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Spawning All Over the Place, Game Unplayable

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Every time I join a new server I'm in a different spot. Just lost everything three times in a row. When I switch to find a more populated server I lose everything. Manged to get it back, then lost it, then got it back, then spawned in a completely different spot, then spawned with my items again, and now I don't have anything on any character and I don't know which one is safe to play. This happening to anybody else? I want to make a trip north to the ship but I'm afraid that character is just going to vanish after running for 30 mins. 

Edited by Solopopo

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So don't server hop? Problem solved. They are trying to get people to stop doing that. Although I believe there are a few issues with saving with the new build.

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So don't server hop? Problem solved. They are trying to get people to stop doing that. Although I believe there are a few issues with saving with the new build.

I'm not server hopping. Each time I ran to get loot, got loot, switched to a high pop server, everything gone, three times in a row. I've even tried waiting a few minutes before switching servers. I can't switch period, it's not that I'm switching too fast. I don't even know why I replied to this because obviously other people are having the same problem if you look at the boards. 

Edited by Solopopo

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Check if it's hardcore/regular first. Hardcore runs on it's own hive. Regular uses the mainhive.

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Check if it's hardcore/regular first. Hardcore runs on it's own hive. Regular uses the mainhive.

I'm only picking regular servers. I'm even sticking to the same server provider. 

Edited by Solopopo

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I'm not server hopping................................................................. Each time I ran to get loot, got loot, switched to a high pop server.



Hmm, it sure does sound like server hopping to me tbh.

Get loot in low pop servers, jump to high pop to KOS (i presume)

How about this:

Stay on the same server for a longer period of time??

Try to gather loot on high pop servers, to actually give yourself some challenges??

But they did mention some major DB changes, so perhaps its fucking with our saved information :) Dunno tbh.

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Hmm, it sure does sound like server hopping to me tbh.

did you read what he said? he said it happens even in the same server

This is happening to me too. and many others. I think many of the servers are not connected to the hive/database or something. Its got nothing to do with server hopping, or with hardcore/regular

see here:


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You're allowed to switch servers. I'm not server hopping. 

this is the definition of server hopping and one of the biggest complaints. Your obviously new and dont understand so dont worry.


But dont get used to it, as this behavious is only temporary.


Soon the loot will repsawn on its own in the server and there will be a timer so you cant jump between servers to "farm" loot.


this practice can also be used for ghosting, so you get in trouble pvp and then you change servers, run behind or change position and then change back to the original server and kill continue your pvp from a vantage point...not cool bra



how to fix the character wipe and still "server hop"-ish. Stick to proper hive servers, you should notice if you pause and think for a moment that there are many similarly named servers...those are proper legit hive.


vilayer.com, fragnet, mpgs, etc = GOOD

bandito awesome DayZ 24/7 day = BAD (and will wipe your character if you hop around)

Edited by deebz1234

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same problem here. i played for about half an hour and did a break to eat something. after i relogged on the SAME server, all my stuff was gone and i was at the beach again.

i then tried to connect to a different server an did the same. after i disconnected and relogged again --> all stuff gone, different position.

i repeated this for about ten times now, and it doesn´t matter if i connect to the same server or another, my stuff is always gone and i am at the beach like a fresh spawn.


sure, it´s pre-alpha, but this problem wasn´t there before the patch, and it is quite frustrating, to be honest ;) 

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did you read what he said? he said it happens even in the same server

This is happening to me too. and many others. I think many of the servers are not connected to the hive/database or something. Its got nothing to do with server hopping, or with hardcore/regular

see here:



Yes, and that is why i wrote the last line mate...

But he also stated that he moved from server to server, so we are both right and wrong here tbh.



You're allowed to switch servers. I'm not server hopping. 



Never said it wasnt allowed mate, im just saying that i really hate people who do this in the game :)

Stick to one server, especially in such an early, unstabile alpha, and you lower the chances of your char getting reset, greatly.

Edited by Byrgesen

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I'm not server hopping. Each time I ran to get loot, got loot, switched to a high pop server, everything gone, three times in a row. I've even tried waiting a few minutes before switching servers. I can't switch period, it's not that I'm switching too fast. I don't even know why I replied to this because obviously other people are having the same problem if you look at the boards. 

LOL. as someone else said.. stop server hopping.. Find a decent population server and stay there..

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same problem here. i played for about half an hour and did a break to eat something. after i relogged on the SAME server, all my stuff was gone and i was at the beach again.

i then tried to connect to a different server an did the same. after i disconnected and relogged again --> all stuff gone, different position.

i repeated this for about ten times now, and it doesn´t matter if i connect to the same server or another, my stuff is always gone and i am at the beach like a fresh spawn.


sure, it´s pre-alpha, but this problem wasn´t there before the patch, and it is quite frustrating, to be honest ;)

Do you remember the server name? Because I think the issue is server related. Many servers are broken, while others work fine, its like a russian roulette hoping the server you logged into is a healthy one lol

I hope this gets fixed soon! or at least officially acknowledged!

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this is the definition of server hopping and one of the biggest complaints. Your obviously new and dont understand so dont worry.


But dont get used to it, as this behavious is only temporary.


Soon the loot will repsawn on its own in the server and there will be a timer so you cant jump between servers to "farm" loot.


this practice can also be used for ghosting, so you get in trouble pvp and then you change servers, run behind or change position and then change back to the original server and kill continue your pvp from a vantage point...not cool bra



Sorry, but this is seriously bullshit... Sure it is server hopping if you stay at some high value loot site and change servers, to quickly loot the same site several times... And if you do it intentionally to "ghost", it is of course not ok... But if i run to different villages and after one hour see that everything is looted, or the server is lagging too much, or my friends play on another server and I want to switch, you can not seriously put that on the same level as someone sitting in a barrack and switching between 20 servers, can you?

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no, i don´t remember the server name, but it happened on several servers. there was not one server where i reconnected and still had my stuff ...

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Do you remember the server name? Because I think the issue is server related. Many servers are broken, while others work fine, its like a russian roulette hoping the server you logged into is a healthy one lol

I hope this gets fixed soon! or at least officially acknowledged!


Another perfectly good reason to stick to one server for now tbh.

We are testing atm guys, NOT playing, remember that :)



Sorry, but this is seriously bullshit... Sure it is server hopping if you stay at some high value loot site and change servers, to quickly loot the same site several times... And if you do it intentionally to "ghost", it is of course not ok... But if i run to different villages and after one hour see that everything is looted, or the server is lagging too much, or my friends play on another server and I want to switch, you can not seriously put that on the same level as someone sitting in a barrack and switching between 20 servers, can you?



While i agree with you, i still think both are server hoping, but done differently :)

Just my oppinion and im sure you dont agree hehe.

Edited by Byrgesen

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Sorry, but this is seriously bullshit... Sure it is server hopping if you stay at some high value loot site and change servers, to quickly loot the same site several times... And if you do it intentionally to "ghost", it is of course not ok... But if i run to different villages and after one hour see that everything is looted, or the server is lagging too much, or my friends play on another server and I want to switch, you can not seriously put that on the same level as someone sitting in a barrack and switching between 20 servers, can you?

go play breaking point arma 3...

go play the mod


this is a reality and its all or nothing. if you allow server hopping people will exploit, if you remove it all together, then play is realistic. (more towards the dayz philos)


maybe a script that if you hop more than 1 server in 10 mins you get a timer, so people can go "meet their friends".


Breaking point has(had) a 8 minute timer if you try to switch servers too quickly....its amazing and removed all issues with ghosting or loot farming...but they have loot respawn.


so it will work once we have loot respawn, because then you can actually get loot. or if there is none, there will be some spawning eventually...not like it is now where if there is none, there is none until restart

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Another perfectly good reason to stick to one server for now tbh.

We are testing atm guys, NOT playing, remember that :)



yeah, sure we do, but it is supposed to get better, not worse :D the problem wasn´t there before the patch. i just hope they notice and fix it.

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Then lets agree its different levels of server hopping ;) But while the very severe variant is possible without problems, I cannot really blame any people who just switch the servers without and bad intents.




"Breaking point has(had) a 8 minute timer if you try to switch servers too quickly....its amazing and removed all issues with ghosting or loot farming...but they have loot respawn.


so it will work once we have loot respawn, because then you can actually get loot. or if there is none, there will be some spawning eventually...not like it is now where if there is none, there is none until restart"



<-------- I totally agree with that and hope something like that gets implemented, I did not mean that I do not want anything done against server hopping ;)

Edited by ErichZann
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yeah, sure we do, but it is supposed to get better, not worse :D the problem wasn´t there before the patch. i just hope they notice and fix it.


Well, the whole point of open alpha testing, is to "spew" out as many updates as possible and let people hunt down bugs.

This means the game will break, multible times, so the whole "but it is supposed to get better, not worse", is an invalid argument atm mate :)

When we reach the middle-end of Beta, you are spot on, but not right now.

I think they are on to it, they made some pretty big changes to the DB, and its not always easy to predict how software reacts :)



Then lets agree its different levels of server hopping  ;) But while the very severe variant is possible without problems, I cannot really blame any people who just switch the servers without and bad intents.



Have to agree with that mate :)

Edited by Byrgesen

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Well, the whole point of open alpha testing, is to "spew" out as many updates as possible and let people hunt down bugs.

This means the game will break, multible times, so the whole "but it is supposed to get better, not worse", is an invalid argument atm mate :)

When we reach the middle-end of Beta, you are spot on, but not right now.

I think they are on to it, they made some pretty big changes to the DB, and its not always easy to predict how software reacts :)



well, you´re right of course, but not being able to save any progress at all is something they really should fix asap :)

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Hmm, it sure does sound like server hopping to me tbh.

Get loot in low pop servers, jump to high pop to KOS (i presume)

How about this:

Stay on the same server for a longer period of time??

Try to gather loot on high pop servers, to actually give yourself some challenges??

But they did mention some major DB changes, so perhaps its fucking with our saved information :) Dunno tbh.


There currently is issues with saving char progression, I had same issues this morning.

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well, you´re right of course, but not being able to save any progress at all is something they really should fix asap :)


True mate :)

And im sure they are on it.

Bohemia Interactive isnt know for slacking off, when it comes to development tbh.

They have some awsome people, really talented, and they know every little bit of the engine, like the palm of they're hand aswell :)


But do remember, this is "untested" ground for them, they have never made the RV engine do, what DayZ demands of it, so its as much trail and error for them atm, as its something they can easily fix :)

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