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My entire group just died... and there weren't even bandits or zombies.

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So we were running along the coast, trying to find some new spawns to help gear up when we stopped to eat by a gas station.  All was fine and dandy until I was experiencing a little bit of lag trying to pull my gun out.  Somehow I accidentally shot my buddy in the foot with an m4.  Didn't kill him, but he freaked out and shot me in retaliation because he thought we were under attack.  Then in his dazed, black and white tantrum he took out my other buddy.  Hours worth of top notch gear that we just go travelling from NEAF to NWAF to the coast was gone.  And we did it to ourselves.  


Yeah, after getting back to the gear, and talking through it, we determined he shot us.  Wow.


You could say we are a talented bunch.  I like to think so. -__-

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So if you guys were ACTUALLY under attack, would the first thing your buddy does be to take out his/her gun and shoot you?




Seriously though that sucks, but hey I have the most fun in Day Z when I die and have to regear again.

Edited by Timecharge
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So if you guys were ACTUALLY under attack, would the first thing your buddy does be to take out his/her gun and shoot you?


I'll admit, I was trying to figure out what his thought process was for quite some time.  I was a little ways off from the other two when it went down, and he may have thought I was someone else.  But all together it was just a mighty clusterfuck.  Yippee.


On the plus side, it made for a great laugh.  After the butthurt went away.

Edited by RangerFire
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Yeah I have almost shot my friends a couple times (once on purpose) just because I didn't know who they were.


Everybody looks the same right now

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Fun in SA. Find a group with a large number of players, fire in the direction of said players, enjoy the blue on blue.

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             I just had a buddy kill me twice in 2 days. The first time we were setup outside of Kambi, me near the road, camoed w/ an M4. Him to the north on a rock /w a mosin as overwatch. We were just looking for player interaction, waiting for bambies coming out of town heading west. We enountered several and helped more than we killed. After awhile I encountered a player that seemed to know the game well and tried to get him to add me to his friends list. During this interaction we started getting hit with M4 fire heavily. I yelled at the Bambies to get into town and into cover. As we all took off for town I pulled up in a bush to try to cover their retreat and get eyes on the player that was shooting. Apparently after the first shots my buddy started scoping west where the shots came from and didn't see me pull up in the bush. Assuming I had run into town ahead of the bambies instead of stopping short to cover them, he shot me right in the head, 1 shot for a perfect kill thinking i was the player that had been firing on me. I wasn't mad, as stated, everyone looks the same. The great part was watching him sweat for over an hour trying to guard my body while I fresh spawned and tried to haul ass back to my gear. Needless to say due to server instability and connection issues I never did make it back to myself. The entertainment value of those 2 hours is nearly priceless. I would say nearly every human response to stimuli was triggered in thoses 2 hours of gameplay. Sidenote: We were on a LAN, playing side by side.

Edited by SuPaFuNk

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Hahaha, once you lose sight of the others in your group, it's a straight no-win situation! I recall on one occasion during an ambush, my group was so concerned trying to avoid friendly fire that we'd try to IFF every target before we pulled the trigger... "Red backpack, brown pants, aviators-- friendly? FRIENDLY?!" ... Sadly, it meant that we were so hesitant to take the shot that when it WAS a bandit, they got off the first salvo, and we summarily died. Of course, if we HADN'T been so careful, every shot would have landed on a friendly! 


Damned if you do, damned if you don't, right? :P

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Hahaha, once you lose sight of the others in your group, it's a straight no-win situation!


Thats why my group wears yellow raincoats. ^_^ Nobody but us are dumb enough to do so.

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I was in a situation where me and three other guys were in a firehall and we met a few other guys... one of them started attacking their friend and one guy in my group opened fire because he thought the other dude was going on a rampage.  So we're all there, with weapons drawn, not knowing what the hell just happened and why people were dead - it was tense.  I loved it.  

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Sometimes if you minimize the game with a weapon raised it starts firing on its own, until you press the fire button to reset it. It wastes a lot of my ammo

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Everybody looks the same right now

That's because you all go with the same setup of all TTsKO, ballistic helmet and gas mask. See if you can add uniqueness to your mates so you can distinguish yourselves. I have the TTsKO setup with ballistic helmet, but I don't have a gas mask (Because I don't like it and a part of it clips through the helmet). I just have designer glasses on the face and since I'm a lone wolf, I don't try to distinguish myself too much. 

Edited by AntonioAJC
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Somethng similar happened to us in the mod once.


There were  5 of us in a car and when we stopped one guy tabbed out to look at the online map


Thing is.......it told you who killed who on the server


So it went something like


Regulator 1 killed Regulator 2

Regulator 1 killed Regulator 3

Regulator 1 killed Regulator 4

Regulator 5 killed Regulator 1 (thinking he was a bandit)



So his mk48 mod 0 went off and .......only I survived the burning wreckage and I shot the guy thinking it was a bandit and then heard laughter from another player nearby who then shot me in the back with a pistol and killed me

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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Thats why my group wears yellow raincoats. ^_^ Nobody but us are dumb enough to do so.


Yeah I typically wear Red Helmet + Red backpack and black clothing because I like to play in dawn/dusk times when I can and I find that greyish is hard to see.  And I can't stand the all camo look that everyone uses.  I guess it just wasn't enough!

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My group of five got their asses kicked by Rify, the abandoned freighter north of Berezino.


Ledges super hard mode.

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Reminds me of one time in the mod, me and a friend were logging on one day, on a night time server, I logged in prone in one of those little industrial buildings with doors on opposite sides of a small room, I heard foot steps behind me so I turned around and got killed....turns out it was my friend, he just walks into the building and sees some guy point a gun at him and well, things happened.


Ahhh.. good times

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Somethng similar happened to us in the mod once.


There were  5 of us in a car and when we stopped one guy tabbed out to look at the online map


Thing is.......it told you who killed who on the server


So it went something like


Regulator 1 killed Regulator 2

Regulator 1 killed Regulator 3

Regulator 1 killed Regulator 4

Regulator 5 killed Regulator 1 (thinking he was a bandit)



So his mk48 mod 0 went off and .......only I survived the burning wreckage and I shot the guy thinking it was a bandit and then heard laughter from another player nearby who then shot me in the back with a pistol and killed me

Hit Esc THEN tab out if holding a firearm or it will ND when you tab back in.

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I noticed a pattern here.


OP had a bad luck = lots of beans

OP ruined someone else's day = no beans

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I noticed a pattern here.


OP had a bad luck = lots of beans

OP ruined someone else's day = no beans


So by your logic, you play DayZ to get 'beans' in the DayZ forums?


Good luck with that. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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I got done by Rify and the apartments in Berezino today. Most notorious bandits out there.

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Hit Esc THEN tab out if holding a firearm or it will ND when you tab back in.

Yeah it was in the early dayz of the mod, like a year ago now, he just forgot to do that

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