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Is silencer for pistol/M4 working in current build?

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Found a pistol silencer yesterday, tried it. Sounds as loud as without one.


I also didn't noticed the difference a M4 silencer can make.


So is the silencer actually working in current build?



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1) find one

2) test it

3) profit???


Hilarious AND helpful




Anyway, I just hopped on and tried it out. Doesnt work for the M4 yet

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that's why the forum exists, so he can ask people who already have experience with this issue. So if you couldn't understand the OP he has already tested it...and is wondering if anyone else had the same results, don't be a meat head.

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None of them seem to work, I am waiting for some one to reply and point out the lack of subsonic ammo...


I also remember some one saying subsonic ammo would be useless and wouldn't kill some one .... I think that person was wrong .. or high .. or both. xD


I actually can't wait for them to work :3

Edited by faramon

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The suppressors already "work". They merely lack the required ammunition, subsonic rounds, to actually silence them.

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Yeah because im tired of panic killing a zombie with my M4 or such in the residentials NW of Cherno and aggroing every zombie in a 5 mile radius lol

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Yeah because im tired of panic killing a zombie with my M4 or such in the residentials NW of Cherno and aggroing every zombie in a 5 mile radius lol


All 7 of them .... lolololol xD

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The suppressors already "work". They merely lack the required ammunition, subsonic rounds, to actually silence them.

They would still remove the gunshot sound/Muzzle flash and all you should hear is the supersonic crack of the bullet.

Not giving you a good direction of where the shot originated from.

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The FNX45 shouldn't really need to use sub sonic ammo. Putting a suppressor on a .45acp pistol simple drops the muzzle velocity below super sonic, if its super sonic at all. Heavier grain .45acp rounds don't even break sound barrier without a suppressor.

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They would still remove the gunshot sound/Muzzle flash and all you should hear is the supersonic crack of the bullet.

Not giving you a good direction of where the shot originated from.


it is not a mythical cod silencer, it is a SUPPRESSOR. It does not make the weapon soundless lol

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The FNX45 shouldn't really need to use sub sonic ammo. Putting a suppressor on a .45acp pistol simple drops the muzzle velocity below super sonic, if its super sonic at all. Heavier grain .45acp rounds don't even break sound barrier without a suppressor.


I did not even realise the this .... but it is trueeee, quite a few ACP rounds only reach 270 - 320m/s .. lol .. have some beans.

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My guess is that they simply haven't gotten around to make the sound of the muffled sound yet. I mean even hitting a wall with your fists produces the same sound effect as a bullet hitting the wall.

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To expand on my other point ill quote Wikipedia:


"The downside to the use of .45 ACP in suppressed weapons is that increasing the diameter of the passage through a suppressor decreases the suppressor's efficiency; thus, while .45 ACP is among the most powerful suppressed pistol rounds, it is also one of the loudest. Most .45 suppressors must be fired "wet" (with an ablative medium, usually water) to bring sound levels down to "hearing-safe" (under 140 dB, generally)."


So it seems even with a suppressor and sub sonic ammo, .45acp pistols aren't exactly quiet.

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All 7 of them .... lolololol xD

LoL that about right I was playing with my pistol and did this.  Went through half a mag before they stop coming (5 total).  Than odd the next town I killed one with my axe and seemed like I agro the whole town and got 6 of them.  Did the Agro circle get bigger or what?  I did notice that the darn army guy seems alot more tougher again the pistol rounds than the axe to the face.

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They would still remove the gunshot sound/Muzzle flash and all you should hear is the supersonic crack of the bullet.

Not giving you a good direction of where the shot originated from.



The people who think 'subsonic ammunition' is required for a rifle suppressor to function have read too many shitty techno-thrillers.

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it is not a mythical cod silencer, it is a SUPPRESSOR. It does not make the weapon soundless lol

But he is right. Suppressor with regular ammo still sounds quieter because it suppresses the gunshot and just leaves that supersonic crack.

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So much misinformation about suppressors and sub sonic ammunition.


Suppressors with sub sonic ammo is almost never used in the real world. Sub sonic ammo suffers from poor velocity, range, accuracy and is effected by wind easily.


There is also a drastic difference in sound comparing a suppressed and unsuppressed weapon using normal ammunition, just look it up on YouTube.

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Ok, if you are using a suppressor with subsonic rounds on a pistol or rifle in a none CQB scenario. Your are doing it wrong.


Suppressors arent as quiet as one would expect, but yes even without subsonic ammo there is a big difference in sound... people will still hear it though.

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it is not a mythical cod silencer, it is a SUPPRESSOR. It does not make the weapon soundless lol


You are correct, I should have used reduce instead of remove.

I was talking though from the ears of the person being shot.  At any range beyond CQB, it would be very quiet and hard to get a bearing on the shot direction

BTW.. I have never played cod, so thanks for sharing some of that games info with the group..

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I was brought to this topic by google trying to figure out if the suppressors for weapons worked yet, I was baffled by all of the contradictory information here. SO:


Hello. I am an apprentice gunsmith and have built suppressors for a variety of calibers. Perhaps I can help put this to bed.


Firstly, most common 45ACP loads are going to be "subsonic". The audible characteristics of a round flying downrange varies wildly not just by its speed, but its size, shape, and especially the weather. The speed of sound changes depending on environmental factors such as humidity and temperature, it is not an absolute variable like the speed of light. The speed of sound in air can fluctuate as much as 100 feet per second over the course of a day, which is about the same range as your most common 45ACP loads.


"SD" Rounds are pretty much purely fiction. There are special light loads that are used for niche circumstances, but by and large when a suppressor is being used it's just being used with standard loads.


The purpose of a suppressor is not to completely silence a weapon, in fact there are very few suppressors that can even do that. The absolute best you're generally going to hope for is a 50% reduction for a rifle, less for a carbine with a shorter barrel, since the purpose of a suppressor is to give an additional space for the gasses that are escaping from the barrel to slow and cool before leaving. It is the pressure of this gas, often (but not always) perceived as muzzle flash, that creates a fairly large pressure wave as it suddenly expands out into the lower pressure atmosphere.


This is a very rough analogy but imagine it like this: You are at a lake, and have two stones. Simply dropping one into the water is going to make quite a splash, but if you attached a parachute to the other one it would be much slower and hit the water with much less energy, making less of a splash. The stone hitting the water is what happens to the air when the gas leaves the barrel. The suppressor is the parachute.


In my personal experience, the only two weapons I have ever audibly "silenced" the muzzle report from were a Ruger MkII with a comically large suppressor (think car oil filter size) and a 22LR bolt action rifle with a suppressor specifically designed for that particular weapon based on caliber and barrel length. In the case of the MkII you could still hear the action quite clearly and a slight short hiss from the small amount of gas escaping from the action itself, but in the case of the bolt-action all you could really hear was the bolt cycling and the firing pin hitting the casing.


Of course, you can use light loads with a suppressor to get more of an effect, but it harshly affects the ballistics, as it would in any case.


A suppressor will only increase accuracy (and marginally at that) depending on how it is built. Even though the underlaying principle is always the same, there are a few different ways to build them. Some are basically barrel extensions with vents that lead to the baffles, which is typically how integrated suppressors work. Most do not touch the bullet in any way once it leaves the barrel proper, it just flies through the baffles and continues on its merry way.


I hope that helps clear things up, then again it's 0230 and I should have been in bed a while ago so who knows maybe I just made it worse.



TLDR: Rifles with suppressors are still loud as hell, the speed of sound varies enough so a subsonic 45ACP fired at night can be supersonic fired the following noon.

Edited by ThirtyWorse
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I have an M4 with attached suppressor and the bullet sound is actually the same when I remove it.

At the moment it is pretty meaningless to use the suppressor aside from saving inventory space.

The good thing is... I could not encounter any disadvantages from equipping it either...

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