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About easytohate

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  1. easytohate

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Found 3561 7.62 in one stack, how is it even possible? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197980382977/screenshots/ So this guy was flying up on rooftops.. bet he felt like a real man. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=300884927
  2. easytohate

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    OMG, experimantal has been unplayable for a week now, due to no loot spawning, and now they pushed it to stable! i thought the experimental servers was there to find big bugs, before they pushed them to stable.
  3. Do you want to have bulletproof windows?
  4. Haha!! Yeah, to bad you can only load one rount in the chamber now :) wich makes it useless... good luck with dat
  5. easytohate

    Hackers on dayz believe it or not!

    Yes cheaters is definetly here.. I've found 2 guys in the church of elektro, found 4-5 piles of Fully opgraded M4 lying in a big circle http://www.twitch.tv/easytohate/c/3804925
  6. Yeah... If you could just turn the servers to daytime, that would be great.. ive played for one hour now, its 2 Pm. playing on "local" exp servers... pitch black.. tho the Zds dont care if its dark, they are gonna chase you like there was 4000w spotlight pointed at you.. Whats the deal here? darkness/nighttime is a gamebreaking feature at this point... and why is it allready pitchblack at 5pm server time ? if you want night time implementet in the game, make it a less that 12 hours real time... i mean... the servers are allmost empty. all of them... Would love to give you guys feedback, but so far i can only tell you about a jurney with a flashlight, and no loot what so ever.. well... ive found a booney, tho it couldnt be picked up.. i made my final stand after getting bleeding for the 3rd time after bumping into Zds, trying to fist fight a Zombie, in total darkness...
  7. Wow. I just found the shotgun, and i had a painted mosin (Painted mosin is bugged by the way, it can now only hold one bullit, so dont paint it) luckily when you make it a sawn off, it can fit in your bagpack :) Stream = http://www.twitch.tv/easytohate/c/3592755
  8. easytohate

    Experimental Branch: Starving dead!

    Holy shit, im in! time to starve!
  9. easytohate

    Experimental Branch: Starving dead!

    Hahahaha... good one mate. good one indeed..
  10. So excited as i was I started my Streaming programs and joining the new DAYZ servers(with quite abit of luck i might add), So far i have only been running, from city to city, only to find... Nothing! Well.... i did find alot of open doors, and another player in the pitch black dark of the night.... Yet my journey through Tulga, Msta, Staroye, Shakhovka and Guglov, only led me to pass out of starvation, And eventually die... sad sad sad... now im left to deside wether to keep spamming the Respawn(witch im sad hasnt been fixed) or to disconnect and try to spam-connect one of the servers along with a few million other hopefull survivers... Good luck to you all out there... The whole east side of the map has been sweeped... :( Twitch.tv/EasyToHate
  11. easytohate

    iZurvive - DayZ Standalone Map

    I like this app, and payed my way out of ads, cheap in my oppinion. But. I want to know the grid size. Is it 100 per square? Grid is useless, with no referance...