ElemenoP 60 Posted June 23, 2012 Seriously?I understand that this game is "hardcore"I get that zombies are supposed to be deadly.But what the fuck.Seriously, what the fuck.I just lost a ton of shit because a zombie literally instagibbed me from full health. I hadn't even been damaged before, but he managed to break my legs and knock me out for so long I bled out in one swipe. (After I put 2 m1911 rounds in his chest, but w/e)Zombies should NOT be able to five finger death punch me when I'm at full health.Broken legs and knockouts should depend on more than just bullshit dice rolls. Honestly, idk why zombies can even break them at all. You can't punch a person's shin in half, idgaf how strong you are. IMO broken legs should be reserved to gunshots to the legs and fall damage, but either way zombies rolling a six and fracturing my femur needs to fucking go./salty Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bo0G 7 Posted June 23, 2012 It's for added immersion. Now when you see a crawler, there is a good chance that it's actually a player! SCAAARY Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xianyu 820 Posted June 23, 2012 Yeah, I concur. I got a random broken leg from a zombie hit to my face. Oh, after he lunged a good five metres, too.Love it so much.but, inb4 useless pricks saying 'carebear'I think maybe they should break bones. but not this goddamn often. And bleeding every second time one of these limp wristed little bitches slaps me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Syntraxx 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Yeah, it's pretty BS. Happened to me a few times but what's really annoying is bleeding status being applied nearly every first hit. IMO just buff up the damage some more, and have the RNG for status effect on about the third hit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JProphet 0 Posted June 23, 2012 i agree, broken bones and knockouts are happening too often and most of the time at full HP. maybe make it less likely for it to happen at high blood count and more likely with lower?or consider adding "splints" to the loot table that are fairly common unlike morphine which you are almost required to go to a hospital to find. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shinrea 0 Posted June 23, 2012 I agree with this, I was fighting a horde of zombies when all of a sudden, broken leg. Proneing around for some morphine is ridiculus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stubbies 67 Posted June 23, 2012 Seriously?I understand that this game is "hardcore"I get that zombies are supposed to be deadly.But what the fuck.Seriously' date=' what the fuck.I just lost a ton of shit because a zombie literally instagibbed me from full health. I hadn't even been damaged before, but he managed to break my legs and knock me out for so long I bled out in one swipe. (After I put 2 m1911 rounds in his chest, but w/e)Zombies should NOT be able to five finger death punch me when I'm at full health.Broken legs and knockouts should depend on more than just bullshit dice rolls. Honestly, idk why zombies can even break them at all. You can't punch a person's shin in half, idgaf how strong you are. IMO broken legs should be reserved to gunshots to the legs and fall damage, but either way zombies rolling a six and fracturing my femur needs to fucking go./salty[/quote']I used to think this but then I realized something, infected blood raging apex predator hits you at full strength. They are juiced up on a virus.Easily can kill you with one hit to a vital area and yes, they could break your leg. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ALPHATT (DayZ) 0 Posted June 23, 2012 It's a game though, and it's enraging as hell. There are mechanics that are just too hardcore, and can knock you down even if you spent weeks building an advantage. There's hardcore and then there's spitting in my face for any effort made whatsoever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shinrea 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Let me put it into context, I got knocked from 12k blood to 9k and broke a leg, I then spent the next 2 hours proning to a hospital, arrived, fixed my leg got some supplies and moved on, the next zombie that hit me, broke my leg, knocked me unconscious and started to eat me. I later then died.2 hrs wasted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HellSnake 26 Posted June 23, 2012 I already posted this in the 1.7.2 discussion thread, but as a suggestion I was going to start a new thread here, then I remembered that I should use the search function, so here I am.I'm totally with you. It's ridiculous that you can be at 10.000 (12000 in your case) blood and be even killed because of one single zombie hit.Right now (I just died this way) the thing goes like this: you've got 9800 blood, a zombie sees you: no problem, you get up, remember your fleeing route, and start ru... oh, wait, it hit you and you get broken bones and start bleeding. Then you aggro more zombies by shooting (because you can't flee to a safe location) and they get you unconscious and start to eat you.Zombie Ultra Combo = Flawless zombie victory.I'm not saying the broken bones features should be removed, or the game dumbed down, but zombies should only be able to break your legs when you are surrounded by several of them, or when the same zombie has hit you several times in a row. In short, when you're getting a beating.Tweak the following numbers as you will:Maybe the chance of getting broken legs should be 0% until you get hit by zombies 4 consecutive times (by the same or different zeds), and then start going 5% up by additional hit until a maximum of whatever percent (50?). When you have not been hit for 10 minutes, or maybe when you heal by eating or getting a transfusion, that chance resets.In short, aggroing a single zombie shouldn't mean the player's death, or his inability to stand up, but being surrounded, or letting the same zombie beat you repeatedly, should.I really like all the changes up to this moment that make the game more difficult: nerfed starting equipment, zombie perception (although there are still some bugs to be refined, like zombies hitting through walls). So don't call me a whiner, but I think the rate of broken bones is unfair. Specially when taking into account the lack of morphine.I hope we can keep the "L2P" and "go back to CoD" comments to a minimum :-P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Fever 7 Posted June 23, 2012 Yeah, I can get behind the heavy damage, knockout and bleeding, they kinda make sense. The zombies are ripping and biting at you with hands and teeth. But the zombies should not be able to break your legs so easily, if at all. Legs are the biggest strongest bones in the body, much stronger than hands and teeth. Seems to me that leg breaks should only happen from falling off terrain, which I do plenty of already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bumble - RMG MEDIC! 14 Posted June 23, 2012 Agreed. This 1 hit = broken leg is BS, especially with zombies being the speed hacking, wall hacking, noclippers that they are. Is morphine found in only 3 spots on the entire map? I've been stuck in Zeleno for over a day checking the same grocery store on every server and found zero morphine injects. I like the suggestions so far for putting this back into balance. What if only the crawlers' and hoppers' attacks could break legs if you are standing? Zeds should also disarm you occasionally too. break an arm bone instead. zombies need a move where they grab you, and you have to melee them or they bite you until you do so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sqpantz 0 Posted June 23, 2012 +1 I have to say it's happening way too much to me now. With the increased abilities of the zeds, lack of morphine and being forced into close quarters combat using the hatchet, the broken leg or KO = game over now.The first four weeks of playing had a much different feel for me. I am lately finding myself pissed at the game after one of these episodes and discouraged instead of eager to re-spawn and get started on a new adventure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghostinthenight 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Broken bones need to be massively nerfed in general.Oh, I got pushed in a house? Broken bone. Hit in the face? Broken bone. Step off a curb? Broken bone.Combine that with morphine being rarer then the tears of chuck norris himself and you've got yourself one of the worst gameplay mechanics ever.And fuck everyone who says its realistic, its completely bullshit. The femur is the strongest bone in your body and takes a lot of effort to actually break it, I refuse to believe any dead body can do it with one hit, being knocked over could do it, or falling down a 3-4 foot gap. Hell, I doubt that even if gnawing on the bare bone a zombie could actually break it.Unless we're all 80 years old or have brittle bone disease our legs need to stay the fuck in tact.If people were this frail IRL we would have died off a thousand years ago when you still had to hunt your own food. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
legendary_strawberry 0 Posted June 23, 2012 I some what agree if zombies are gonna hit this hard there should be no blood loss, what happened to me was that i was hit 1 time and i say again 1 time and i inta lost 11k health and had bleeding on me, even with my friend patching me up right away i still died.... Like i understand they hit hard and yes i belive they should break bones but bleeding has to be dealt with, 100 bleed dmg a second is stupid! People break bones all the time unless the bone splinters and breaks and stuff you are hardly bleeding at all and will not die from this!!!! same goes for normal hits! bleeding should be 50-60 blood a second i think would be plenty!!!!! if your running form zeds it could possibly take 10 -20 seconds loosing them. If you lost 60 blood a sec for 20 seconds thats already 1200 blood loss, plus bandage time so your looking at what 1300-1400 blood just for one hit!! by a zombie really?Broken bones need to be massively nerfed in general.Oh' date=' I got pushed in a house? Broken bone. Hit in the face? Broken bone. Step off a curb? Broken bone.Combine that with morphine being rarer then the tears of chuck norris himself and you've got yourself one of the worst gameplay mechanics ever.And fuck everyone who says its realistic, its completely bullshit. The femur is the strongest bone in your body and takes a lot of effort to actually break it, I refuse to believe any dead body can do it with one hit, being knocked over could do it, or falling down a 3-4 foot gap. Hell, I doubt that even if gnawing on the bare bone a zombie could actually break it.Unless we're all 80 years old or have brittle bone disease our legs need to stay the fuck in tact.If people were this frail IRL we would have died off a thousand years ago when you still had to hunt your own food.[/quote']"Combine that with morphine being rarer then the tears of chuck norris himself" THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE READ IN MY LIFE cuddos!!! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Osiris1 0 Posted June 23, 2012 "OMG IT MUST BE REAL THO"Until headshots instant-kill, wounds to the chest prevent movement and a broken leg prevents all sprinting for a period of several real-life months, realism won't truly be in a fantasy game.That being said, since realism can't genuinely be achieved to the level certain wannabe elitists want it to be, let's not have zombies insta-kill you. And if you are going to let zombies insta-kill you, at least make it more bearable and give us a single health point, this way it's less ridiculous than losing several gallons of blood from being roid-slapped. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bungles 1 Posted June 23, 2012 Seriously?I understand that this game is "hardcore"I get that zombies are supposed to be deadly.But what the fuck.Seriously' date=' what the fuck.I just lost a ton of shit because a zombie literally instagibbed me from full health. I hadn't even been damaged before, but he managed to break my legs and knock me out for so long I bled out in one swipe. (After I put 2 m1911 rounds in his chest, but w/e)Zombies should NOT be able to five finger death punch me when I'm at full health.Broken legs and knockouts should depend on more than just bullshit dice rolls. Honestly, idk why zombies can even break them at all. You can't punch a person's shin in half, idgaf how strong you are. IMO broken legs should be reserved to gunshots to the legs and fall damage, but either way zombies rolling a six and fracturing my femur needs to fucking go./salty[/quote']I completely agree! I actually like the idea of broken bones being due to falling/gunshots vs zombo swipe. The zombos have brass knuckle wolverine blade hands of doom. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
herd 69 Posted June 23, 2012 Broken legs from zombies is retarded. Bleeding has to be nerfed too. You should only bleed if loosing too much blood, i.e. 3k. The lower you HP is, the severe the bleedig.For example:If your HP drops below 9k - minor bleedingbelow 6k - medium bleedingbelow 3k - major bleedingThe first four weeks of playing had a much different feel for me. I am lately finding myself pissed at the game after one of these episodes and discouraged instead of eager to re-spawn and get started on a new adventure.Oh man, exactly what I feeling right now. Play for hours getting loot, then 1 hit of a zombie with a broken legs and no morphine = GG.I had even worse experience today. I had full gear with a rifle with 4 clips and a pistol with 5 clips. I was proning on the ground and got a broken leg out of the thin air. Just like that. Remove the stupid broken leg, because its glitchy and bugged. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted June 23, 2012 Pffft.It bites. But that is the problem when lone wolfing. It is a lot less likely for two people to be knocked down then one. The more injured you are the more likely for a Z 'critical hit'.I fully support the mechanics! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
herd 69 Posted June 23, 2012 Pffft.It bites. But that is the problem when lone wolfing. It is a lot less likely for two people to be knocked down then one. The more injured you are the more likely for a Z 'critical hit'.I fully support the mechanics!*facepalm* 1 hit brakes your leg is what you like? So sad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Playvertical 3 Posted June 24, 2012 bump this. haha.just made it to the NW airfield after an hour of running, and looted the whole area after killing 2 players. Accidently ran around a corner too fast and aggroed a single zombie. let him chase me out into the middle of the airfield so I could put 2 rounds in him without aggroing more. I turn around and shoot once, he hits me, breaks a bone and I pass out. This occurs at 11156.34 health. He proceeds to eat me while I'm passed out and bleeding. 11156.34 health gone and the pass out bar hadn't even gotten past 3/4 of the way done...rather enraging. So bump. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
herd 69 Posted June 24, 2012 Yes, passing out should be nerfed / removed until fixed. I can deal with no loot, I can deal with bandits. I cant not fucking deal with broken overpowered zombies killing your with 1 hit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SystemiK 366 Posted June 24, 2012 It's a game though' date=' and it's enraging as hell. There's hardcore and then there's spitting in my face for any effort made whatsoever.[/quote']Yup, thats Rocket's mod. Perhaps you were looking for a different mod....maybe it's over there >>>>>>>>>> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mads (DayZ) 0 Posted June 24, 2012 I definately agree. Zombies sometimes killing you in 1-2 hits whilst they can teleport and wallhack. Yeah that's not cool at all.And I totally agree with the breaked leg as well. One of my friends was walking down the stairs in an apartment - broken leg, climbed over a fence, broken leg, slapped in the face, broken leg.It's an awesome feature if you fall down from a height or get shot in the leg. But not when you take a step down 1/2 meter or get hit in the torso by a zombie.Especially not when morphine is only spawning 3 places on the map + rarely at military Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 24, 2012 I don't see what the problem is. It's supposed to be hard, take more time to survey the area and be stealthy. If aggro can mean death, don;t aggro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites