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Experimental Branch: Starving dead!

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So excited as i was I started my Streaming programs and joining the new DAYZ servers(with quite abit of luck i might add), So far i have only been running, from city to city, only to find... Nothing!

Well.... i did find alot of open doors, and another player in the pitch black dark of the night....

Yet my journey through Tulga, Msta, Staroye, Shakhovka and Guglov, only led me to pass out of starvation, And eventually die... sad sad sad... now im left to deside wether to keep spamming the Respawn(witch im sad hasnt been fixed) or to disconnect and try to spam-connect one of the servers along with a few million other hopefull survivers...


Good luck to you all out there... The whole east side of the map has been sweeped... :(




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just join a low populated server and loot whatever u find

The experimental servers are all completely full.

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just join a low populated server and loot whatever u find

Hahahaha... good one mate. good one indeed..

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just join a low populated server and loot whatever u find

Uhm, dude, ALL of the updated exp branch servers are full.

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How do you even update to experimental branch? My steam application settings show no beta program listed.

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did you find any berries to pick ?? when it goes stable i am heading bush straight away to try survive off berries and pond water lol..

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Good luck to you all out there... The whole east side of the map has been sweeped... :(



Welcome to the Post-Apocolyptic world... 'And the living shall envy the dead!'


PS: The current dev branch shows much more clearly the DayZ survival game as it was sold to us! Brilliant!

Edited by DJPorterNZ

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I gotta say the limited server means people are actually playing the game and not just staying on the coast i went to tulga, msta, staroye, dolina then up to the factory and just quit after looting polana 3 of them i ran into other players and all of them were already picked clean and i got in straight away as soon as the patch went live.

What i'm saying is no one want's to leave or risk server hopping so they're actually playing ... solution for combat logging and server hoppers right here just have less servers than the player base haha :P Note: i am joking ... sort of haha

Edited by twingunz
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Have any of you encountered these "Five new zombie soldier types"

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Have any of you encountered these "Five new zombie soldier types"

Yeah i am so happy they managed to get your entire ugly family in there.

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Yeah i am so happy they managed to get your entire ugly family in there.

 I best run to the nearest sink!


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And this is why patience pays off.


Everybody wants to try the new patch, everyone updates to the experimental branch all on the same day. Nobody has any fun cause the servers are full and the loot is gone.


Meanwhile, I sit and wait for the patch to be released across all servers, happily I might add.

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