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New update, loot spawns changed

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I may be wrong but i have the impression that the amount of loot and where it spawns has bee significantly altered. Checking out the NW airfield the double entrance tents that always hold such a conucopia of loot were all empty. Only the sandbag towers covered with camo netting held any bounty. Zeds all around so I am pretty sure nobody else had been in there at that point. 


Likewise the hangers which before usually held 2-3 items per hanger now had loot only in every other hanger. Only one of the 8 hangers had more than one item. That said, the barracks fire station and control tower were fully stocked.


Am I wrong or have the Zeds gained a bit of stealth? Used to be the second they went agro they released a loud "gronk" and you would know they were on their way. This evening I had at least 3 come up behind me with me hearing nothing more than the plod of their footsteps.


Could it just be me or are the axes chopping a bit more accuratelly now?


I wonder if the rabbits still growl?

Edited by FishGuts4Lunch
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Spawns definitely changed, by design I think. High spawn rate to test items, then reduce to simulate more realistic playability.


Zombies definitely were stealth upgraded with this patch. I see more of them, with larger aggro radius' and stealthier movement.


And yes, bunnies still growl. Scares me everytime.

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yeah the last patch has changed a lot of the loot spawns, and added some new items. I would assume they changed the spawns for realism or because of the server hopping that players are doing.

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Copy pasting my reply on another thread.


It's not nerfed, it's bugged. Loot is not spawning in the military tents. Copy-pasting two replies I posted on another topic.


Just an update. I just tried going to a Regular server for the first time after the patch. Either the Hive maintenance that happened today fixed it, or it's only Hardcore servers that are bugged, because the Balota tents had gear normally now. Can anyone share their experiences, if they were on Regular or Hardcore? And if Hardcore, can you check the tents now? (I'm quite far from everything on HC servers).


To further add to my previous post. Tried another regular server, which I happened to have my old character, instead of a new spawn, and there were no loot spawns in tents anymore. It seems to be working on some servers, and most of them are not spawning loot. Related to the Central Database perhaps?


I also tried it on servers that just restarted, still no loot.


Also noticed that zombies can easily sneak up to you.

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If they mess with the spawns - they should let us know. No loot in tents HC.

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I've been finding far less loot all over the place. For some reason I logged in with a broken leg that I didn't have before, only to find out that sticks don't spawn anywhere, so I can't make a splint.

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I've been looking about and have noticed that the barns with the stairs to the right and left of the doors are now spawning loot. I hate those things as they have given me more broken legs than good items LOL. Also, is the lobby is the indication of server time new or have I just been missing it?

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I've been looking about and have noticed that the barns with the stairs to the right and left of the doors are now spawning loot. I hate those things as they have given me more broken legs than good items LOL. Also, is the lobby is the indication of server time new or have I just been missing it?

Hey, it's Mattias!


Anyway, yeah no loot in tents. Nobody picks those clean ever at all. If you find better handguards you drop yours, those tents were never empty.

I don't see how this would solve server hopping? Instead of hopping from tent to tent, you now just hop from barrack to barack.

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Hi Mattias! How ya been?

I think the overal strategy is to make the heavy duty stuff a bit more of a luxury. Getting your gear tweaked and pristine should take a bit of an investment in time and energy. Myself I would hate to see the game go back to the state it was in the mod with night vision scopes and snipes with a 2000m range.

Give us some weapons but make us work for it. the game is about survival not attack. Play Battlefield 4 or Call of Duty if you just want to blow peoples brains out. This is why I think the long range incorporation all the health/sickness issues as well as hunting, fire, shelter and weather will make the game that much more challenging. It will change it from a shooter into a real life simulation.

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Well after the patch I went for a while with my friends in order to find some decent loot to the NE Airstrip. We had some mosin's, but somehow we weren't able to find any scopes so far... well we said ok that might be... We'll see... we always found at least a PU scope or some Long Range scope at the tower or in the hangars. But when we arrived at the Airstrip we checked but there was nothing... (there were zombies all around, so the places weren't looted and the buildings beside the tower and the hangar was full with loot too)


So we said ok it might be that this server hadn't spawned any scopes at this location... so we went on. But after that I came to the NE Airstrip several times in order to check the location and maybe find some long range Scope or PU scope finally. But no chance... we werent even able to find ANY laser optics or ACOG for the M4 either...


This made me feel fishy so I decided to do something I am really despising in this game just to test out my thesis... I took my time (about 8 hours) and server hopped non stop at low pop servers, I didn't even bother to search the area when I saw any door open. Result is I hopped about 180 servers or more and just found 2 laser scopes, 2 ACOG, and 1 PU scope and no Long range Scope at all !!!... and that just proved my theory...


Well my theory was that the spawn of some loot items were drastically shortened down. We have found shotgun in abundance, we have found m4 in abundance but as I heard from other friends the mosin became a rare loot either.... we have found many magnum revolvers and fnx 45... but the accessory for the fnx 45 was very less (on those 180 jumps I just found on 7 occasions silencer for the pistol, and in just 2 servers the laser optic, but pistol flashlight in abundance)


well that actually pissed me off to some degree...

Edited by gingatsu

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I have spent the last 24 hrs hunting about to see just what is happening where. I found 3 long range scopes but none were pristine. I found one PU scope badly damaged and a few m68 comp scopes one of which was pristine (which In took to replace my worn acog) Most of the scope finds where in the military barrack (you know, the one with the long row of door with a shower behind the 1st one.) The tents are empty except for the bunkers with camo nets and the hangers are a great place to shop for shoes, but little else. I will not be exposing myself searching the hangers for the time being... just not worth it.


I found maybe 5 M4's, no bipods and some grips and butt-lates most of them not in all that great a condition.


Loads of .357's and ammo for it. Less 45's and maybe only 2 clips for it.


So where have you been finding the shotguns? Do the sawn off shotguns take up less space and can you put them in a backpack? Also, would I be right in assuming that when using the sawn off shotgun you really need pellet ammo? I mean in reality a sawn off shotgun firing slugs would be next to useless! Just a single big wad with no accuracy!

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I may be wrong but i have the impression that the amount of loot and where it spawns has bee significantly altered. Checking out the NW airfield


 I think that NWAF and this military base north from NWAF loot has been stealth nerfed.


I checked this areas on virgin server and I didyn't find single m4 there.

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I disaggree. I found at least 2 M4-A1's at NWAF on a single server but that was top. I would now expect to find no more than 1 per location after any server reboot. and the question remains what the condition is. The 2 I did find were pristine though. 


Boots on the other hand... how many do you need? Lots of boots.Those who dare shall never suffer from lack of footwear!

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I disaggree. I found at least 2 M4-A1's at NWAF on a single server but that was top. I would now expect to find no more than 1 per location after any server reboot. and the question remains what the condition is. The 2 I did find were pristine though. 


Boots on the other hand... how many do you need? Lots of boots.Those who dare shall never suffer from lack of footwear!

do the m4's even come un-pristined right now? i mean the m4 itself, not the parts


i'm still trying to find my first tactical vest since patchT_T

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Both the M4's I found were pristine if not the parts. Fortunately I have been toting a box full of pristine parts for several days now and switched them out. I dumped my mosin after I cleaned and painted it leaving me with a worn rifle (formerly pristine) that only hold a single bullit. Isn't progress wonderfull?

I did take off the attachments and put them into the same box in case I find a nice mosin later.

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I dont know but i cant get any loot after the patch.

1. Loot spawns changed

2. A lot of buildings are already looted


I suspect that the amount of players (1M) playing DAYZ and server hopping just clean the military buildings in no time. Im unable to get any ammo for my M4 (running on one mag only for the last 2 days). Theres plenty of food/cans etc, but no AMMO for M4! I think theres like bandit groups running from one jail to barracks and cleaning every last bit of ammo.


Hell, i cant find any pistol, my M4 is damaged and i got maybe 30 rounds -> last 6-7 hours of playing. And i ran to Military base in Kamenka and everything was already looted(after like a 30 minutes from server restart)! same in zelenogorsk. Military tents dont spawn any loot (Wheres my ACOG going to spawn now!?)


Too much players? Not enough servers? Spawns broken?

Edited by Th3mandalorian
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Also noticed that zombies can easily sneak up to you.


That, is what i noticed this night XD

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Instead of the airbases try some of the alternetives like the little military camp in the south of the  city of Zelenogorsk with 3 barracks and a jail. Their is also a camp SE of Polovo but that is a bit more risky. It is in a depression and snipers can hide on all sides. It gives me the willies! I only go there on an empty server. 


I try to get near the camp and log off until directly after the server resets. Most servers reset at 12, 4 and 8 (am and pm) What ever you do, don't spawn when the server resets, wait a couple of minutes or you may lose your charactor. you can see the server time in the server list.


Zelenogorsk has plenty of ammo for the A4 with a .357 pistol now and then. Not seen any 45's or A4's tonight, but I did see the occasional grip. Acogs and all other scopes are going to be rare as hen's teeth from now on especially pristine ones. But that's ok, less snipers to worry about! :P In the barracks I found a small scope for a mosin and a damaged acog but nothing else on my wish list. Just north of the camp are 3 garages near the water pump and 6 more across the street up the road. They sometimes spawn kit for the gun but not often. I found a speed loader there along with a pistol and A4 flashlight and a damaged bipod. It's not what it used to be so get used to it.A pristine weapon of any type with full ammo and all the bells and whistles is going to take much searching and mean going head to head with all the other players looking for the same jewels :beans:

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I've checked military tents twice on a hardcore server just south of SW, Airfield all empty.

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Every time I visit that huge hoard of tents at the top of NWAF, there is exactly no loot in it except for sodas. Even when the server freshly restarts I check them and nothing is there. 

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So where have you been finding the shotguns? Do the sawn off shotguns take up less space and can you put them in a backpack? Also, would I be right in assuming that when using the sawn off shotgun you really need pellet ammo? I mean in reality a sawn off shotgun firing slugs would be next to useless! Just a single big wad with no accuracy!

I found a shotgun on the 3rd floor of the school.  

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Ok thanks kilowolf


Ori the tents at NWAF are empty but you can still find a few things in the two bunkers covered with camo netting just outside and inside the gate. There is also some stuff upstairs if you are not afraid to climb the ladder (I am). Be sure to look om top of the sandbags the bunker is built of as I always find at least one item on them. Not much but it is as good as it is going to get.

Edited by FishGuts4Lunch

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