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You guys hate BRAZILAN people/player?

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Hello guys,


  in a few minutes, I was at chernogorsk, full of items, then I heard someone shooting and I didnt want to die, then I started do hide me, but the guy probably was following me and he was close to me but not seeing me(and I was cornered) then I started to talk to him "I'm friendly, I'm friendly" and cause a bug I went through the wall, and we started talking (but he was aiming at me), but in the end he asked me if I was Mexican, so I said to him: "I am Brazilian", so he shot me taking me to death.


   Because of this situation I'm making this questions for you guys. And say what you think about this

               Thx for the attention!
Edited by HeyGuy_72

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Well, he probably would've shot you anyways. That's how people are. I don't see a reason he would've let you go unless you can specify what you had and what the other guy was wearing. I myself am Panamanian by the way.

Edited by AntonioAJC
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Most dayz players are equal opportunity haters and would have shot you regardless of what you had said, or even before you said anything.

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Only if I'm playing League.



Also, he prolly planned on shooting you anyways.

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Hey now, no one hates on Brazilians here, whatsoever. We hate each other with equal voracity!!

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Some people are just assholes...I would have at least had the common decency to strip you naked before I shot you.



I'm kidding...

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Well, he probably would've shot you anyways. That's how people are. I don't see a reason he would've let you go unless you can specify what you had and what the other guy was wearing. I myself am Panamanian by the way.

But before you say this, you need to know that I was just talking to him for some time, and not trying to get out, just trying to don't die (I was really near to him), and right after I said that I was from Brazil, he just stopped talking, and killed me!

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But what's with the whole COME TO BRAZIL <3 BRAZIL LOVES YOU thing I'm seeing everywhere?

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I certainly don't hate Brazilians or any nationality for that matter. I love diversity and other languages etc. But there are plenty of racist idiots out there.

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Count yourself lucky.  Most times I'm not even asked my country of origin before getting shot in the face.

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Brazilians. Love them.


Soccer talk ? Axe in the forehead.

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But what's with the whole COME TO BRAZIL <3 BRAZIL LOVES YOU thing I'm seeing everywhere?


Perhaps it's because of the world cup?  :|

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IRL, no.  One of the coolest and nicest person I know is a Brazilian Citizen and he's more American then most.


In video games, yes.  Its not the fact that a person is from a specific country, however I have played way too many games that became ruined because of players from Brazil.  It's a huge lag issue in many older games I use to playand ruined said matches/games.


As for day z, would I shoot a person for saying they are Brazilian? No.  However, every person I play this game with will as they have a much deeper hatred for the Brazilian gamer for the same reasons I noted.

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Could be a guy just trolling to lead you on then just shoot you dead. 


Unless they think mexico and brazil are right next to each other. I wouldn't be surprised by this many Americans would vote away the bill of rights and/or don't know how to even point to the U.S. on a map. 


Never know. You would have to find the player and handcuff them to see what they say. 

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Unlike in games like Dota 2 where co-op is forced on you, I'd actually be greatly entertained if I met Brazilians or Russians in DayZ.

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Im pretty sure the guy who shot you op would have done so regardless of you race ,creed, religion, sexual orientation ,job, marital status views on politics ,hair cut, dress sense etc etc etc.


Hey i like anyone who is a decent person regardless of where your from you get good and bad people from everywhere people are well just people lol....

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Well, if you think that the way a few behave encompasses the whole country they belong to, you must be what's wrong with the world. 

If I generalize people based on a few retards of their country, I'd just say mediocre things about every country in the world.

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