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Zeds in buildings. Bug or on purpuse?

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I've been having a small problem since the latest patch.

There are zombies in every single building I can find. Even small sheds and those tiny train stations with tiny piles of loot on the platform.

This becomes an issue when seeing as I'm a once again, a fresh spawn, and don't have anything weapons what so ever.

Need to go into a building to find a weapon so that I can used said weapon to kill zombies if need be. But there are zombies in every building / other loot spot, so I can't get a weapon or any other supplies.

So is this a bug?

Or do I really need to aggro a whole town of Zeds, kite them down to the docks, use the magical zombie repellent powers of the piers, and then trick them into the water, before sneaking back into town? Every single time?

Some one please enlighten me on this.

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OK its not a bug... BUT, its not every single building either. You just have to look for empty ones until you have a gun.

In my experience most are empty, say 60%.

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OK its not a bug... BUT' date=' its not every single building either. You just have to look for empty ones until you have a gun.

In my experience most are empty, say 60%.


Then I must be really really unlucky with my Zed spawns, because I haven't found a Zed free building since the patch.

Oh well, good to know. Just need to continue kiting for hours.

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I tried that with the bottles and tin cans - but its pretty annyoing when you spawn and cant even get bottles out of buildings because there are zeds everywhere :D

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I tried that with the bottles and tin cans - but its pretty annyoing when you spawn and cant even get bottles out of buildings because there are zeds everywhere :D

lol well that may be frustrating. I know I have avoided even thinking of picking up tin cans for over a month (since I started playing). But gave it a shot yesterday cause I wanted to see if a zed would move from under the shed roof where we was firmly staying. And whattah ya know, it worked!!! I always try to have a empty tin can on me now.

Gottah love sandbox games!!

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i think i have only had maybe 3 zeds spawn inside over the past few days of me playing and i have raided a lot places

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Are you serious? You can actually throw a tin can or whiskey bottle and they will go and investigate like a smoke grenade or similar? That's immense! Will it not give away your position when you throw it?

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Are you serious? You can actually throw a tin can or whiskey bottle and they will go and investigate like a smoke grenade or similar? That's immense! Will it not give away your position when you throw it?

it will not give away your position. throwing can be kind of awkward and hard to aim in my experience. you can also toss flares and that will draw zombies in from a larger range over a longer period of time... but it will also draw in players at night as flares create a lot of light.

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you dont need a weapon to get them out from buildings, just an empty bottle or tin can... be smart!

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I have never cared much for empty cans and bottles until the latest patches. Now it seems to be a good idea to always have at least one on hand. Aside from distracting zombies, I throw them at hospital windows to silently break them. Well, it's definitely more quiet than a gun.

The only down side is, every single bottle of Jack Daniel's is empty. :(

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