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So i just went on a Rampage...

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I've been alive since the 17th on the same character.

Im at about 23 kills, 2 instances of a 1v5 bandit crew, and a streamer or two.

Alot of randoms, a few ambushes and a few players who would rather (try to) KOS then converse.

Met some others, had conversations went our own ways, given meds/ food.


I've been playing this game like a nomad, easily just spent a week up in the far far north; pretty awesome terrain.

Not much up there tho; had a entire packback of food a water...which is almost empty, so I guess will be coming back down from the hills.

I've seen just about 85% of the map at this point.

All of that was just walking too, not sprinting, jogging, just walking...


When you slow down and just look at the world around you; i find you apprecaite what the developers where going for tenfold.



p.s. We need hunting/cooking...


I've walked many times too. In a game where there's no end in sight, it's just survive as much as you can, where's the rush to get places. My friend and I never use a car and nothing is that far away. We do usually run from place to place but when I'm on my own I'll often walk and you're right, when you really take a look at the map you appreciate the work that went into it - you actually feel like you're walking in something real.

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You mean "Newspawns Killed: 4,232"

...must be hard.


Indeed. The massive newspawn killing suddenly makes sense: These kids are in a hi-score competition!

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Waited at one of the airfields for like 2 hours, waiting for someone to come along and start looting the buildings. Saw a dude, stalked him, Waited for him to go into one of the barracks, then slipped into the last barracks building and umped him. Got quite a bit of very nice loot off him :D


and thats only the second person i've killed. Idk why but I get such an adrenaline rush and my heart starts pounding when im about to kill someone or am in danger in this game. I freaking love it! I think its the fact that I know its either sink or swim, and only one of us is going home with the prize :P

Edited by DeatHTaX

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and thats only the second person i've killed. Idk why but I get such an adrenaline rush and my heart starts pounding when im about to kill someone or am in danger in this game. I freaking love it! I think its the fact that I know its either sink or swim, and only one of us is going home with the prize :P


Same here! ;)

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My highest was with m4 being flanked from 2 sides and the kill count was 5 before i got taken out. Overall fight lasted 20sec max from first shoot fired. Very good experience - sadly  my position was in dead zone of my sniping/scout buddy once the firefight started. Very good CQC experience. 

Edited by sYs

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so I had about 40 rounds of 7.62x54r and a PUI scope and went on a mission.  took out about 7 people, including some dude with an axe that kept following me. was  hoping to get some bandits but the only two I saw instantly combat logged once I opened fire.  


What's the most kills you've had in one life in dayz SA?


Gamed crashed and decided to call it night.

I killed 7 players in 20 mins just by laying prone in 3rd person on top of the firestation at NWAF....then I laughed out loud and changed server to hardcore

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I've been alive since the 17th on the same character.

Im at about 23 kills, 2 instances of a 1v5 bandit crew, and a streamer or two.

Alot of randoms, a few ambushes and a few players who would rather (try to) KOS then converse.

Met some others, had conversations went our own ways, given meds/ food.


I've been playing this game like a nomad, easily just spent a week up in the far far north; pretty awesome terrain.

Not much up there tho; had a entire packback of food a water...which is almost empty, so I guess will be coming back down from the hills.

I've seen just about 85% of the map at this point.

All of that was just walking too, not sprinting, jogging, just walking...


When you slow down and just look at the world around you; i find you apprecaite what the developers where going for tenfold.



p.s. We need hunting/cooking...

DingDingDingDing, We have a winner!


If I could hug you, I would.


If I could buy you a beer and a nice "Working" lady in-game....I would.


If I could join you in sniffing illegal substances off of said "Working" woman's buttocks...







I would.

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Waited at one of the airfields for like 2 hours, waiting for someone to come along and start looting the buildings. Saw a dude, stalked him, Waited for him to go into one of the barracks, then slipped into the last barracks building and umped him. Got quite a bit of very nice loot off him :D


and thats only the second person i've killed. Idk why but I get such an adrenaline rush and my heart starts pounding when im about to kill someone or am in danger in this game. I freaking love it! I think its the fact that I know its either sink or swim, and only one of us is going home with the prize :P

And you ruined that guys day.

Say hallo, check if he is friendly, if not, kill him. Don't just walk around killing people.

It takes no skill whatsoever to sit in a location and wait for a guy to come by, and then backstab him.


If he was a serverhopper, the story is quite different though..

Still, KOS is for pussies.

Edited by Cydone

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I have killed a couple of people, not very many though. I have been able to meet and not be killed by people...once (last night on a dark server). I have been killed on sight...Gazillion Times.


Went over to the mod version:


Met 5 people, been kos, zero times. Helped people with zombies, 4 times and hitched a ride with one person all the way until they hit a road block and killed us both haha.

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check the site and youll see that Im on there too and catching the leader

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I was running with some mates in the trees when both of my mates went down, both dead. I had only a fire axe so I sprinted in the opposite direction. Mosin shots rang out all around me as I sprinted through the forest. After five minutes of running, the shots had stopped and I was hiding in an evergreen. Suddenly, 4 bandits run by, all with their Mosins out. Unfortunately for them, their buddy had started desyncing and he was a little behind. For whatever reason, they carried on through the forest while the other player sat there, crouched by a tree.


I flanked around him and chopped the back of his skull open. I looted everything on him and took all of his clothing so I would look like him. I pulled out my new Mosin and ran after my attackers. I ran up behind them and typed "I fight... for my friends!" and then take out three of them. There's one person left and he is behind a skinny tree. I tell him he can surrender if he wants. He pops his head out, Mosin up and I blow it straight off.

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I'm currently #1 on the global leaderboards at DayZGameStats for kills.  My profile is featured on the front page.  ;)

That site, the current featured profile is just wow. Take a look at this:


Kills: 4,492

Newspawns Killed: 4,232


That's just sad, nearly all kills from new spawns. More on topic, the most I've killed in one life is probably close to 10.

Edited by Foxhunt

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About 8. 7 fresh spawns accompanied by person with gear and a Mosin. I first took out the guy with the Mosin because I wanted his gear, then proceeded to kill the fresh spawns that had their fists up and charged towards me and the others that were trying to loot the Mosin guy's dead body. All of that with an M4 on semi-auto. Lost 50 bullets out of my 60 round magazine on those guys. The guy with the gear didn't have any worthwhile loot :(

Edited by AntonioAJC

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That site, the current featured profile is just wow. Take a look at this:


Kills: 4,492

Newspawns Killed: 4,232


That's just sad, nearly all kills from new spawns. More on topic, the most I've killed in one life is probably close to 10.


Read up, he just said how it was a joke,,,, /o\

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I just had a good double murder situation unfold. I was traveling towards the factories on the outskirts of Vybor because I needed some water and a new Mosin due to my painted one being only able to shoot one round at a time. I found a new Mosin and re-attached my scope and bi-pod. I grabbed a drink or thirty from the fountain before climbing the ladder to the big factory.


I normally lay up there momentarily scoping across the paddock between me and the Military Base. I remained there for a few minutes and didn't see anything and so decided to go back down. I then went over to near the garages and noticed that the doors had been opened. I figured that someone had been through there before and could still be around. I decided to get even higher and climb the tall tower.


About a minute later I observed two players crouched moving in front of the garages. I remained out of view, crouched on the tower whilst watching them head over to the fountain. Both players then moved off and one climbed the factory building that I had just been on while the other looted another building to the left. I watched the player on top the factory for a few seconds as he attempted to find the ladder back down (which can be a real bitch) This gave me plenty of time to slam a couple of 7.62 into him in which I did. There's a tree that partially blocks some of the view and the player fell behind it. I shot one more round through the tree into him to confirm he was dead.


I then realised I only had two rounds in the Mosin and decided to eject those for 5 fresh ones. Once loaded I looked down to the left and seen immediately, the other player attempting to hide behind part of the building. At this point, I was unsure if he knew his mate had been shot but I assumed he would have probably been on team speak as he sprinted off towards the factory. I took two shots and missed using a Pristine PU scope set at a 100m. I realised this player must now know that his mate lay dead on the roof top of the factory because he too decided to go up there. As he ran over to his dead mate. I shot two rounds into him dropping him beside his pal. I quickly changed to my long distance scope in the hope to see through the obstructing tree and it worked. I could see both players laying face down beside each other with blood teaming from them. I took another shot into one of them before sitting and waiting for a minute or two in case a third player presented himself.


A short time later, I was satisfied it was just the two players in the vicinity and so I decided to go loot them. I got up there and took two cans of baked beans because I love them more than any other food!!! They're gold to me!. I noted that one player had a shotgun and stacks of ammo but decided to leave it, for I'm the Vybor Sniper and using such a thing would not be right. 


First up. I was not going to touch these guys at all but they did not leave soon enough for my liking and I was kind of pinned up the tower with nowhere to go if they had of spotted me. Not only that, they were both separating and moving fast in different directions, making it hard to keep constant visual contact on them. I took the chance to drop the first guy when he was stuffing about looking for the ladder. It was an opportunity and something I took as I did not trust these two at all. No time for direct chat, I did not want to make friends. This encounter made my night. I left the location and ate the baked beans in which tasted better for some reason, before scoping the NWAF for a bit. I then logged out for the night on a win. Love this game!!

Edited by Attackm0de

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Read up, he just said how it was a joke,,,, /o\

oh haha, whoosh, went right over my head. That's what happens when you skip through a thread, I'll read more next time. :(

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I shot a server hopping bastard with blue dark jeans and a M4 with all attachments with my Mosin. He was on the railway tracks, I went prone and took aim.

Another guy in a barn, when I heard him I just peeked around the corner and shot him in the head with a FNX.


The final one was a double murder in Elektro. I shot at the guy I flanked, he and his friend took cover in the same building I was in, floor below me. I thought he knew I was up there and waited for him to come through, but then I took my magnum and caught them both off guard in a hallway. I shot them both from point blank range. (I died moments later because I climbed down a ladder while being too close to the edge)

v6H7Mi0.jpg :( (I also emptied the rounds out of the 7.62mm round)


                                    Are you really bragging about killing people that had no way of fighting back.  The first ones you killed were fine but the last ones were just you feeling like murdering some people THAT HAD NO WAY TO FIGHT BACK.  Seriously one had nothing but a wooden board!  

Edited by harley001

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