andrestor 78 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) EDIT: Ehrmahgerd just noticed theres a thread just like this one from an hour back, merge if you want How on earth can someone KO someone in one single punch, and more if the other guy has a helmet, be it combat or motorbike?Even if it were two naked guys punching, for it to be a KO, the dude has to be very strong/specialized in unarmed combat, be punching for a long time. As far as it would seem, using your fists should be a last resort for all cases (players and zombies). (In fact punching is more effective against people than zombies...) Thoughts? INB4 OP got mugged. No I didn't. This would also discourage fresh spawns to kamikaze their way into geared players, reducing the distrust in them, and so the fresh spawn KoS rates, all in a positive feedback circle, IMO. Edited January 20, 2014 by Andrestor 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 125 Posted January 20, 2014 How on earth can someone KO someone in one single punch, and more if the other guy has a helmet, be it combat or motorbike?Even if it were two naked guys punching, for it to be a KO, the dude has to be very strong/specialized in unarmed combat, be punching for a long time. As far as it would seem, using your fists should be a last resort for all cases (players and zombies). (In fact punching is more effective against people than zombies...) Thoughts? INB4 OP got mugged. No I didn't. i've seen many people get knocked out cold, snoring in one punch... Cry moar bro its a game, and there are much more important things that need to be addressed than this. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andrestor 78 Posted January 20, 2014 i've seen many people get knocked out cold, snoring in one punch... Cry moar bro its a game, and there are much more important things that need to be addressed than this. Thx reminded me of an important point in OP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timecharge 28 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) If you got punched hard enough in the face 6 or 7 times irl you would probably be at least dazed if not unconcious. Edited January 20, 2014 by Timecharge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) tousand of ppl died irl just by one punch...and the "attackers" weren't that strong. Cerebral bleeding. Edited January 20, 2014 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andrestor 78 Posted January 20, 2014 tousand of ppl died irl just by one punch...and the "attackers" wasn't that strong. Does the fact that some people did mean that every time you punch someone he'll die/get KO'd? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lemed 9 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) How on earth can someone KO someone in one single punch As my sensei said: - The opponent can be big. But in the face, we are all equal, punch the face! Edited January 20, 2014 by lemed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) Does the fact that some people did mean that every time you punch someone he'll die/get KO'd?nah, thought the question was just bout the possibilities, sry if i got this should be def. more random - you'r right - probably just buggy atm Edited January 20, 2014 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfsburg62 66 Posted January 20, 2014 Maybe it needs to be nerfed a little. It's annoying now that a lot of new players are gunning for you. But I will say......Oh let me tell you. I punched this guy TO DEATH once for his gear. He said he was hungry and I told him I'd give him some beans. Last mistake he ever made, I hit him once he fell down, he went to get back up, but I just kept punching. I had him cornered. He could do nothing. His head recoiled and bounced around with each hit. I continued to punch and punch and punch until he died. It was the single most primal moment of DayZ for me. MUAHAHAHAHA But yeah. Nerf that shit. In real life nobody is going to gun at you with fists if you have an axe, or a shovel, or anything, it just aint happening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheCourierVX 40 Posted January 20, 2014 actually already ko someone with one punch in real life... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andrestor 78 Posted January 20, 2014 actually already ko someone with one punch in real life... Again an exceptionBut as h0nkX says, yeah, it could be randomized Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninjacalypse 551 Posted January 20, 2014 How on earth can someone KO someone in one single punch, and more if the other guy has a helmet, be it combat or motorbike?Even if it were two naked guys punching, for it to be a KO, the dude has to be very strong/specialized in unarmed combat, be punching for a long time. As far as it would seem, using your fists should be a last resort for all cases (players and zombies). (In fact punching is more effective against people than zombies...) I've never seen a full health, geared player knocked out by a single punch, knocked down at best and rarely at that. INB4 OP got mugged. No I didn't. Did too. :P ^^ It might be more convincing if you made a video to demonstrate how OP a player with fists is when they're "kamikaze-ing their way into geared players" as you put it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andrestor 78 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) I've never seen a full health, geared player knocked out by a single punch, knocked down at best and rarely at that. It might be more convincing if you made a video to demonstrate how OP a player with fists is when they're "kamikaze-ing their way into geared players" as you put it.For 1 hit KO: He was down enough time to get robbed For kamikaze fresh spawns... Check DayZ Forums, seriously, there are whole bunch of threads about people hating on freshspawns because they rush geared players and they have nothing to lose. Edited January 20, 2014 by Andrestor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted January 20, 2014 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninjacalypse 551 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) For 1 hit KO: He was down enough time to get robbed For kamikaze fresh spawns... Check DayZ Forums, seriously, there are whole bunch of threads about people hating on freshspawns because they rush geared players and they have nothing to lose. The guy in that video clearly punched the other guy TWICE and he immediately got up after being knocked down...not out. So I'm pretty sure my point still stands. That guy also had a clear shot at him and while the "freshspawn" ran around, the geared player stood in the exact same spot not even moving and allowed himself to be flanked like an idiot. Clearly he got what he deserved. DayZ isn't in the business of powdering bottoms. If anything that video illustrates why you should be able to knock people down and gank them. Edited January 20, 2014 by NeedsFoodBadly 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) Maybe it needs to be nerfed a little. It's annoying now that a lot of new players are gunning for you. But I will say......Oh let me tell you. I punched this guy TO DEATH once for his gear. He said he was hungry and I told him I'd give him some beans. Last mistake he ever made, I hit him once he fell down, he went to get back up, but I just kept punching. I had him cornered. He could do nothing. His head recoiled and bounced around with each hit. I continued to punch and punch and punch until he died. It was the single most primal moment of DayZ for me. MUAHAHAHAHA But yeah. Nerf that shit. In real life nobody is going to gun at you with fists if you have an axe, or a shovel, or anything, it just aint happening. perhaps in real life they wouldnt ya know fear of death but you start down the real life path so many things hit the wouldnt happen mark lol .... It is very easy in real life to 1 hit ko people sorry thats just a fact you let someone get a shot on ya chin hard as you may think you are your either 1 going nighty night 2 going down dazed but not fully out (hence can be punched again till you are out 3 stagering back again to be able to be punched ( ya know boxers train to not get hit or roll with the hit to lessen blows etc etc. A balistic helmut as in game doesnt stop you from being hit on the chin sorry wearing 1 wont stop you getting knocked out a bike helmut should and all the testing i have done it seems to work well against punches as it should. They dont need to nerf punching at all not one little bit lol maybe refine the process and at best add some sort of blocking animation ( which wouldnt be easy. There are plenty of records of armed assialiantes being handled disarmed by un armed people sorry it happens in real life but yes not everyone is chuck norris difference is again no real fear of death in game you just re spawn lol . Stop letting yourself in a situation where you can be punched real life armed robbers bandits etc dont usually allow some one to get right up in there face perhaps apply some real life methods to prevent this aye. AH real life vs a game its argument can be used both ways........ Edited January 20, 2014 by SoulFirez 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) What? Unarmed combat does not need to be nerfed. If you hate getting knocked out by unarmed players, don't get so close and let them knock you out? It's simple. Let unarmed players defend themselves if someone is dumb enough to get close to someone who has nothing to lose. Not everyone in this game sprints instantly after respawning to go to the nearest military base. Some people like to play the game as intended and that may involve needing to fight off zombies with your fists before you get a melee weapon. Do not nerf unarmed melee just because you people feel the need to pvp at the coast near unarmed fresh spawns all day. My 2 cents. Edited January 20, 2014 by Mdogg2005 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irenicus (DayZ) 289 Posted January 20, 2014 Here in Australia, on New Years eve, a guy was punched once, knocked out, remained in a coma for a week then died. No nerfing needed 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 122 Posted January 20, 2014 Agreed. Whilst it's possible to go KO in one punch, it definitely shouldn't be a 100% chance thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
morrow 19 Posted January 20, 2014 EDIT: Ehrmahgerd just noticed theres a thread just like this one from an hour back, merge if you want How on earth can someone KO someone in one single punch, and more if the other guy has a helmet, be it combat or motorbike?Even if it were two naked guys punching, for it to be a KO, the dude has to be very strong/specialized in unarmed combat, be punching for a long time. As far as it would seem, using your fists should be a last resort for all cases (players and zombies). (In fact punching is more effective against people than zombies...) Thoughts? INB4 OP got mugged. No I didn't. This would also discourage fresh spawns to kamikaze their way into geared players, reducing the distrust in them, and so the fresh spawn KoS rates, all in a positive feedback circle, IMO.Beans for the sig 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lDeel 26 Posted January 20, 2014 Fists dont need to be nerfed. Just melee weapons like Baseball Bat and Shovel needs to be more powerful. ;) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hikurac 115 Posted January 20, 2014 EDIT: Ehrmahgerd just noticed theres a thread just like this one from an hour back, merge if you want How on earth can someone KO someone in one single punch, and more if the other guy has a helmet, be it combat or motorbike?Even if it were two naked guys punching, for it to be a KO, the dude has to be very strong/specialized in unarmed combat, be punching for a long time. As far as it would seem, using your fists should be a last resort for all cases (players and zombies). (In fact punching is more effective against people than zombies...) Thoughts? INB4 OP got mugged. No I didn't. This would also discourage fresh spawns to kamikaze their way into geared players, reducing the distrust in them, and so the fresh spawn KoS rates, all in a positive feedback circle, IMO. lol Keep in mind they are wearing gloves too. As for helmets it would be very easy to KO someone in a combat helmet from the front, however I do believe the motorbike helmet should be borderline immune. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gekkonidae 270 Posted January 20, 2014 It's already been said, but: 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sir Digby Chicken Caesar 23 Posted January 20, 2014 i have been KO'd many times IRL, so i can confirm its realistic and not OP at all :thumbsup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted January 20, 2014 How on earth can someone KO someone in one single punch Google "one punch knockout" and find out for yourself after like 5 hours of viewing clips of people doing exactly that. I realize decades of playing video games where you have "HP" makes us want to believe humans are more durable and resilient than they are, but we're actually just big fleshy bags of water. And our brains absolutely *hate* being bopped around inside our skulls. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites