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Turn up those min system specs

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Finally got all the stuff installed, and then I loaded up the mod and my frame rate came to about 8.. so, I've turned everything down, currently in 640 * 480 * 32 screen resolution and something * 240 (the lowest) 3d model resolution.. and EVERYTHING on the lowest... geting like.. 16 fps.. hell yeah!


AMD Phenom 9500 Quad-Core Processor 2.20 GHz

3GB of ram

nvidia geforce 8400

like... 45gb of space left after everything is installed.. am I just being a retard or is this better than the min specs? (not massively technical)..


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Did you update the drivers? lol


Looked into it a little more. Apparently windows 7 causes some lag within the game

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hmm, something seems off here. you should be getting better fps, and i don't think windows 7 is solely to blame

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That Video card is really holding you back, 8400 is one of the worse for the 8xxx series.


not everyone has the time and money to spend on brand new PC parts every few months. So go faux yourselves (ALL OF YA.)

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Mmm don't think you'll get amazing performance no matter what, but there's a few tricks to eke a little more out.

antialiasing and post processing can both be disabled. Shadows too if necessary.

Playing with the other video settings can give interesting results (couple of lads reported frame rate DROP on lower settings if you can believe that).

In addition if you go to Documents\ArmA2 and open up the cfg files (use notepad or notepad++ or something), change the value GPU_MaxFramesAhead='x' to something much lower than 1000 lol. Try 3 or whatever the GPU_DetectedFramesAhead value is.

That's about all I can think of really.

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The new patch is causing lag for sure.

My specs are:

AMD Athlon dual core 2.1ghz

5gigs ram

ATI Radeon HD 5600 graphics card

Windows Vista

I can run the graphical settings on max with this setup. Before I ran perfectly smooth, now I get chop every 10 seconds.

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I'm having similar problems with DayZ apparently it started with the 1.7x patch and they are working on it.

If your system can run ARMA 2 CO ok then hopefully when a new patch comes out you'll be able to play.

I've spent several hours today applying various tweaks and managed to eventually get 20 fps but do yourself a favor and wait for the patch to come out. Looking at Rockets twitter and previous release dates shouldnt be more than a couple of days.

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AMD Phenom™ 9500 Quad-Core Processor 2.20 GHz

thats probably the worst quadcore processor ever created. lags even @ l4d2 / lowest (I know it from a mate). sorry but true. that proc sux.

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Rocket mentioned in another thread that setting the options to lowest puts all the load on the CPU, which tends to be the biggest bottleneck for Arma 2's massive landscapes.

Try setting some of the settings to Normal as see if it improves things.

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while I'm here, any thoughts on the AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition? I'm thinking of using it for my next build (hopefully in 2 or so weeks). That paired with a GeForce GTX560 video card.

thanks guys

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C2D E6600 @ 3GHz

4GB DDR2 RAM @ 888 MHz

GeForce 7300GT 128MB VRAM @ 840x525 px (50% of native 1680x1050px)

>> 8-11 avg FPS ftw (but i can get 40 fps by looking straight to the sky :D )

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Thanks for all the feedback, though, I think I might just need a new computer... I'm literally running this in cornflake mode.. 640 * 480 resolution and 320 * 240 3d model, I tried putting things to low, then normal and the framerate dropped considerably.. Time for a new computer me thinks... I might build one for like.. £1300 (2000$)

any spec advice? - I know this forum isn't really for that... sorry if that's off topic..

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