. No one's made friends with me just to kill me when we meet yet. One of the first "stories" I read before ever playing dayz, which has stuck with me, involved the guy meeting another player, playing with him for many hours, laughing and talking, until the guy he met suddenly turned around and shot him in the back without another word.

There are players that will kill you for less than being bored with your presence, because there are no repercussions. There are players who will shout vehemently about how low of a person a KOS bandit is in the worst holier-than-though way they can, because there are no repercussions.


I had a guy earlier today run up to me shouting "friendly, friendly" before making a not so friendly demand that I surrender while aiming his gun at me.

And that is why the sawed-off shotgun is not a weak weapon...

wrong thread. anyways, find some friends. finally there's this cool app one of my friends showed me, smartphone or PC, called iZurvive (i know it's stupid sounding) but it's a full map of chernarus that you can add people to groups and then set waypoints for eachother to meet up.


Addendum: Speaking of repercussions, as much as people complain about the other side, it's extremely realistic. Some dude could go kill 30 people, sneak away, and come join you for dinner if there's no law enforcement to speak of, and there isn't in the apocalypse. 

Edited by crimsonBZD
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i'm going to answer your original question per the thread title with two words. fear and boredom.


banditry is a decent way of assuring survival through neutralizing perceived threats.

also, its currently a decent way of assuring survival through looting things off of the people you kill

however, that will not be the case going into the future because ruined items , something you can use without any penalty right now, aside from clothing, will not function anymore.

assume a ruined canteen isn't something you can drink from, a ruined rifle isn't something you can fire without repairing it and a ruined can of food cannot be eaten.

ruined antibiotics won't cure your infection, ruined ammo won't load into your gun and so on and so forth. Under that scenario, casual 'guns blazing on sight' is a means less preferable

to at least trying to cuff the other guy and rummage through his stuff before you swiss-cheese everything to shredded guts salad. 


it'll always remain an option for neutralising threats though, and one most people will prefer to take. It is also something people do once they're geared - partly because there isn't anything else to do.

fighting zombies is not and was never the point of this game, but weapons like the enfield weren't called 'the dinner bell' for nothing - used to be you'd get swarmed if engaging in large gun battles within cities. fair to say that will be the case after some optimisation is done and number of entities is increased.


people aren't friendly. its safe to assume that. but just because people aren't frendly doesn't mean you need to kill them, or even engage and reveal your location.

some of my most lucrative kills so far have been point-blank headshots with the magnum at people looting corpses of people they had recently killed.

Edited by yessaul robinovich
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The best advice I can give is to find any gun, even a pistol, some ammo, and keep it on you just in case.  If you see someone running around near you, and you don't want to kill them just fire a couple warning shots.  Most of the time they will crap their pants and run with their tail tucked under. I'm not big into banditry so this is the technique I use.  Every once in a while I will have someone start returning fire, then PvP is fair game.

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Catalpa, Bruh, please listen to me....


I don't know where these other dudes are playing or what type of servers, but believe me when I say this...


There are way more friendlies then you think out there.


Not everyone is out to kill you. I don't know how you approach people, but you should try something different.


I am not a Bandit, nor do I start shit with anyone I assume to be friendly. The times I have been killed I have either got jumped or refused to be a victim.


I play on 30 or 40 man servers only and will not join a server that has less than 30 people on it. I constantly meet friendlies and non-violent people who are either new or know how the game works. I will roll with you and help you get kitted so you can defend yourself. Don't become some dipshit who thinks everyone is out to kill you because another dipshit fucked you over.


I'm not some savior nor do I feel I'm above anybody or better than anyone else. I just have a knack for meeting and rolling with people who want to survive and are generally friendly. Dying is part of the game, but you can have a lot of fun when you roll with others.


That whole trust no one is bullshit...do I die sometimes, yes. Do I sulk about it, hell no. Sometimes I find it funny. I keep on going. If I get lucky, I run into the same people who killed me and that's when it gets real fun. The only way to deal with Bandits is to hide in a bush and cry yourself to sleep or take them on by yourself or with a group.


Anytime you need help or wanna roll, hit me up. Adventure awaits.


Steam: knoccturnal_daydreamer

He's a bandit, it's a trap. Don't trust him, man! No, seriously though, there are quite a few trustworthy people out and about, though I have yet to meet more than a small handful of them. I, personally will help a person before I'll shoot a person. The game is so much more rewarding when you are travelling in a pack.

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He's a bandit, it's a trap. Don't trust him, man! No, seriously though, there are quite a few trustworthy people out and about, though I have yet to meet more than a small handful of them. I, personally will help a person before I'll shoot a person. The game is so much more rewarding when you are travelling in a pack.


That last bit, I forgot to mention that, but having people with you changes the game.

You could, and probably should, assume every survivor is hostile until otherwise noted. This doesn't mean KOS, but don't run out and reveal your location either. You can hole up in a good, defensible corner and type a few words to make sure they're cool. This one dude in the mod wanted to team up, but he was in bandit skin so I told him I'd let him know which town I was heading to, and then I'd take the long way about, and if he didn't want me to fire to stay cool and move through a couple towns with me going on the opposite sides. He turned out to be trustworthy enough though, he never killed me, said his goodbyes when we were done playing and that is that. 


If you're alone, you might as well flee from a pack unless you think the chance of them offering supplies is greater than the chance of them handcuffing and raping you.

Treat any sole survivor as hostile until you can at least confirm they won't KOS you through chat or voice, but remain wary, they could easily take out their gun and attack at any time. Keep your eye on them and get a little nervous if they suddenly equip their firearm til you know the person well.


If you're in a group, you can still treat any survivor you see as hostile until you confirm otherwise, but in this case it's a lot easier to take control of the situation.

Keep in mind, that sole survivor might be a baddass or an idiot, and might have a magnum in his jean pocket, so I would personally recommend treating him like he could become hostile at any moment until you can confirm otherwise.


And still, they might turn on you for no reason, perhaps with no weapon at all, sheerly out of stupidity or boredom.

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Hi guys,


Why do people kill each other?

Isn't this a question for a philosopher?

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Why people kill each other:

1. for ammo

2. for weapons

3. for food

4. for pristine items

5. for the fuck of it

6. to cure boredom

7. hunting someone is more exciting that being up in Palano by yourself with nothing to do but listen to the birds chirp

8. if this was the end of the world with a zombie apocalypse, would you run up to strangers, hug them and trust them right away? 


this is the strangest set of game fans- if i play battlefield 4, the objective is to kill people. if i plays dayz, a certain amount of people are so astonished when they are killed. SMFH. staggers my brain. 


if you have any sort of wealth (weap, food, ammo)- people will want it from you, plain and simple.



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Hi guys,

I'm obviously new to DayZ and wanted to share my experience with you.

I have bought this game yesterday, played 12 hours, already died 9 or 10 times.

The majority caused by other players... The first one surprised me: you get out of a house, being happy about that can of beans you found and suddenly someone aims at you with a rifle. You raise your hands, another one comes up from behind with an axe and finishes you. The next death was caused by another guy who didn't like having me (unarmed...) around... Those deaths didn't bother me, I hadn't found any valuable loot until today: 1 Fireaxe, Medkit, backpack, 4 or 5 food items, soda cans, etc...

Of course I had to lose my gear, when I went to a very small town, and it happened quite similar to the first one: I met some survivor, who apparently hadn't any weapons,I generally don't like killing people, so I ignore him first and go on my way... When he suddenly sneaks up from behind and begins punching me. I draw my axe, but before I can do anything I hear a gunshot, the screen becomes dark. 'You are unconscious.'

6 hours of searching for nothing. Great. Thank you very much.

Why do people kill each other? Are they just greedy or bored or too lazy to find loot themselves? Aren't they aware that the real enemy in this game is supposed to be the zombies?

But I'm not here for whining, I'd rather like to ask you what I should do in the future when I meet other people. I don't like to return the 'kindness' to other players... Nice people would die out if everyone thought like that. Or is it intended that sooner or later your morality degenerates in this game?


Oh and I also wonder how those bandits where able to team up. When 2 evil fools meet one of them is supposed to get shot...



This game is 90% kill on sight, 10% helping people.


You might as well kill everyone you see.  They're going to do it to you.


Until there's an effective humanity system, treat every other player like a bandit.

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I was running through Elektro on a server with 40 people, was naked had nothing and some guy killed me for no reason :)

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Never go to an airfield/military, stay away from elektro and cherno, move away from the coast as fast as possible. Check your back. Assume everyone is going to try to kill you. Water is your first priority, the shadows your best friend. 


Lurk, if you want to meet people do it on YOUR terms.

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I was running through Elektro on a server with 40 people, was naked had nothing and some guy killed me for no reason :)

Oh he had a reason. You were in Elektro.

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Started playing in December, haven't been killed yet.

Have lost all my stuff to the hive being derpy about two dozen times, though.


People aren't that bad, just avoid them unless you're confident you have the upper hand.

Edited by dricht1

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Hi guys,

I'm obviously new to DayZ and wanted to share my experience with you.

I have bought this game yesterday, played 12 hours, already died 9 or 10 times.

The majority caused by other players... The first one surprised me: you get out of a house, being happy about that can of beans you found and suddenly someone aims at you with a rifle. You raise your hands, another one comes up from behind with an axe and finishes you. The next death was caused by another guy who didn't like having me (unarmed...) around... Those deaths didn't bother me, I hadn't found any valuable loot until today: 1 Fireaxe, Medkit, backpack, 4 or 5 food items, soda cans, etc...

Of course I had to lose my gear, when I went to a very small town, and it happened quite similar to the first one: I met some survivor, who apparently hadn't any weapons,I generally don't like killing people, so I ignore him first and go on my way... When he suddenly sneaks up from behind and begins punching me. I draw my axe, but before I can do anything I hear a gunshot, the screen becomes dark. 'You are unconscious.'

6 hours of searching for nothing. Great. Thank you very much.

Why do people kill each other? Are they just greedy or bored or too lazy to find loot themselves? Aren't they aware that the real enemy in this game is supposed to be the zombies?

But I'm not here for whining, I'd rather like to ask you what I should do in the future when I meet other people. I don't like to return the 'kindness' to other players... Nice people would die out if everyone thought like that. Or is it intended that sooner or later your morality degenerates in this game?


Oh and I also wonder how those bandits where able to team up. When 2 evil fools meet one of them is supposed to get shot...


i can assist you if you are looking for some assistance; depending if you play at the time we normally play, heh, check out the link



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Why people kill each other:

1. for ammo

2. for weapons

3. for food

4. for pristine items

5. for the fuck of it

6. to cure boredom

7. hunting someone is more exciting that being up in Palano by yourself with nothing to do but listen to the birds chirp

8. if this was the end of the world with a zombie apocalypse, would you run up to strangers, hug them and trust them right away? 


this is the strangest set of game fans- if i play battlefield 4, the objective is to kill people. if i plays dayz, a certain amount of people are so astonished when they are killed. SMFH. staggers my brain. 


if you have any sort of wealth (weap, food, ammo)- people will want it from you, plain and simple.



Beans for titties!!!

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I guess this is not my game... :(

This day was again for nothing, everything went well, I was searching a military base for something to defend myself. Some person sneaked up from behind, I didn't even hear him. This time the message was "You are dead" instead of "You are unconscious".

Maybe I'm not careful enough.  Pretty frustrating. Too frustrating too continue playing I guess.

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I was running through Elektro on a server with 40 people, was naked had nothing and some guy killed me for no reason :)

Indecent exposure, that is a felony in chernarus. Failing to stop is why you got shot.

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