U.B.C.S. Ravin 326 Posted June 23, 2012 Many new players are now complaining about how barbed wire, tank traps, and sandbags are blocking homes and houses for decent loot.This solution can be fixed rather easily, just require a toolbox to setup these objects, but to remove them you do not need tools.You need tools to make things, like a desk or computer, whatever. But a firm kick or stomp? You can easily destroy just about anything without tools.This will allow new players to remove people from throwing up barbed wire infront of the office buildings or inside the fire-stations where they may get loot, but require the older players to find toolboxes to set up these installations. This offers a comfortable compromise I think for both parties of the 'assholes' and the 'new players/new characters.'Suggestions/Discuss Below. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hombrecz 832 Posted June 23, 2012 I think the biggest problem is,that its damn hard to remove these obstacles even when you have entrenching tools... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
U.B.C.S. Ravin 326 Posted June 23, 2012 To remove tanktraps, you can select any section of them and remove them.same with sandbags.Barbed wire however, you have to select that SMALL bar coming up in the middle to select cat1 I think its called to remove it.I agree its a bit of a pain, but once you know what to look for its fairly easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted June 23, 2012 Good Post. I share your frustration with this being used in a way to wind up other players either intentionally or not. With a mod like this, there is a great attempt to provoke realism but also to keeps things practical, and one part of that is in the use of field fortifications. In real life the placement of concertina wire/razor wire coils or low wire entanglement ( a carpet of barbed wire covering an area ) is actually quite robust, the coils are held in position by 2 foot pickets hammered into the ground and attached together by 16 gauge tensioned wire....there is really quite a science to its various configurations in aspects of tension and/or loose attachment to counter explosive blast damage etc.I.e. quite a sturdy construction that is awkward to put up and to pull down. A compromise suggestion maybe ?1) Have the wire as it is now in game.2) Make it that it cannot be placed inside a building to represent the pickets needing to be hammered in soft-ish ground.2) A new tool needed to place and remove the wire....something like a Gerber Suspension tool that I have myself used quite effectively on wire placement?...carrying a sledgehammer is going over the top I believe, And lugging around a toolbox is too inventory punishing as well.Tank Traps Effectively metal I-beams forced into the ground in a pre-fabricated design or more often reinforced concrete constructions.Very labour intensive to construct and very robust, hence their ability to greatly wind up tank crews and get them throwing their teddy bears in the corner.Compromise Suggestion1) Keep as they are in game except for a few changes.2) Cannot be placed inside structures.3) Cannot be taken down after placement with anything short of an explosive charge.4) Need a Toolbox to place the tank traps.5) Only a limited amount can be placed in an area.Sandbags These are not going to stop your infected or even an enraged sheep, for they are intended to stop small arms fire and fragmentation. These humble bits of fortification are very versatile and easily placed to perform whats needed in real life, they ARE USED INSIDE buildings and often placed in window openings and along exterior walls to greatly increase the buildings resistance to small arms.They are used to control access to buildings...you place them in doorways to block off or narrow the opening.Suggestion 1) Keep them as they are in game.2) You Can place them inside buildings.3) No tools needed to construct.4) They do not really cause any great problems in game through griefing/bad placement...keep them as is . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
U.B.C.S. Ravin 326 Posted June 23, 2012 Sledgehammer is entirely plausable.Rocket did say in a recent tweet that there are more melee weapons to come in 1.7.2Day Z Development @dayzdevteam1.7.2 is progressing well. Significant performance improvements, weather affects stealth, new weapons, more melee. More updates soon -RocketThere are also satchel charges for tanktraps.Everything you suggested is easily implementable.I would make tanktraps spawn as frequent as satchel charges then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stubbies 67 Posted June 23, 2012 Sorry guys, i disagree. I like the current mechanic, new players just got to find a toolbox or move to a different area. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JagerWulf 0 Posted June 23, 2012 I think the problem with the barb wire is that it's to easy to find, I've had a hell of a time finding food and drink but keep finding barb-wire reels and tank traps all over the place, I know that it's primarily farms around the map, but the spawn rate is a bit silly and tank traps? what were the farmers expecting cows driving tanks, before the patch I didn't even know there was barb wire in the game, now I could start a hardware store with a special sale on barb-wire.So as I see it, if we want this barb wire problem to go away, then Rocket is going to have to reduce the spawn rate for it, balance it out a bit so to speak. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrimsonBlade 2 Posted June 23, 2012 *Sigh* So exactly WERE are these blocking you from looting...... OH THAT"S RIGHT IT"S ELEKTRO FIRESTATION!!!!!!!! go north, go north, go north, go north, go north, and you get a toolbox. I went North... and I got an M24, MK48 Mod 0 and many other Gucci Guns. Go north Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JagerWulf 0 Posted June 23, 2012 *Sigh* So exactly WERE are these blocking you from looting...... OH THAT"S RIGHT IT"S ELEKTRO FIRESTATION!!!!!!!! go north' date=' go north, go north, go north, go north, and you get a toolbox. I went North... and I got an M24, MK48 Mod 0 and many other Gucci Guns. Go north[/quote']Theres a Firestation in elektro?Yes we know about the north, it's were I got my NVG, silenced pistol, Assault rifle with halo scope and grenade launcher, yes it's fun up north but unfortunatly the same problem is happening up north as well, way to much barb-wire spawning everywhere. *Sigh* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sarissofoi 40 Posted June 23, 2012 I see wires everywhere.Even on Northern airfields.Even on industrial spawn points.And what is the worse that they respawn even if taken down with any server restart. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GretSeat 0 Posted June 23, 2012 I see it this way:If someone put up the barbed wire, they did it for good reason. Whether it be to stop survivors from bopping them in the back while looting, or to slow the invasion of zombies.Sure there are the D-Bags who just put them up randomly (I've done that myself a few times) but for the most part, just avoid them. Let me just say, I play this game as if it was a real thing: If I see Barbed Wire or Tank Traps, I say "oh god, nevermind" and just go try to find a different area. BUT now that I have a toolbox and firearms, I am doing riskier things and taking down the stuff (if I can find the hit boxes) for the most part, I think barbed wire and tank traps/sandbags are fine the way they are. I don't like the idea for newbies being able to take down barbed wire, or tank traps. I think tools should be required.Who is to say a "Toolbox" doesn't have wire cutters in it? But another tool would be nice to have, at the current moment I have ALL the tools, yet there is still ONE slot open in my gear... what the hell goes there? 12 slots, 11 tools on the wiki... Dunt Mak No Sins! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
U.B.C.S. Ravin 326 Posted June 24, 2012 by the time you head up north, you have a toolbox already and thats completely fine.New players should not have to deal with this handicap and headache. It just ruins it for them. When the servers are stabilized there will be enough barbed wire to no doubt cover near every building in Chenro.Also, there are two firestations in Elektro.Also for the record, you do not NEED a toolbox to setup ANY of this stuff, but you need one to remove it?Kind of logic is that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jono (DayZ) 1 Posted June 24, 2012 by the time you head up north' date=' you have a toolbox already and thats completely fine.New players should not have to deal with this handicap and headache. It just ruins it for them. When the servers are stabilized there will be enough barbed wire to no doubt cover near every building in Chenro.Also, there are two firestations in Elektro.Also for the record, you do not NEED a toolbox to setup ANY of this stuff, but you need one to remove it?Kind of logic is that?[/quote']I agree. It is horrible for a new player (anyone who's starting out, at the coast). I think it would be ok if the hitbox on these was increased so you just had to look at it anywhere to remove it. But most of these things seem to be position so that when you're looking at the hitbox, you're outside the building and it's 6M away. The far end is hidden somewhere in an internal wall and it's impossible to remove. Either that or I'm just doing it wrong. It's unfair, is what it is. Not game breaking - sure you can just avoid the coastal cities, but why should anyone have to. Make it easier to remove, or make it disappear when the player that put it there disconnects. I went into the building at Kamenka and it had no less than 20 wires in it, all over the place. That's just stupid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serrath 0 Posted June 24, 2012 Make these things destructible via melee weapons, but make the clanging attract zeds. Assholes are still assholes and looters can still loot. Plus it opens up a whole new avenue for traps by bandits. And best of all, the toolbox is still very important, because it'd allow you to dismantle these obstacles silently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deuzerre 64 Posted June 24, 2012 The only problem is that it's buggy as hell to remove!If with a toolbox it was possible to remove it from anywhere along it (Cutting, basically) then it would be totally fine.Barbed wire exists to slow people down, not to stop them. Removing it is sort of a tough but not impossible business, that makes you vulnerable. Removing from anywhere and not on one of those buggy as hell poles would totally do the trick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sarissofoi 40 Posted June 24, 2012 Make a toolbox necessary for a deployment of wires and tanks trap.Add wire cutter(as common spawn) which allow to remove wires.ANDMAKE A REMOVED WIRES/TANK TRAPS/SANDBAGS not respawn with server restart.If somebody remove them they should be removed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serrath 0 Posted June 24, 2012 I'm pretty sure removed obstacles respawning with server restart is a bug; add to the existing report or file your own in the appropriate forum if you've noticed this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barnard401 0 Posted June 24, 2012 Problem with the analogy in the initial suggestion is that barbed wire wouldn't be able to just be kicked down, and it should require tools to remove it. But I agree tool boxes should maybe be needed to set them up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jono (DayZ) 1 Posted June 24, 2012 I think to summarize: Make them easier to remove, somehow - would solve 99% of the problems they cause. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mads (DayZ) 0 Posted June 24, 2012 Well I think it's ok they're in the game. But somehow they are just being placed randomly everywhere, no matter where I go. It kinda sucks because if they were being placed tactically in front of a building where a sniper is or something it's like ok. But a player can just place them, leave the server, and they are still there for absolutely no reason!Make a "tear down" function that doesn't require any tools but takes some time.Maybe 5-10 secs for sandbags 15 for tank traps and 15 for barbed wire, what do I know.15 seconds of staring at your char jerking off can feel like fairly long time so I don't think it should take much longer than this. MAX 30 seconds, and that's without tools.And please don't say something like "that's not realistic, it should be 5 minutes", cause a game's purpose is not necessarily to be 100% lifelike AND, in that case a blood transfusion taking 5 seconds as it is now, which I don't have any problem with, is also not realistic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JagerWulf 0 Posted June 25, 2012 I've posted this before in the thread called, "Barbwire really?" by Hedich, I think it's a good solution and i want it to have a bit more air time, so please consider,How to fix the Barb wire problem.1) Decrease the spawn rate of barbwire reels.2) Barbwire can only be place outside of structures and in dirt or grass only.- Barbwire can be place on concrete, but requires a sandbag structure on ether side to hold up wire.3) making a barb wire fence should be a multi task situation and take time 1-2 minutes per reel.-Putting up Barbwire,A) hammering poles/pickets into the grounds, needs hammer or hatchet and makes noise while hammering.B) threading or placing barbwire, requires a barbwire reel and tool kit, also still makes noise while working.-Taking down Barbwire,requires wire cutters, this will still make noise as the wire is springy and recoils when cut.Al-thou it's possible for one player to still set up a barb wire fence, it would be far safer to do it as a group effort.As for Tank traps, WTF!?! how many zombies are there driving around in tanks, were the local farmers scared of giant cows or something, why are they even here, any tank traps in the game would already have been placed by the military, you should not able to carry them around at all, there suppose to be made from steel girders and weigh a ton after all there suppose to stop tanks. Sandbag's I don't really have a problem with, they seem to work just fine to me in the game, you can vault over them, the only thing sand bags are really useful for is stopping bullets and hiding behind while in a fire fight.thank you for reading. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sedated Dreamer 0 Posted June 25, 2012 My biggest frustration isn't being able to get to decent loot, it's logging into my server and being boxed in, then having to server hop...I understand that I could log somewhere else, but I like to role-play it just a bit. I wouldn't sleep outside with zombies, I would find shelter and avoid the elements.If the barb wire slowed zombies, I believe players would find it a little more forgiving. Right now it is mostly used to strategically grief players.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fallout10mm 4 Posted June 25, 2012 Last night I was in the cherno construction site and found most of the bottom floor sealed off with barb wire (at least 8-12 spools worth) while I did eventually get around it (because the person who used it was a moron and didnt set it to completely block an entrance) it was quite the hassle to do so (even with the tool box I had a hard time removing it) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bruce (DayZ) 0 Posted June 26, 2012 Sorry guys' date=' i disagree. I like the current mechanic, new players just got to find a toolbox or move to a different area.[/quote']server hopper ^^ lolMy biggest frustration isn't being able to get to decent loot' date=' it's logging into my server and being boxed in, then having to server hop...I understand that I could log somewhere else, but I like to role-play it just a bit. I wouldn't sleep outside with zombies, I would find shelter and avoid the elements.If the barb wire slowed zombies, I believe players would find it a little more forgiving. Right now it is mostly used to strategically grief players..[/quote']fully agree Share this post Link to post Share on other sites