dusty_nuttles 130 Posted January 22, 2014 hmm, dont know the quote, but in the book "the Lord of the Rings" there is a similar one. " All that is gold does not glitter", then again thats a form of a well known saying. Restraint and patience is key L King Osric (played by Max von Sydow): There comes a time, thief, when the jewels cease to sparkle, when the gold loses its luster, when the throne room becomes a prison, and all that is left is a father's love for his child. Conan The Barbarian (1982). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoldenKade 73 Posted January 22, 2014 I didn't even have the mod and it takes me 30-45 minutes tops to go anywhere I want in the map. Be patient or uninstall, nub. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ghua 44 Posted January 22, 2014 Players are avoiding each other right now mostly out of fear to lose everything after they die.I used to hide and run away when I started playing, now I usually seek a contact with other players. It is the best part - meet another player, talk to him face to face (well, sometimes through the wall) and be able to walk away in one piece and without additional holes. It proves that sanity won this time ;) I think most players will behave similar once they got used to the fact that you can gear up pretty quickly and searching for loot is fun. Embrace the death! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gingatsu 68 Posted January 22, 2014 (edited) In my opinion the game is about PVP and those who say different kid them self. Its all about killing bandits or killing everybody on sight and if thats the case which it is no matter what any one says why is it so frustrating and hard to respawn and gear to rejoin your team members in combat? The answer from most players would be "you are playing the wrong game" and they will probably be right because this is not my cup of tea at all. But some elements of this game are so attractive to me that im willing to close my eyes on the bad things in this game and just fool my self into loving this game.Sorry my friend, but your idea that this game is about PVP is your own delusion. You are actually the one who kids himself not the people who knows that this game is a Post apocalyptic horror Survival game the game description puts it under the same category not under the FPS category. You just gave the answer to yourself when you said that 99% of the time you were spending in the game was about moving from point A to B then to C to gear up (which meant actually that you were trying to gear up to get better chances to survive in such a world.) and then find food/water and eat food/drink water in order to not to starve or dehydrate (which means that you still try to survive ). So lets compare this game with a real FPS/PVP game like for example Battlefield, or Arma2-3. in a PVP game you choose your class and then you spawn fresh and fully geared up and then you go to specific locations like Alpha, Beta, Echo, Gamma and then you try to kill your opponent in order to win the game.. In this game you try to find food, water, gear and so on but you do this to stay alive in a Post apocalyptic world which is fully infested with a virus and people turned into zombies. The choice of you as person to shoot ( in short terms MURDER) someone is a real world feat.But that doesn't mean in any way that this could be called PVP that is totally absurd and your misunderstanding of the situation.Murder is not PVP. In example it is the same thing if a person would shoot you in real life or not.The only difference is people don't shoot you dead right now because they have issues with something called law you know ;) if they weren't to go to jail then you should see what kinda fun things happens around... you cant call this PVP either right? so its simply murder and a honor less act. And you said it to yourself... if you really just are looking for PVP and this game is really not about PVP then you should look to play those games where you spawn with full gear and you dont have to worry your items will get lost if you die and you dont have to run around to get items again. long story short if you are looking for PVP then this game is the wrong one dude... Edited January 22, 2014 by gingatsu 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skinup69 24 Posted January 22, 2014 It's fun, don't matter if its scary or not.You can find fun in anything...that's why the world is a sick place! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted January 22, 2014 (edited) In my opinion the game is about PVP and those who say different kid them self. Its all about killing bandits or killing everybody on sight and if thats the case which it is no matter what any one says why is it so frustrating and hard to respawn and gear to rejoin your team members in combat? I disagree the game is not about PVP. I also don't kid myself because the game can be played a number of ways for the different types of players out there. I'm a fan of player interaction. If that leads to PvP then so be it - I can hold my own against someone pretty well. Thanks for posting your opinion, but if you want to have a constructive thread, to not shoot down other playstyles or say that yours is the only way and everyone else is kidding themselves. There are plenty of shooters out there that don't require you to fully re-acquire all of your shit once you die. Play one of those if death in DayZ is too rough for you. Also, really? Again I can't stress this enough, Its all about killing bandits or killing everybody on sight and if thats the case which it is no matter what any one saysis just a flat out stupid thing to assume and say on a forum. "Hey guys I'm making a thread asking about opinions, BUT DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION THAN MINE - YOU'RE AN IDIOT IF YOU DO!" Forums. You're doing em wrong. Edited January 22, 2014 by Mdogg2005 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack Dant 158 Posted January 22, 2014 In my opinion the game is about PVP and those who say different kid them self. Its all about killing bandits or killing everybody on sight and if thats the case which it is no matter what any one says why is it so frustrating and hard to respawn and gear to rejoin your team members in combat?I agree the game is ultimately about PVP, but right now we are missing the reasons to PVP. There's no chance to hoard stuff, no bases or cars to defend or attack. No conflict generators except the simple joy of PVP. Anyway, the only thing that makes DayZ PVP so awesome is that it takes so long to respawn and regear. DayZ mod ruined all shooters for me. Sure, I can jump on deathmatch and it's kinda fun, but if I die I'll just respawn and lose nothing. No adrenaline. In DayZ, just spotting a player makes my heart jump. Trying to sneak up on someone, I have to fight every instinct that tells me to turn away and run. Winning a firefight is exhilarating, while the "You are dead" screen leaves me angry and sullen. That kind of emotional reaction, good or bad, is what keeps drawing me back to DayZ and its PVP in particular. You may think that the boring parts are not worth your time. Maybe you would prefer a deathmatch game with instant respawn. There's nothing wrong with that. Some peope enjoy slot machines, while others play high stakes poker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psychopigeon 32 Posted January 22, 2014 You don't know enough about the game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted January 22, 2014 (edited) Well my friend, I dont have a problem spending money for games because they do give me a lot of fun per hour if we count it this way. The reason im writing this post is because there is some thing that is not entirely clear to me that pulls me back to play this game but I must say that for me, Death is a way too harsh penalty in the game. I could take the loss of gear but the process of gearing up again takes too long. Also I like playing in groups and its gets really touch for me when my group is playing some where and i know it will take me around 20 minutes just to get to them naked.. Maybe when there will be vehicles in the game it will change the way we travel and loot.Also maybe when the game develops a bit more it will have more players on once server so meeting some one will not be so rare as it is now. Here is the thing. I play Battlefield and I care about nothing. Even losing the match isn't a big deal to me. Same thing with Mechwarrior:Online, my mech being blown to pieces is of no concern, I like winning the match but if I lose... eh... I'll hop into another one in 40 seconds with my mech all repaired and ready to rock. DayZ's charm is that making a mistake means you start over. Not just you go back to the begining, but you literally start over and have to find everything you had again. You have to dodge zombies till you get a decent weapon, avoid other players till you have a gun with ammo, find food and drink and medical gear, find clothing and backpack... ...and that makes dying or surviving mean something. I spot another player and adrenaline kicks in like it does in NO other game. Long ago Unreal/Quake/DukeNukem3D/Battlefield would give me a bit of a rush but these days those games are SO set up to "get you back in the action" that it all means absolutely nothing. Dayz is the opposite of that. Unless you are the type of person who doesn't worry about starving because you never live long enough to starve to death and you simply run for Balota and grab the first weapon you can find then try and shoot/hit someone, then DayZ is NOT about PVP. DayZ is about surviving, not how many people you kill. Yes, you can survive by going out into the woods and running around and in the Mod you can do this very nicely by cooking animals and boiling water, but you still run the risk of someone noticing your fire and coming over to shoot you. PVP is a huge part of the game, don't get me wrong, but it is not the ~point~ of the game. It's like playing a boardgame with friends. The point of the game is not to win, that is the goal, the point of the game is to have fun. If you win but didn't have fun... well, you lost the reason for playing the game. Same thing for DayZ. The point of the game is to A ) have fun and B ) Simulate a survival situation right down to other people killing you. PVP is a part of the second one. If you don't find yourself having fun then don't play the game. There is nothing wrong with admiting a game style doesn't fit your idea of fun. That would be like having sex with farm animals just because someone else likes to do it... if you clearly don't have fun doing it, don't do it... talking about the game now... you shouldn't have sex with farm animals for so many reasons we dont' need to go into. :) Edited January 22, 2014 by Mercules 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ghua 44 Posted January 22, 2014 That would be like having sex with farm animals just because someone else likes to do it...I like your point of view. Do you think they are gonna implement it? IT WOULD BE SO AWESOME! rotfl ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted January 22, 2014 King Osric (played by Max von Sydow): There comes a time, thief, when the jewels cease to sparkle, when the gold loses its luster, when the throne room becomes a prison, and all that is left is a father's love for his child. Conan The Barbarian (1982). I lurve Max V.S. L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slawterer (DayZ) 11 Posted January 22, 2014 Congratulations, you just left The Magic Bubble. The actions you performed in game were clearly enough to hook you for 12 hours, so you must have been getting something from it. ('fun' is a very ambiguous term...) However, when you left you applied objective logic and could not justify your actions. This is true of almost all games, to some degree. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ovomaltine 30 Posted January 22, 2014 best to survive PVP then innit? specially if you're playing with a group way up north. Going back to the coast is the punishment of death, believe it or not there are people who stay alive for weeks in this game, they are playing it right.. this is true @OP: i live for about 1 week now, i am fully equipped since day 2, and i got about ~10 on my kill count. and i am not playin this game deathmatch style. and i even run across airfields in daytime... sometimes :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rrezz 18 Posted January 22, 2014 The DayZ gods frown upon those who server hop Yeah cause when your looking to PvP camping Elektro/Churno for 3 hours with no action is what you should do according to you right? Obviously people would rather server-hop to FIND action, rather then wait 4 hours and HOPE someone other then a Bambi shows up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tyrael75 (DayZ) 21 Posted January 23, 2014 I hate to repeat the same mantra, but they are right, you're playing the wrong game. DayZ is about surviving the collapse of civilization, this isn't Call of Duty or Battlefield where you are a highly trained soldier fighting for some vaguely defined but totally patriotic goal. You are an average person thrust into one of the most extreme situations a person can endure, and you have one simple goal: survive. The PvP in this game is intended, it's part of the survival element, where you cannot trust anyone, and even your closest friend might blow your brains out for a spare can of beans if he's hungry enough. This game is humanity stripped down to its disgusting, savage, purest soul. In fact, I don't think 'fun' is the correct word for a game like DayZ... Because there are incredibly long stretches where I am stressed, terrified, angry, upset, and ocassionally bored, but fun is a rarity. I would call this game rewarding. The first time I outsmarted a man bent on killing me, that exact moment when I knew I had the upper hand, and his life was in my hands, that was a rush I'll never forget. Or that churning in my gut as I make that decision, to shoot someone or not. These aren't fun, but when I lay in bed that night, and think about what those events say about who I am, well that's a reward that Black Ops can't even hold a candle to. I guess my point is, this isn't Captain Shooty McShooterman's Team Deathmatch Extravaganza. And if that's what you signed on for, my friend, the door is that way. This game is meant to be hard, gruelling, and upsetting. As the saying which is a lot older than me goes: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.Yes and no, rocket never intended the game to be a pure PvP game, rocket intended the game to be 50% PvP, 50% ACTUAL surviving. ACTUAL surviving as in, looting buildings, trying to remotely avoid hostiles to not waste ammo, killing rage induced humans, and making a base and a community amongst the community already in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TehGoat 23 Posted January 23, 2014 You know what makes this game so fun? The fact that you run around for hours getting gear and can die and lose it all in 1 sec, that makes the pvp encounters so intense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blackredorangefire 2 Posted January 23, 2014 (edited) Hey guys, Just want to get your opinions on the subject at hand.We play computer games for fun if im not mistaken.. Group and team play can be very rewarding when it comes to computer games, the feeling of achievement once a task is accomplished with a a group of people can feel very epic indeed. I want to share a dayz story with you all and before you start throwing shoes at me and sharpening your hate forks please understand that this is not a QQ thread and it was not meant to be a discouraging thread in any case. anyways back to the story. 2 days ago i start playing as a fresh spawn. The session was some where around 6 hours which included: running to gear up from east spawn locations to the north west airfield. then meet with my friends at north west airfield (took them 40 minutes to get to me) and head down to ballota. when we got there eventually it was too late and i had to wrap things up. yesterday I spawn again with my friends and we go to the tall building complex to see if we can find some action.We position a sniper on one of the roofs and the rest spread in the town. after 2 hours of hopping full servers we havent found a single soul to save or kill. We then decide to head to cherno. In cherno we hop around 10 server on 30-35 pop and found no one either. the time is now 3:00 am and i have to wake up in 6 hours for work. I decide to lead the squad of 4 people to electro and DC there. on our way there a wonderful thing happens We hear a crack pop snapple sound and one of my friend says he is dead.we take cover in the trees and try to spot the sniper. Being the sounds of sniper fire in this game are lower then the sound of M4 we have a hard time to see or hear where the sniper was shooting from.3 more shots fired, he misses. I finaly spot him far far away in the trees and take a shot at him, obviously missing him and he run a bit farther up the trees. 20 minutes later we still try and spot him we hear another shot, I see him again and run for line of sight to take a shot at him. The sound of crack pop spik sounds in my headphones and a message "you are dead" on a black screen finishes my 12 hours journey in dayz. So lets take a look at my game experience shall we? we had around 4 hours of holding the W key and running this wonderful hike simulator 2014.we have around 1 hours total of eating and drinking.we had around 2 hours of waiting for friends to get to me.we had about 30 minutes of server hopping down time due to no loot or server change cause of lag.we had about 2 hours of laying and crouching on rooftops looking for interactions with none existing players on full pop servers.we also had about 2 hours looting empty towns for food and water.finaly we had about 30 minutes of pvp which resolved in re setting all of our hard work and putting us back where we started, north east with a flashlight. Now this got me thinking, is this really worth my time? I mean i spent 12 hours on a journey that 99% of was spent on looking for loot eating waiting and running just so i can have some action for 30 minutes and then do it all over again?is this what the gaming community calls fun these days or am i not getting some thing? I see great potential in this game but the concept of surviving is a lie. If you want to survive just sit in the woods on empty server and no body will touch you ever. In my opinion the game is about PVP and those who say different kid them self. Its all about killing bandits or killing everybody on sight and if thats the case which it is no matter what any one says why is it so frustrating and hard to respawn and gear to rejoin your team members in combat? The answer from most players would be "you are playing the wrong game" and they will probably be right because this is not my cup of tea at all. But some elements of this game are so attractive to me that im willing to close my eyes on the bad things in this game and just fool my self into loving this game. Last night my eyes were opened once again and the question WHY was repeating in my head.. why should I do it all over again and waste another evening on preparing my char for the next days adventure that might end in a fire fight of 1-30 minutes.. I wont even mention how many times Iv tried to be "friendly" with some one and got shot in the face the minute the heard my voice on local coms. I will probably stop playing this game from a logical point of view. Life is short and if we are going to spend hours of it in a virtual game they better be worth it. I expect to have 80% fun and 20% work in any game and so far dayz provides 80% work and 20% fun and 19% of the fun is talking to my group member on teamspeak :/ Those who read till the end of the thread are my heroes and I thank you for the interest. Please leave comments and try to avoid telling me how retarded I am for saying negative stuff about dayz. Im just a gamer with a thought on his mind.I actually love the way you state it and in every way, you're correct. I can't bitch and complain enough how disappointed I am in this recent patch. I'm not going to even bother getting on. It's really "fucked up" that you guys decided to lower body cleaning to 10 minutes, making it sooooo much harder for the players. I've said it couple times, and I'll say it again. This game has tons of bugs that will cause you to die and lose all your shit. It ain't fun being pushed off or falling off a ladder while climbing it. There are, of course, many of these bugs going on than just a simple ladder climbing. You know what? I was upset about the roll-back, but it's not like I've never died and have to loot again and take up like 3 - 6 hours just to loot back up. Honestly, the game was very fun. Has potential in evolving, but seriously, today is not the day for me. Everything seems almost twice as hard. Don't get me wrong, I love to loot, but when I loot, I like to keep it till I die fair and square, which means not from bugs, but from actual gameplay. Change before everyone starts calling this a lame game. It has happened and it will happen. Infestation is an example. Don't walk on the same road. Please don't make me regret purchasing this game. Edited January 23, 2014 by Blackredorangefire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blackredorangefire 2 Posted January 23, 2014 (edited) Delete this. Edited January 23, 2014 by Blackredorangefire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lady Kyrah 1110 Posted January 23, 2014 Hello there I want a procedural map, or the map to be in "chunks" and randomly thrown together (with rules to stop insanity). Just my pipe dream though. Rgds LoKSame, to me one of the big issues of DayZ is the metagame that result from a static map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites