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Should I get Arma 2 expansions?

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So I heard things like new/better textures and such if you get the expanions. Is it worth it? What do you get in DayZ? Does it lag more?

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No it doesn't lag more, and if you can afford them, why not ? Textures will look way better :)

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The game can actually look very nice and a lot of people are missing out on it - it doesn't change anything about your DayZ experience other than the texturequality, though - if you don't have the money for it or you don't care - don't get it. But judge yourself:


  • Heroskin:





  • Camo Skin:





  • Ghilliesuit:



Edited by kichilron
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The game can actually look very nice and a lot of people are missing out on it - it doesn't change anything about your DayZ experience other than the texturequality, though - if you don't have the money for it or you don't care - don't get it. But judge yourself:



Thank you MrHibbles

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Thank you MrHibbles


You know nothing.  :ph34r:

Edited by kichilron
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You know nothing.  :ph34r:


Question : Does that mean that you don't have hero/ghillie skinns when you don't have the expansions? I always had all the arma2 content, so I never saw the difference

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Hello there


You will have the skins/meshes but the skins are at an ultra low resolution.


Dont forget that the expansions come with Arma mini campaigns missions etc, theyre alot of bang for your buck armawise.





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Question : Does that mean that you don't have hero/ghillie skinns when you don't have the expansions? I always had all the arma2 content, so I never saw the difference



No, of course not - just as orlok explained, you have about 3 pixels clumbing together to form your skin. ;)


Direct comparison from 2 of my screenshots:


​Awful textures:




PMC textures:



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So extra player textures. Is that all you get for the expansions in DayZ?

If not, what all do you get? (Besides Arma game content)

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