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Bought DayZ SA today. This is my opinion after 10 hours.

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Well overall the game is great. (For an Alpha) Few bugs here and there like when i put TTsKO pants on my legs go invisible, but I always say to myself and my friends,"It's just an Alpha." The only complaint I actually care about is the motherf***ing stupid jacka** people who KOS/RDM!!! WTF is up with this! I know I sound like I'm raging, and that's because I am. Seriously. All 5 times I've been killed I clearly said through game VOICE chat multiple times, "I AM FRIENDLY, DON'T SHOOT!," then the motherfucker guns me down. 2 times out of 5 I wasn't even wearing anything but underwear. The other 3 I was fully geared. Luckily my friend killed all 3 guys when i was fully geared and I ran my ass off to get my stuff back. This is a serious problem with the players of this game. Make server that require working mics or something. Please post you ideas on how this should be resolved. If this isn't resolved somehow I have just wasted $30 on a game, not because it's a bad game, but because every player is a FUCKING SON OF A BITCH ASSHOLE MOTHERFUCKER!!! :P

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Thats not game mechanics related. It's the people. Go on a private server or something. 

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Just because you're friendly doesn't mean the other guy is. Never call out to someone unless you have the tactical advantage.


Body parts becoming invisible is a common bug when picking up clothing from dead bodies. For some reason they like to attach themselves to your feet leaving the section of your body that they're supposed to occupy invisible. Simple using 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. to move and item to your hands fixes it.

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10 hours? After 10 hours I was the one KoSing.

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Well overall the game is great. (For an Alpha) Few bugs here and there like when i put TTsKO pants on my legs go invisible, but I always say to myself and my friends,"It's just an Alpha." The only complaint I actually care about is the motherf***ing stupid jacka** people who KOS/RDM!!! WTF is up with this! I know I sound like I'm raging, and that's because I am. Seriously. All 5 times I've been killed I clearly said through game VOICE chat multiple times, "I AM FRIENDLY, DON'T SHOOT!," then the motherfucker guns me down. 2 times out of 5 I wasn't even wearing anything but underwear. The other 3 I was fully geared. Luckily my friend killed all 3 guys when i was fully geared and I ran my ass off to get my stuff back. This is a serious problem with the players of this game. Make server that require working mics or something. Please post you ideas on how this should be resolved. If this isn't resolved somehow I have just wasted $30 on a game, not because it's a bad game, but because every player is a FUCKING SON OF A BITCH ASSHOLE MOTHERFUCKER!!! :P

Most of those kids who shoot fresh spawns do have a mic, they're just too scared to talk, because who wants to hear a 13 year old kid with a voice crack? Correct. Nobody does. And they know it. So they just keep quiet, shoot you & push their tiny ego, and probably their tiny penor. You have to live with being shot when you're geared, that's normal. You're a possible threat from pretty much any distance, so most of the people will shoot on sight. I don't do that, but many do.Just one tip - Don't run straight to an armed player & shout "FRIENDLY", that's suicide in most of the cases. Sneak up to him, hide, and tell him to lower his weapon or he's dead in no time. If he doesn't lower it, shoot him. If he lowers it - Your choice.

So yeah, welcome to DayZ. Home of little kids who got beaten by their parents, bandits, and also many nice people. You just gotta find them.

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OP, I think it might have been a good idea for you to read the forums a little before jumping into the game. That way you might've gone in a little better prepared. The atmosphere now is HOSTILE. It may always be hostile. Don't waste any energy on goodwill towards men. I don't.

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Thats not game mechanics related. It's the people. Go on a private server or something. 

If there is such thing as private servers please tell me more.

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If this isn't resolved somehow I have just wasted $30 on a game, not because it's a bad game, but because every player is a FUCKING SON OF A BITCH ASSHOLE MOTHERFUCKER!!! :P


Someone got killed in a video game...News at 11.

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Wait...people suck?

Its not that people suck... They just get bored and/or want more excitement and/or don't know how to immerse themselves in the game very well and focus on combat. But the KOS and the all out battles aren't going anywhere and they will never make any sense unless they apply a label to people that KOS, such as rogue military.

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When you run alone and yell "FRIENDLY" 99% of everybody you encounter are gonna think you are a teenage troll, looking to shoot them in the neck.
Theres no trust in a game, where its so easy to fuck with other people :)


The only way to change this, is to the change the mentality of the player behind the screen, which is impossible tbh.

A good place for you to start, would be to find a group of people on the forums here, and group up with them, and all of a sudden you are gonna enjoy DayZ so much more, coz lets face it, its not really that awsome running alone atm :)

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No pants = something wrong with you, KoS

Also when you meet somebody try something more creative then crying out FRIENDLYY DONNT SHOOT, into microphone, my encounters were 9 of 10 always friendly , probably i am playing another game

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It's a dog eat dog world out there. Sometimes you're the Poodle, sometimes your the Rottweiler.


If you can't cut it you will surely die...over and over and over and over and over and over.


Which dog are you?

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When you run alone and yell "FRIENDLY" 99% of everybody you encounter are gonna think you are a teenage troll, looking to shoot them in the neck.

Theres no trust in a game, where its so easy to fuck with other people :)


The only way to change this, is to the change the mentality of the player behind the screen, which is impossible tbh.

A good place for you to start, would be to find a group of people on the forums here, and group up with them, and all of a sudden you are gonna enjoy DayZ so much more, coz lets face it, its not really that awsome running alone atm :)


If someone ran at me yelling "FRIENDLY!" then I would want them around anyway because they're likely to get us both killed by doing the same thing as soon as we run into someone else...

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Well overall the game is great. (For an Alpha) Few bugs here and there like when i put TTsKO pants on my legs go invisible, but I always say to myself and my friends,"It's just an Alpha." The only complaint I actually care about is the motherf***ing stupid jacka** people who KOS/RDM!!! WTF is up with this! I know I sound like I'm raging, and that's because I am. Seriously. All 5 times I've been killed I clearly said through game VOICE chat multiple times, "I AM FRIENDLY, DON'T SHOOT!," then the motherfucker guns me down. 2 times out of 5 I wasn't even wearing anything but underwear. The other 3 I was fully geared. Luckily my friend killed all 3 guys when i was fully geared and I ran my ass off to get my stuff back. This is a serious problem with the players of this game. Make server that require working mics or something. Please post you ideas on how this should be resolved. If this isn't resolved somehow I have just wasted $30 on a game, not because it's a bad game, but because every player is a FUCKING SON OF A BITCH ASSHOLE MOTHERFUCKER!!! :P


Yep 95% of players KOS.


Welcome to the Walking Starving KOS Deathmatch with Perma Death Simulator!  Super fun right?



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I prefer "The hiking survival KOS Rage on Forum simulator!"

Edited by StreetsForRent

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I hear there's no kos in Mario karts.


Thats a lie. Mario Kart = KoS (but no Permadeath). And if you have red or spike shell it its even KwS!

Hm...except for bananas. But they are non-KoS in DayZ as well. (really. sometimes i run around with one in my hand and go "pewpew!" Doesn't Kill on Sight or without sight at all ;))


Ah don't wanna type i just copy my words from another thread (because 1S1K-Airborne did the exact same thing) :


There is no right or wrong way to play DayZ - that's what makes it so great. It's strange to say that, but if everybody would play like me - trying to help others, only shooting back when attacked or in danger -the game would lose a lot.

Without KoS-players, robbing bandits, sadistic torturers, squads who capture other players and force them to fight to their deaths, Wiggle-cultists, Frenchkillers, fully armed but pantless riddlemasters and even Freshspawn-killers the game wouldn't be so tense.


And 90% of my encounters were friendly (and not ONE of them a freshspawn)...maybe because I  believe meanwhile that the most dangerous player on every server I am, is one of my buddies... (like I told here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/166404-my-friend-the-psycho/ )

Edited by LaughingJack

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You guys are complaining about people who KOS? Heh, My problem is the fresh spawns you offer a soda and they POS.

Edited by Treyshark

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dude i have 40 hours in and yes you get killed once in a while, its the nature of ppl, in the end we are violent, even I sometimes want to go out there and KoS but not noobs or bambies, it takes no skill to kill another player without any gear, i only do battle at NWAF and NEAF and sometimes SWAF, but SWAF is usually full new players trying to gear up so they can start adventuring so i stay away from SWAF. You can rage all you want at this point as there isn't much to do besides get gear, die, repeat. So my suggestion is go out there and make the best of the situation at hand, im sure thats gonna die down once more things are added to occupy your time.  

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At OP. Yeah man. Don't yell out, "Friendly!". Be more real about it... I don't know how to describe how to do this, exactly.. but I have met many a friendly.. or at least not a KOS player by saying things along the lines of, "That's a sweet fucking clown mask, man! Hey, have you seen a water pump around here?!" I mean... That is a statement likely to get you killed, lol. But, in this scenario, you are establishing, one,  confidence in yourself... or at least establishing that you have no fear of death (Or dispersal of your pixeled avatar back into random 0's and 1's) and 2, that you have a goal that does not involve killing other players. Maybe this will help or maybe this will get you killed more... who knows

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Well overall the game is great. (For an Alpha) Few bugs here and there like when i put TTsKO pants on my legs go invisible, but I always say to myself and my friends,"It's just an Alpha." The only complaint I actually care about is the motherf***ing stupid jacka** people who KOS/RDM!!! WTF is up with this! I know I sound like I'm raging, and that's because I am. Seriously. All 5 times I've been killed I clearly said through game VOICE chat multiple times, "I AM FRIENDLY, DON'T SHOOT!," then the motherfucker guns me down. 2 times out of 5 I wasn't even wearing anything but underwear. The other 3 I was fully geared. Luckily my friend killed all 3 guys when i was fully geared and I ran my ass off to get my stuff back. This is a serious problem with the players of this game. Make server that require working mics or something. Please post you ideas on how this should be resolved. If this isn't resolved somehow I have just wasted $30 on a game, not because it's a bad game, but because every player is a FUCKING SON OF A BITCH ASSHOLE MOTHERFUCKER!!! :P


Read this that I posted the other day...




I was in Gvozdno looking for supplies. I headed there rather than the usual hot-spots to stay away from trouble. I was looking for medical supplies, food and water. I had a magnum, fully loaded, but did not want to use it, so was in my backpack hidden away. I also carry a fire axe for dealing with Z'eds.

Then he appeared. I shouted "friendly, I am looking for supplies, not trouble." He swung out an M4, aimed it at me, but he did not fire! A few seconds passed. Maybe he had no ammo and was bluffing?

He told me to get on my knees and and throw all my stuff to the floor, then back away. I told him I was a medic and looking for stuff to help people, maybe he was in need of help day and would need us medics. He took no notice and moved closer, he was about 4 feet away by now.

He then shouted to get on my knees or die.


Then something kicked-in, in my head.

I thought "BOLLOX" I ain't come this far to be robbed by anyone, and leveled my Magnum at his chest, and let rip until it was empty. He lay there motionless, the life sucked out of him.

This was it, this was the moment I killed my first player, and was torn between guilt and elation. I checked his stuff, and I was right, he had no ammo for his M4.


I took nothing from him, I just walked away to carry on looting, never looking back at the life I just took.


I didn't want to kill him, or anyone. I want to be a medic and help people, but at the moment that is nigh on impossible! Things may change. I will still be a medic, but believe me, my Magnum is never too far away from my right hand ;)

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Wait...people suck?



Is there a way i can give more then one can of beans to this post?

:beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:

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