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How seriously do you take your gameplay?

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I was having this discussion with my brother and our good friend..we all LOVE DayZ and have played the SA for quite some hours. As of now we're all pretty geared and usually hunt people or try to add to our food stock. My friend and I are a little more experienced in Day Z and employ full military tactics. We Crouch walk in, around, and out of cities. We always walk tree lines if possible.  We clear rooms one at a time, breach in and out of buildings each with our assigned corners. We watch stairs and doorways while the other loots, etc.


My brother plays with us and has quickly picked up on our methods, but says we're taking it too seriously. I couldnt help but agree to an extent, as sneaking around is draining at times, but it has saved our assess more than once.  Don't get me wrong, Im not writing this to let you know of SUPERBADASS we are, but im actually curious to see how many of you play this way. Do you clear buildings/watch stairs? Do you just run around and if you see someone then you turn into seal team six? Do you just haul ass and ignore other players? Post it here

Edited by KnightFall1856

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Not very. I kinda like to be immersed but only on 1pp servers. on 3pp servers I just dick around and deathmatch, handcuff people, etc

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Why wouldn't you take it seriously? Just because it's a game doesn't mean you should dick around all the time. Yeah have fun, but if it helps you survive better then take it as seriously as you want. Sure it has no impact on real life but neither does any other form of entertainment. People take music and art seriously, why not this?

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First off, if your brother is younger he only experienced "fun shooter games". Hes not used to a tactical approch but as you said he adapts. IMOH you can only be good at this if you "take it serious". Did you allways help him to get gear ? If so...Strip him naked and send him North. He will change his stance on that stuff rather fast.


If iam alone i useally come from the Woods and only check the buildings i KNOW that have stuff i might want. If with People or a Group i tend to stay a bit back and have overwatch, covering them.


I found that People comming from games like redorchestra and the like have it easy to adapt. Another friend of mine is just too impatient and allways want to go back to "the Action". ;)

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i'm not taking this game very seriously atm. later on if i try to break my own surviving record in the final game, yeah i would sneak very carefully to places and take my time.

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It depends.  When im playing with my aquad we all take it pretty seriously using different tactics and i have a blast playing like that.  But if im playing by myself i just derp around usually doing whatever.  

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I spend a fair amount of time gathering my chars gear, so even when I'm lone wolfing I do my best to not die. If that's being too serious, then you can call me too serious. 


but idk, i think if i took it any less seriously i'd probably have to spend all my time running to electro. Which I don't like, so...yeah. 


Derping around is fine if that's what you wanna do, but I've got other games where it's less of a hassle to do so, so I don't really bother in Dayz. 

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I only get serious after I have geared up.

honestly, when it comes to this alpha, it's like mosin = fully geared.

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honestly, when it comes to this alpha, it's like mosin = fully geared.


Ehhh Ill disagree there. Sure its a firearm, but compass, a nice backpack, can opener, med supplies...not to mention ammunition. 

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It depends. But since DayZ is very good at creating player investment, once I get geared up a bit, I get pretty seriuos about survival. Then I get bored, talk to the wrong people, and get shot :). 

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I only get serious after I have geared up.


Pretty much the same.  Though it is always a gradual growth in seriousness.


honestly, when it comes to this alpha, it's like mosin = fully geared.


That is until the Mosin is almost as much a death sentence, as the Lee Enfield was.


You don't need a weapon at all to deal with zombies.  Just punch them to death.

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I do it like OP, if I'm in an military area... but in small villages, the chance to have anyone around is just too low, so that I just stay in cover as much as possible, but don't clear every single room like some specopsdude :P. 


There is something between serious and SERIOUS. 

Go watch some Arma-Clan-Missions and you'll know what I mean. Because in them, it could happen, that you don't move for a few hours. Just like in real life.


So for me: I don't want to take it as serious like real life, but I wan't to take it as a serious GAME ;)

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I don't take most games seriously at all but DayZ brings out my inner /k/ommando. Things just move a lot more quickly and simply when your group understands a certain way of speaking and a certain pattern of behaviour, my current group of friends is not at this point yet but the guys I ran with in DayZ mod didn't require much communication at all when we were getting shit done.


It almost feels like telepathy when everyone you're with knows exactly what their job is, and you can give them all the required information with one or two words.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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That is until the Mosin is almost as much a death sentence, as the Lee Enfield was.


You don't need a weapon at all to deal with zombies.  Just punch them to death.

i know. as far as i know, all firearms are for PvP only. zombies are 0 threat.

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We tend to jog about Elektro until we see or hear someone and then we start getting tactical, while we aren't in combat mode we tend to just run about and we pretty much never sneak.

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i know. as far as i know, all firearms are for PvP only. zombies are 0 threat.

Thought I was the only one who realized this.

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I take it very seriously


When i play i have a frown of utter concentration and seriousness.


I shut my girlfriend in a soundproof room, turn off my mobile phone and make sure i sit on a non-creaking chair so that i hear no sounds other than those from the game.


I have my monitor so close so it is all i see, including in my peripheral vision.


In my voice you can hear the utter seriousness of which i add to my life in this game, if you have me at gunpoint you will hear me cry for my life and beg for mercy. 

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I take it very seriously


When i play i have a frown of utter concentration and seriousness.


I shut my girlfriend in a soundproof room, turn off my mobile phone and make sure i sit on a non-creaking chair so that i hear no sounds other than those from the game.


I have my monitor so close so it is all i see, including in my peripheral vision.


In my voice you can hear the utter seriousness of which i add to my life in this game, if you have me at gunpoint you will hear me cry for my life and beg for mercy. 

the only proper way.


don't forget to wear your DayZ-ushanka.

Edited by komadose

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A lot less serious then some of the others on here I'm noticing...it is a game after all.


I like the different levels of seriousness tho, makes for a very fun experience, especially when you kill someone who has been stalking you for 20 min. and thinks you don't see him.



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Why wouldn't you take it seriously? Just because it's a game doesn't mean you should dick around all the time. Yeah have fun, but if it helps you survive better then take it as seriously as you want. Sure it has no impact on real life but neither does any other form of entertainment. People take music and art seriously, why not this?

This.  Too bad nobody will listen.  My friends and I all got this game, and half of them were like me and immersing ourselves in the experience even with lack of features, the other half (people who play lots of LoL, CoD, etc) got impatient and decided to kill their kitten survivors and just go DM on the coast until an update drops.


Doesn't make sense to me.  But hey, whatever floats their boat I guess.  I just wish it didn't seem like 90% of the community here thought that way.  "Well, it's alpha and a lot isn't in the game yet so I'm just gonna DM and feed people bleach HURR HURR"

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"serious" is relative... but compared to BF4 or CoD, I take this shit as serious as life. In a typical FPS, you can fully expect to be shot at anywhere on the map, and know full well you will only have to wait 5 sec or so to respawn with a full kit.


In DayZ, you know you can be shot anywhere, anytime...but 230+sq.km. of looking over your shoulder makes for a LOT of tense gameplay, especially knowing that respawning requires hours to gear up again.

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Play only at late hours ( and to hell with alarm clock !!! ) when everything is quiet.

Turn off all lights, only monitor luminance allowed.

Use ultra HD sound immersion headphones. High volume. Only allowed to hear in-game sounds.

Use trackIR and 1stPP only. Day/night full cycles.

Use a Buttkicker setup ( seriously, do it ! )




suddenly the phone rings and in all seriousness you going to jump the feck off your chair.




joking aside, not everyday is the same. Some treks take time because we go along and explore the wilderness. Other days we just push hard to the objective. Everyday is serious fun, no seriously, so damn fun serious.

Edited by Hethwill_Khan
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when I am in game nothing else exist


life of my character is everything to me when I am in the game ;)


I do whatever is need to keep him safe and alive


I don't take stupid gamble risk if I don't need :huh:


I take time, I do full scout before enter city or town


because I play 3PP:OFF and turn gamma DOWN for night time this should explain how serious game is for me when I playing


is only game I playing where I treat everything like is real :thumbsup:  :)

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