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Okay. I found this on internet, IT`S NOT MY PICTURE.(searched a bit forum and did not find this post earlyer)
and i know this is an alpha so it will not be ingame for a while,it would be really awesome to Add these stats.

I know the player kills does not have to be ingame.



Edited by zerox024
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I'd like to see time survived but that's it. Definitely not player kills. If they add player kills, it will be like an achievement and as such would need some form of punishment to make it harder to accomplish. Since they don't want to punish players,I don't see it happening.

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EXCEPT player kills.
We should not encourage people to kill players, and thats all a stat like that will do tbh.
We should encourage people to do what they want, not point them in any specific direction.


Honestly, i would like to see something as simple as two stats:

- Total time survived

- Current char time survived


Both of theese can be in the main menu, somewhere.

The rest doesnt really have any place in DayZ tbh.
And the food/water consumption is nothing but fun and giggles, no reason to add it really, it adds nothing to the game and is a waste of resources, when we got so much else to do.

Edited by Byrgesen
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EXCEPT player kills.

We should not encourage people to kill players, and thats all a stat like that will do tbh.

We should encourage people to do what they want, not point them in any specific direction.


I concur.

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Zombie kills maybe? :P I love shootin them...Helped other players(like badaged someone +1 etc)

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-Total survival attempts


Player kills should definitely not be in

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-Total survival attempts


This could actually turn out to be quite a fun stat to have.

Imagine it hitting 100 or 1000 lol.....  :blush:

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EXCEPT player kills.

We should not encourage people to kill players, and thats all a stat like that will do tbh.

We should encourage people to do what they want, not point them in any specific direction.



Then no food stats either. We shouldn't encourage player to get diabeetus.

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Then no food stats either. We shouldn't encourage player to get diabeetus.


Theres no reason to "go full retard" mate :)

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Then no food stats either. We shouldn't encourage player to get diabeetus.

like seriously ? 

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Stats would be amazing. I feel like I have kill over 100 people but I honestly have no idea. Confirmed/Looted maybe 30-40

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That kind stats(minus kills) would be nice at menu. Like in that image.



3,7kg food eated when travelled 27km... O_o


You can travel over 30km on foot and having only 1 can of food with you. (And aren't even much hungry)
When you are tarvelling long distances on foot, you are less hungry than normally..

Edited by ryuuou

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